


Computer Terminology

Questions and answers about different terms related to computers, as well as computer language that is popularly used today.

500 Questions

Hertz can be described as what?

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Hertz is a unit of frequency measuring the number of cycles per second in a wave, commonly used to describe sound or electromagnetic waves.

Is 1 GB bigger than 256 MB and if so why does the 256 MB memory card cost more on Amazon?

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Yes, 1 GB is bigger in capacity than 256 MB. The cost of a 256 MB memory card on Amazon may be higher due to factors such as rarity, demand, brand, or specific features offered on that particular memory card.

How do you define the unit prefixes deci centi milli micro nano pico?

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Deci represents 1/10, centi is 1/100, milli is 1/1000, micro is 1/1,000,000, nano is 1/1,000,000,000, and pico is 1/1,000,000,000,000. These unit prefixes are used in the metric system to denote multiples or fractions of a base unit.

How do you define the unit prefixes Tera Giga Mega kilo hecto deca?

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Asked by Elosery

Tera represents 10^12, giga represents 10^9, mega represents 10^6, kilo represents 10^3, hecto represents 10^2, and deca represents 10. These prefixes are used to indicate multiples of 10 in the International System of Units (SI).

What is a mega earthquake?

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A mega earthquake is an extremely powerful earthquake, typically with a magnitude of 9.0 or higher on the Richter scale. These rare but catastrophic events can cause widespread destruction, tsunamis, and loss of life in the affected area.

What is the difference between operating environment and operating system?

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The operating system (OS) is the software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. It's the core software that manages the computer's resources and facilitates communication between hardware and software.

On the other hand, the operating environment refers to the entire context within which a computer system operates, including the hardware, software, users, and external factors like network connections and environmental conditions. While the OS is a crucial component of the operating environment, the environment encompasses a broader range of factors that influence the system's functioning.

What are non-Windows applications?

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Non-Windows applications refer to software programs or applications that are designed to run on operating systems other than Microsoft Windows. This includes applications developed for operating systems such as macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and other Unix-based systems. Non-Windows applications are tailored to the specific features and requirements of these operating systems, offering users a diverse range of choices beyond the Windows ecosystem.

Which option properly summarizes the inputs and outputs of the Calvin cycle?

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The Calvin cycle takes in carbon dioxide, ATP, and NADPH, and produces glucose. The cycle involves a series of reactions that convert carbon dioxide molecules into sugar molecules using the energy from ATP and NADPH.

What separates a workseet reference from a cell reference?

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A cell reference points to a specific cell in a spreadsheet using its row and column labels (ex: A1). A worksheet reference refers to a different worksheet within the same spreadsheet (ex: Sheet2!A1), allowing you to pull data from or perform calculations with cells in another sheet.

What does the greek word 'atmos' mean?

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The Greek word "atmos" means vapor or steam. It is commonly used in the term "atmosphere," which refers to the layers of gases surrounding a planet.

In metric system does MB equals MB?

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In the metric system, MB typically refers to megabytes. It is a unit of digital information storage equivalent to 1,000,000 bytes. It is different from MB, which refers to millibars, a unit of pressure equal to one thousandth of a bar.

Why must the slit width of a prism monochromator be varied to provide constant effective bandwidths but a nearly constant slit width provides cnstant bandwidth with a grating monochromator?

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In a prism monochromator, the spectral resolution is mainly determined by the slit width, which needs to be adjusted to maintain a constant effective bandwidth. This is because the dispersion characteristics of a prism are wavelength-dependent. In contrast, the resolving power of a grating monochromator is primarily determined by the grating groove spacing and doesn't vary with wavelength. Therefore, maintaining a nearly constant slit width in a grating monochromator will provide a nearly constant bandwidth.

What does giga hertz mean?

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Gigahertz (GHz) is a unit of frequency that represents one billion cycles per second. In computing, it is commonly used to measure the clock speed of a processor, indicating how many instructions it can execute per second. A higher gigahertz value generally means faster processing speeds.

Dogs can hear from what hertz to what hertz?

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Dogs can hear frequencies ranging from about 40 Hz to 60,000 Hz, whereas humans can hear from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. This extended range allows dogs to hear sounds at higher frequencies than humans.

How many gigabytes is there in one terabyte?

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Asked by Wiki User

1000 or 1024

When referring to ACTUAL SPACE on a storage device or in memory, each "unit" is 1024 of the previous unit.

1024 bytes = kilobyte

1024 kilobytes = megabyte

1024 megabytes = gigabyte

1024 gigabytes = terabyte


When selling storage devices (such as CDs or USB drives), the packaging will use a 1000 rule (same as above, but with 1000 instead of 1024), thus giving the appearance of having slightly more capacity. This is considered acceptable because in standard english, the prefixes kilo-, mega-, giga-, use the "1000 rule."

