


High School

In some parts of the world, high school is the name given to a facility that provides secondary education.

500 Questions

How can you persuade your parents to let you go to Kenya on a school trip?

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You can persuade your parents by discussing the educational benefits of the trip, highlighting the safety measures in place, and showing responsibility by preparing a detailed itinerary and budget plan. Offer to keep in regular communication and assure them of your commitment to follow any guidelines set by the school.

What is meaning of academic performance in students?

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Academic performance refers to a student's ability to meet the educational goals established by an institution. It is typically measured by factors such as grades, test scores, and overall achievement in courses. Good academic performance often indicates understanding of material, mastery of skills, and dedication to learning.

Students study habits and their academic performance in biology?

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Students who develop consistent study habits, such as creating a study schedule, practicing active learning techniques, and seeking help when needed, tend to perform better in biology. Engaging in regular review of material, participating in group study sessions, and staying organized can also positively impact academic performance in the subject. Additionally, maintaining a balanced lifestyle that includes proper rest, nutrition, and exercise can contribute to overall success in biology.

Reasons for secondary school students poor performance in English language in Nigeria?

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Some reasons for poor performance by secondary school students in English language in Nigeria may include inadequate curriculum resources, lack of teacher training and motivation, limited access to technology for learning, and the use of outdated teaching methods that do not engage students effectively. Additionally, socioeconomic factors like poverty and lack of parental involvement in education can also contribute to poor performance in English language.

What does a Blank high school transcript form look like?

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A blank high school transcript form typically includes sections for personal information (name, birthdate, address), academic information (grades, courses taken, GPA), and extracurricular activities. It may also have space for a school seal and signature. Each school's form may vary slightly in format and design.

What should not be thrown into the sink in the laboratory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chemicals, solid waste, glassware, and any other hazardous materials should not be thrown into the sink in the laboratory. This can contaminate the water supply and pose a safety risk to laboratory personnel. Proper disposal procedures should be followed for these materials.

'Discuss the most common tasks a Laboratory Assistant and a Laboratory Technician perform in the school laboratory'?

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A Laboratory Assistant typically assists with preparing materials, setting up experiments, and cleaning equipment in a school laboratory. A Laboratory Technician usually performs more specialized tasks like conducting tests, analyzing data, and maintaining lab equipment in a school laboratory. Both roles play important roles in supporting the smooth operation of the lab and ensuring experiments can be carried out effectively.

What math classes in high school are required to be a psychiatrist?

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To become a psychiatrist, it is typically recommended to take math classes such as algebra, geometry, and statistics in high school. These courses provide a strong foundation for understanding data analysis and other mathematical concepts that are relevant to psychiatry.

Who was Robert J McKain you need information for a school assembly?

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Robert J. McKain was known for serving as an entrepreneur and philanthropist in the community. He played a significant role in supporting local education initiatives and was a respected figure in the business world. His contributions have left a lasting impact on the community.

What is a good high school level biology project?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good high school level biology project could be investigating the effects of different pH levels on plant growth, exploring the relationship between exercise and heart rate, or studying the impact of environmental factors on seed germination.

When is Central High School in Baton Rouge having their 1987 class reunion?

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I recommend reaching out to the school directly or checking their official website or social media pages for the most up-to-date information on the 1987 class reunion at Central High School in Baton Rouge. They will have the most accurate and current details regarding the event.

What CSI classes can i take at high school?

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Asked by Wiki User

You may be able to take classes in forensic science, criminal justice, or biology at your high school to gain an understanding of the principles involved in CSI work. Look for classes or extracurricular activities that focus on crime scene investigation or forensic techniques to enhance your skills and knowledge in this field. Consider reaching out to your school's guidance counselor or science department to inquire about available courses related to CSI.

What high classes should you take if you want to become a Equine vet?

