


History of Japan

The history of Japan refers to the recorded events of the island of Japan and the Japanese people, beginning from their ancient history to the sovereignty of the country.

500 Questions

Is south korea a communist market economy?

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No, South Korea had never been a communist country before.

Which is older made in Japan or Japan?

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A product with "Made in Japan" on it literally means what it says. A product with "Japan" on it means the same as "Made in Japan."

What are some Japanese cultural patterns?

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A good question. The Japanese have a rich and enchanting culture. In Japan, people walk along pretty much shoulder to shoulder, and if you bump into someone, you must stop walking immediately and bow to each other as a way of showing that you respect one another. It is not considered appropriate to show affection in public; and one must be respectful, helpful, and kind to those older than yourself. In terms of with the family, you must not do anything shameful, for not only will you lose your honor, but your family will be disgraced along with you.

The Japanese originally practiced Shintoism, meaning they worshiped the many Japanese gods and goddesses. They said that the reason that day and night are separate was because Tsukuyomi, the moon god, was disgusted by how the food god prepared his meal by pulling noodles from his nose and fish swimming out his mouth. In his disgust, Tsukuyomi killed the god. Ashamed of her brother, Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, declared that she wished to never see him again, and from then on, the moon waited until the sun had set before it began to rise. This is just one of their intricate tales they used to explain everyday things.

In the days of shoguns and samurais and the exiled warriors called shinobi, one could here a deep and philosophical metaphor such as:

"Fill your cupped hands with water, and you hold the moon in your hand", or "Fall down seven times, get up eight".the first symbolizes that the moon is reflected in the water, while the second is saying that if you're knocked down by the troubles of life or literally, get right back up, don't lose hope/faith.

What are three major exports of japan?

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By value, they are transportation equipment, motor vehicles, electronics, electrical machinery and chemicals.

When did Hungary join the UN?

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On the 1st May 2004 Hungary joined the EU (European Union)

What country is north of japan?

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Japans main Northern Island is called Hokkaido ____ Directly north of Japan is Sakhalin Island which belongs to Russia and the Sea of Okhotsk. To the north east of Japan is an archipelago of islands called the Kiril Islands which is still in dispute between Russia and Japan from WW2. The archipelago leads up to the Kamchatka Peninsula which is a part of the Russian mainland.

What are the similarities betrween a geisha and samurai?

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They both began training at around age 7, both would have fought and died for honor, both extremely fit and well trained. both served a fuedal lord, daimyo for the samurai and a Earl or Baron for the knight. both would be given land for their service. Samurai however were hurt by their forced isolation from the rest of the world and knights armor and weapons advanced further, with knights having Plate armor that was far more protective and weighed the same as samurai armor, and better anti-armor weapons like the pole-ax and mace. contrary to popular belief, samurai used the spear and bow more than the katana as the katana was useless against armor. watch ThegnThrands youtube videos for more on weapon performance etc.

Chivalry were not included in the Bushido.

What was their samurai man responsibilities?

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These life-trained warriors were taught by pre-determined family members who were trained by pre-determined family members. These honors were passed down to both male and female decendents. No outside agents were permitted to deserve the honors reaped by these men from all citizens that they came in contact with in the daily travels. Not all of these warriors traveled on horse-back. Many felt that they received supernatural benefits from walking the roads and feeling the wind on their bodies. The armor they wore were made by only select people trained and blessed over years and apprenticed for even more years. This straw and bamboo were soaked and weathered to become like leather. Some swords made for these warriors were made of layered steel that was turned, struck and added to over a million times, and these were observed by selected older warriors. They were also blessed with layers of blood from other warriors from the past and re-incarnation was a big part of the warriors religion. Because no one ever really died, these swords were considered living icons and were given specific names and specific histories that were orally passed from generation to generation. True warrior swords are priceless.

What did the samurai look like?

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I guess they looked something like this: [copy and paste link below into address bar to see photo]

Do people vote to decide who governs japan?

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People do not elect their Prime Ministers, they elect their representatives--members of the House of Representatives and House of Councillors--the members of the two houses then vote on a Prime Minister. It usually is the president of the political party that holds the majority. Prime Ministers in Japan do not have term limits either. People vote for political parties. If one candidate wins in the upper house, the house of councillors and another wins in the lower house, the house of representatives, the results of the lower house stands, and that candidate for Prime Minister is elected.

What is Sakamoto Ryōma's birthday?

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Sakamoto Ryoma was born on January 3, 1836.