Computers use 1024 because it is the perfect power of 2 closest to 1000. Using a power of 2 is important because computers are binary (base 2) systems.

To help make this difference less ambiguous, a new set of prefixes was proposed to represent powers of 1024 (rather than 1000). They are kibi-, mebi-, gibi-, tebi-, etc.

Do hens hibonate?

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No, hens do not hibernate. They are active and seek food throughout the year.

Ernest Rutherford Did he become famous straightaway?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ernest Rutherford discovered that atoms have a very dense nucleus, which contains protons.

Rutherford eventually coined the terms for some of the most basic principles in the field: alpha, beta, and gamma rays, the proton, the neutron, half-life, and daughter atoms

he found that all known radioactive elements emit two kinds of radiation: positively and negatively charged, or alpha and beta. He showed that every radioactive element decreases in radioactivity over a unique and regular time, or half-life, ultimately becoming stable.

He discovered the atomic nucleus and developed a the atom that was similar to the solar system.

Rutherford's find came from a very strange experience. Everyone at that time imagined the atom as a "plum pudding." That is, it was roughly the same consistency throughout, with negatively-charged electrons scattered about in it like raisins in a pudding. As part of an experiment with x-rays in 1909, Rutherford was shooting a beam of alpha particles (or alpha rays, emitted by the radioactive element radium) at a sheet of gold foil only 1/3000 of an inch thick, and tracing the particles' paths. Most of the particles went right through the foil, which would be expected if the atoms in the gold were like a plum pudding. But every now and then, a particle bounced back as though it had hit something solid. After tracing many particles and examining the patterns, Rutherford deduced that the atom must have nearly all its mass, and positive charge, in a central nucleus about 10,000 times smaller than the atom itself. All of the negative charge was held in the electrons, which must orbit the dense nucleus like planets around the sun.

He was the New Zealand physicist who split the atom

From: Bradwell Institute Information

What are the advantages and disadvantages of OMR?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages:1.There is a large number of document to justify designing and printing them.2.The user can only make marks and cannot write any information.

Disadvantages:1.Document for mark reader are complicated to design.2.input of the data to computer is is difficult for a computer to check marked data.4.the person putting the marks on the document has to follow the instruction.

Difference between inverted lists and multi lists?

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Inverted lists store the occurrences of terms in documents, with each term associated with a list of document IDs where it appears, allowing for fast text search. On the other hand, multi-lists store multiple lists of related data, such as multiple linked lists or arrays, to represent complex relationships or structures in computer science applications. The key distinction is that inverted lists pertain to information retrieval and text search, while multi-lists are more general data structures used for various data organization purposes.

How many hertz are in a Playstation?

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PlayStation consoles typically have a refresh rate of 60 hertz, although some models may support higher refresh rates.

What factors determine the quality of soap?

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The quality of soap is determined by the ingredients used, ratio of fats to lye, curing time, scent, colorants, and additives like exfoliants or moisturizers. The method of production, such as hot process or cold process, can also affect the quality of the final soap product. Additionally, personal preferences and skin sensitivities play a role in determining the quality of soap for individual users.

How does MB compare to kb compare to gb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Quite simply, a kb is 1024 b (bits), a mb is 1024 kb, a gb is 1024 mb. You may have learned in school that kilo- means a thousand, and mega- means a million. This is basically true but needs further explanation.

When referencing data, a kilobit typically is 210 (two to the tenth power), a megabit is 220, and gigabit is 230, etc., etc... Now, mB or MB (notice the caps) means megabyte which is 8 megabits; every 8 bits equals 1 byte.

As far as megabytes go, 1024 bytes = 1 Kilobyte, 1024 KB = 1 MB, 1024 MB = 1 GB, etc.

One byte can typically refer to one typed character (ASCII text is represented by 7 bits) and one bit is only a single 1 or 0, the basis of digital information.

Do Uromastyx hibernate?

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Uromastyx do not hibernate, but they may become less active during periods of cooler weather. It is important to provide them with appropriate heat sources to keep them healthy during these times.

What is 6-x?

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6-x is a mathematical expression representing the result of subtracting x from 6.

What is a difference between broadband ISDN and narrowband ISDN?

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Here are some differences between broadband ISDN and narrowband ISDN:

1) Narrowband ISDN uses 64 kb/s channel, while broadband ISDN uses 100 mb/s channels.

2) Broadband uses call relay, while narrowband uses frame relay.

3) In narrowband, ISDN information carries narrow frequency, while in broadband, ISDN uses a wide band of frequency.