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Asked by Wiki User

To become an equine vet, you should focus on taking high school classes in biology, chemistry, and math, as these are essential for medical studies. Additionally, classes in animal science, veterinary science, and anatomy can be beneficial for gaining a foundation in veterinary medicine. Pursuing extracurricular activities related to animals and volunteering at veterinary clinics can also help strengthen your application for veterinary school.

Why do schools require students to study biology if it is not their major?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studying biology helps students develop a basic understanding of living organisms, ecosystems, and essential scientific principles. It can also cultivate critical thinking skills and an appreciation for the natural world, which are valuable in many fields beyond biology.

What classes should you take in high school if you were planning to be a pharmacist?

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If you are planning to become a pharmacist, it is a good idea to take science classes such as biology, chemistry, and physics in high school. Math courses like algebra, trigonometry, and calculus will also be beneficial. Additionally, courses in English, communication, and computer science can help develop important skills for a career in pharmacy.

What classes in high school should you take to have a good resume for a forensics job such as crime scene investigation?

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Asked by Verc

To prepare for a career in forensics or crime scene investigation, consider taking classes in biology, chemistry, physics, and any forensic science courses that may be available. It can also be beneficial to take classes in math and English to help develop critical thinking and communication skills, which are important in this field. Additionally, any classes related to criminal justice or law enforcement may provide a relevant background for a career in forensics.

What causes a guy to be attracted to you and seem to be in the same places as you when his wife works for the same company but in a separate building?

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It is possible that the guy is attracted to you and is seeking opportunities to be around you. However, it is important to consider the ethical implications of engaging with a married person. It would be advisable to maintain appropriate boundaries and be cautious of the situation.

What high school courses do you need to take to become an audiologist?

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To become an audiologist, it is recommended to take courses in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and mathematics during high school. These subjects provide a strong foundation for pursuing a degree in audiology and understanding the scientific principles related to the field. Additionally, communication and language courses can also be beneficial for developing skills in working with patients.

Is Advanced Biology a recommended class to take in high school?

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Yes, Advanced Biology is a recommended class for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the life sciences, medicine, or related fields. It provides a deeper understanding of biological concepts and can better prepare students for college-level coursework.

How can you fight a ticket for 40 MPH in a 20 MPH school zone?

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To fight a ticket for speeding in a school zone, you can gather evidence to challenge the accuracy of the radar gun, prove a lack of signage indicating the school zone, or demonstrate that the speed limit was not properly enforced. Consulting with a traffic attorney can also provide you with guidance and increase your chances of successfully contesting the ticket.

What year would you graduate if you were born in 1956?

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In the United States, if you were typical and started first grade when you were 6 years old (in 1995), and went through all 12 grades in a normal fashion, then you would have graduated from high school in 2007.

School districts generally have birthday cutoff dates which could affect that. If the district says you have to be 6 years old by October 1 to enter first grade, and your birthday was November 30, then you wouldn't have started school until 1996 and high school graduation would have been 2008.

What is it like to be in high school Is it difficult mentally or academically Or both?

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Asked by Sophie Becker

Highschool doesnt have to be difficult! If you follow these steps it might help make your high school experience even easier: 1) Be positive. It can be terrifying going from middle school to a high school where seniors loom above you, and everything is just so unfamiliar. 2) Stay on top of homework. 3) Be organized. 4) Establish a good routine. 5) Don't procrastinate. 6) Talk with your parents/counselor. 7) Be ready for challenges.

Why is my kid acting bad in school ever since she got into high school she has a lot of phone calls home?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's common for teenagers to face challenges adjusting to high school, which can lead to changes in behavior. Your child might be feeling overwhelmed, struggling with the increased academic demands or social pressures. It's important to have open communication with your child to understand what might be causing these behavior changes and work together to find solutions.

Why do some kids yell in the hallway at school?

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Some kids may yell in the hallway at school for attention, to express excitement, frustration, or to socialize with friends. Yelling can be a way for them to release pent-up energy or emotions in a public setting.