


Human Behavior

The study of human behavior which is affected by genetics, perceived behaviorial controls, attitude, and societal norms

500 Questions

How is culture passed on from generation to generation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Culture is passed on from generation to generation through various means such as storytelling, rituals, celebrations, language, and societal norms. Children learn about their culture by observing and interacting with family, community members, and through formal education. It is through these experiences that individuals internalize and perpetuate cultural beliefs, values, and customs.

Compare and contrast functionalism and structuralism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Functionalism and structuralism are both approaches in psychology that focus on understanding the mind. However, functionalism emphasizes the purpose and function of mental processes, while structuralism focuses on analyzing the structure of the mind through introspection. Functionalism seeks to understand how mental processes help individuals adapt to their environment, whereas structuralism seeks to break down mental processes into their basic components.

How do people live in the ice cap climate zone?

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Asked by Wiki User

People who live in ice cap climate zones typically adapt by using specialized gear and clothing to stay warm in extremely cold conditions. They may rely on insulated shelters, such as igloos, to protect themselves from harsh weather. Their diet often includes foods that can be stored for long periods, such as dried meats or fish.

What is natural behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Natural behavior refers to the typical and instinctual ways in which an organism acts based on its genetic programming and environmental influences. It is the behavior displayed by an organism in its natural habitat without external influences.

What happens if you snort laundry detergent?

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Asked by Wiki User

Snorting laundry detergent can cause irritation, burning, and damage to the nasal passages and could potentially lead to serious respiratory issues and harm to the lungs. It is not safe and can result in adverse health effects.

How many people in America are members of 12 step programs?

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Asked by Merskine

It's difficult to provide an exact number, as participation in 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous is voluntary and often anonymous. However, estimates suggest that there are millions of Americans who participate in various 12-step programs for addiction recovery and other issues.

What is the difference between immediate and ultimate cause if behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

The immediate cause of behavior refers to the direct trigger or stimulus that elicits a particular response. In contrast, the ultimate cause of behavior refers to the underlying evolutionary or adaptive reasons for why a behavior occurs in a certain way.

What percentage of the earth is uninhabited?

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Asked by Wiki User

Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, leaving about 29% of the Earth's surface as land. However, not all land is habitable due to factors like extreme cold, deserts, mountains, and other unsuitable conditions. It is difficult to determine an exact percentage of uninhabited land, as it can vary depending on how one defines "uninhabited."

What are four perceptual constancies?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four main types of perceptual constancies are size constancy, shape constancy, brightness constancy, and color constancy. Size constancy refers to the perception of an object's size remaining the same despite changes in its distance from the observer. Shape constancy involves perceiving an object as maintaining its shape even when the viewing angle changes. Brightness constancy is the ability to perceive an object as maintaining a consistent level of brightness under different lighting conditions. Color constancy is the perception of an object's color remaining the same under varying lighting conditions.

Why do people get confused?

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Asked by Wiki User

Confusion can arise from a lack of understanding, conflicting information, or overwhelming circumstances. It may also result from cognitive overload, fatigue, stress, or emotional responses. Clarifying information, taking breaks, and seeking support can help alleviate confusion.

What does it mean when you see two of the same object but there's really one?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeing two of the same object when there is only one could indicate a visual illusion or distortion in perception. This phenomenon may be caused by visual processing irregularities in the brain. It is a common occurrence and not usually a cause for concern.

Are left-handed people left-hemisphere dominant?

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Asked by Quirkyquantummechanic

While most left-handed individuals have language abilities located in the left hemisphere of the brain like right-handed people, some left-handed people can have language abilities in both hemispheres or in the right hemisphere. This variation in brain lateralization occurs due to complex factors and is not solely determined by hand dominance.

Is Dubai's development sustainable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dubai's development has raised concerns about its sustainability due to high energy consumption, water scarcity, and environmental impact from rapid urbanization. The government has taken steps to promote sustainability, such as investing in renewable energy and green technology, but more efforts are needed to ensure long-term sustainability.

What aspect of behavior is unique to humans?

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Asked by 3211

One aspect of behavior that is unique to humans is complex language use, including the ability to communicate through written and spoken language. Additionally, humans have a sophisticated ability to think abstractly, engage in long-term planning, and engage in intricate cultural behaviors such as art, music, and storytelling.

What does nosy mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nosy means excessively curious or inquisitive about the affairs of others. It usually implies meddling or prying into someone else's business without being invited or necessary.

What side of your brain is the creative side?

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Asked by Wiki User

The right side of the brain is often associated with creativity, as it is considered to be involved in tasks such as art, imagination, and holistic thinking. However, both sides of the brain work together in most activities, including creative endeavors.

Factors that influence motivation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Motivation can be influenced by factors such as personal goals, past experiences, rewards and incentives, support from others, and the perceived value of the task or goal. Additionally, motivation can be impacted by one's beliefs about their own capabilities, known as self-efficacy, as well as the level of autonomy and control they have over their actions.

What is fronting?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fronting is a phonological process where a sound produced farther back in the mouth is replaced by a sound produced in a more front position. It often occurs in the speech development of young children and can affect sounds like /k/ being produced as /t/.

Where do emotions come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Emotions are a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. They are influenced by brain activity, hormone levels, past experiences, and current situations. Emotions serve as signals that help us respond to and navigate the world around us.

What factors have caused the family unit to weaken?

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Asked by Wiki User

Factors such as economic strains, changing societal norms, increased individualism, and technology impacting interpersonal relationships have contributed to the weakening of the family unit. Other factors include geographical mobility, longer work hours, and the influence of media on family dynamics.

What are types of tolerance?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are three main types of tolerance: cognitive tolerance, affective tolerance, and behavioral tolerance. Cognitive tolerance refers to the ability to accept different beliefs and opinions. Affective tolerance is the capacity to remain open-minded and respectful towards others despite emotional differences. Behavioral tolerance involves showing patience and understanding towards individuals who behave in ways that may differ from one's own values.

How does severe weather affect people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Severe weather can have various impacts on people, including injuries, property damage, and disruptions to daily life. It can lead to loss of life, homes, and livelihoods, as well as create challenges in accessing basic necessities like food, water, and shelter. Severe weather events can also result in economic losses and long-term health issues for those affected.

Synthetic drugs do not affect the nervous system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Synthetic drugs can affect the nervous system by altering neurotransmitter levels, impacting brain function, and potentially leading to addiction. These drugs can have various effects, such as stimulating or depressing the nervous system, depending on their chemical composition and how they interact with the brain.

Advantages and disadvantages of naturalistic observation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of naturalistic observation include capturing behavior in authentic settings, allowing for natural behaviors to be observed, and providing insights into ways people behave without interference. Disadvantages include lack of control over variables, potential observer bias, and difficulty in replicating results.

How much air does the right lung hold?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lung capacity is different for every person. Height, weight, age, health, smoking/non-smoking, etc. all affect your personal lung capacity.

This question is impossible to determine. (There are general estimates out there, but they aren't very accurate.)