What Asian country was acupuncture first practised in?

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Acupuncture originated 5,000 years ago in China. Today it is commonly used throughout the world. Chinese medicine theory holds that the human body contains a network of energy pathways through which vital energy, called "chi" (also spelled "qi"), circulates. This information is courtesy of Natural Standard and rvita. See, it has background on acupuncture and scientific trial information on what works.

How tall was Hirohito?

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Harry S. Truman was 5 ft 9 in (1.75m) tall. Note:

This is slightly below average when it comes to the heights of US presidents (5 ft 10 in being the average).

Where did the original inhabitants come from?

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Aboriginal Art comes from Australia

The aborigines (original inhabitants of Australia) are the creators.

What is the Samurai Art of drawing their Sword?

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The roots of the Samurai arts go back thousands of years. Today we only have a form of what they used. They learned a form of Japanese JiuJitsu and Kenjutsu for their sword work. Those are the two main arts. The Art had been originally developed and handed down over the generations. Most arts have been lost or forgotten, however Kenjutsu and Japanese JiuJitsu are still alive today which contain roots back to the Samurai.

Famous people with a history degree?

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Zach elifrinacus, ALI G, George bush, Brian Badonde and princess diaina

What is the training for a samurai?

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Input from various martial artists: # Practice, practice, practice!
# To become a master, one must learn from a master.
# Only others can call you a master, you cannot call yourself a master, or you have failed to learn what it takes to become one.

The way to martial arts studyThe first step is to find the martial art that is to you as you are to it. Not necessarily a martial art that looks impressive or that is best known. The martial art that when you see it or try it, feels as if it is exactly what you would like to feel not only to know. It is not rare to try a few martial arts until you find 'yours'.

The second step is to find a true teacher, not who holds more ranks or belts, not who is best known, but one who enjoys teaching and has learned from who enjoyed teaching. One who looks fluent and discreet, one whose techniques flow, not start and stop like a memorized exercise. One with students who like him/her as a mentor, not as a teacher who they will forget soon. All what you will learn, all what you can become in martial arts, depends more on the right teacher than in hard study.

The third step is to live the martial art, not just to train it or learn it, but to feel it part of your everyday life. Walk, eat, work and move as if you are in training, not obvious or exaggerate but just enough to feel it and to others don't notice. Don't limit a martial art to the practice, integrate it in your life.

The rest of the way is to observe, respect, learn, try, keep trying and enjoy the moments of achievement.

If you follow all these steps , two things will happen, you will realize one day that you don't need any longer to be a master and you will see in front of you a group of anxious students waiting for you show them how to become a master of martial arts.

Live with a Grandmaster.
The answer to that question is complicated! But the answer is you have to be 13 yrs of age or older to become a pro. There is a camp out in Montauk, NY, USA. If you are interested in becoming spectacular at Martial Arts then you better hurry up and make sure the years pass by quickly so you can turn 13 or older and go to Montauk, to that camp. You have to get more info about the camp on the web.

What is a samurai?

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"To serve" as in service and loyalty to the Emperor. The samurai was a class of warrior defending the Japanese Empire, surrendering their life and dedicating their sword to the command of the Holy Emperor. One is not a samurai without adherence to the philosophy of Bushido. The concept of "do" as a variation in pronunciation of "tao" is a universal Asian philosophy which embodies the concept of ideal action, and harmony and balance of mind, body, and spirit - perfection in all things.

Whom did the samurai serve?

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The term "Samurai" means "to serve the nobility." As a warrior class highly trained in unarmed combat and Kendo (sword fighting), the Samurai pledged their loyalty to the noble master they served, or to the Emperor. They eventually rose to power economically, and in political affairs, gaining great influence as advisors and protectors of various Emperors throughout the centuries. Many of the Samurai worked as regional magistrates, helping to settle disputes, enforcing the laws, and keeping the peace. Although the Samurai developed a strict philosophy of honor and code of conduct, which heavily influenced the Japanese culture at large, they held elevated rights and authority in early times to execute anyone who showed them disrespect.

What bodies of water did Marco polo discover or cross?

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Atlantic ocean ,India ocean

South China sea

What does Japan China South Korea and Canada have in common?

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Well Japan and Canada both have Constitutional Monarchies. And South Korea has a government type like the U.S and China is run by Communist

How does leyasu conceive of the roles and responsibilities of the Emperor and the shogun?

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Ieyasu conversed with Honda, Governor Sado, on the subject of the emperor, the shogun, and the farmer.