



The profession of collecting, consolidating and packaging information. The stories and fact collected are published in various media for use by the general public or the specific target market.

500 Questions

What are the rules for how to punctuate and write names of newspapers magazines books and other types of references?

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Asked by D4est

When writing the names of newspapers and magazines, italicize the publication titles (e.g., The New York Times, Time). For book titles, use italics as well (e.g., To Kill a Mockingbird). When referencing other types of works like articles, short stories, or chapters, use quotation marks (e.g., "The Lottery," "The Myth of Sisyphus"). Remember to capitalize all major words in titles.

Why does otitis media can cause concomitant pharyngitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Otitis media can cause concomitant pharyngitis because the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the throat, can allow bacteria or viruses to travel from the pharynx to the middle ear, leading to infection in both areas simultaneously. Inflammatory processes in one area can also spread to surrounding tissues, causing inflammation in the pharynx along with the middle ear.

What is the meaning of editorial platform?

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Asked by Wiki User

An editorial platform is a digital space or publication where editorial content, such as articles, essays, or opinions, is published and shared with an audience. It serves as a medium for expressing viewpoints, sparking discussions, and providing information on various topics. Editorial platforms can be websites, blogs, social media accounts, or other online platforms where content is curated and published.

How do you use pertain in a sentence with context clues?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a sentence with context clues, "pertain" can mean to be relevant or related to something. For example, "The rules of the game pertain to all players, regardless of their experience level." Here, "pertain" indicates that the rules are applicable and connected to the players' engagement in the game.

Which country has the most highway miles per capita?

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Asked by Mabrozek

The United States has the most highway miles per capita compared to other countries. With a vast network of roads and highways covering approximately 4.09 million miles, the U.S. boasts one of the most extensive road systems in the world.

What was jesus' earthly mission?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jesus' earthly mission was to proclaim the Kingdom of God, teach about love, forgiveness, and salvation, and ultimately sacrifice himself to redeem humanity from sin. He aimed to demonstrate God's love for all people and bring about reconciliation between humanity and God.

Why is pronunciation important as a journalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pronunciation is important in journalism because it ensures clarity and credibility in delivering information to the audience. Proper pronunciation helps the journalist effectively communicate with the audience and avoid misunderstandings or confusion. It also reflects the journalist's professionalism and commitment to accuracy in reporting.

How long does it take to study journalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The length of time it takes to study journalism can vary depending on the program you choose. Typically, a bachelor's degree in journalism takes about four years to complete, while a master's degree can take an additional one to two years. Some programs also offer accelerated options that can be completed in a shorter time frame.

Why do you want to join media and journalism course what is the scope?

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Asked by Wiki User

I want to join a media and journalism course to develop skills in reporting, writing, and storytelling, as well as to learn about the role of media in shaping public discourse. The scope of the field includes opportunities in traditional journalism, digital media, broadcasting, public relations, and content creation across various platforms. The demand for skilled media professionals continues to grow in today's information age.

What subject in high school are needed to study journalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need a good grasp of English and broad general knowledge. If your school teaches Social Sciences that would be an obvious choice. Try writing for your school magazine and also for a local newspaper.

What is media informatics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Media informatics is a field that focuses on the study of how information is created, used, and shared across various forms of media, such as digital technologies or communication platforms. It combines principles from computer science, information technology, and communication studies to develop innovative solutions for managing and analyzing media content. The ultimate goal of media informatics is to enhance user experiences and improve information processing in today's digital age.

Why should a mass communication student study history?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studying history can provide a mass communication student with a contextual understanding of how communication technologies and practices have evolved over time. It can also offer insights into the societal and cultural factors that influence media production, content, and consumption. Additionally, by examining historical media trends and events, students can develop a critical perspective on the role of mass communication in shaping public opinion and social change.

How many leaving cert points are needed to become a journalist?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are typically no specific Leaving Cert points requirements to become a journalist. However, pursuing a relevant degree in journalism or a related field, gaining experience through internships and building a strong portfolio of work are important steps to entering the field.

What are the best ways to learn shorthand?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best ways to learn shorthand are through practice, repetition, and consistency. Find a shorthand system that works best for you, and dedicate time each day to practice writing with it. Utilize online resources, books, or classes to supplement your learning and improve your speed and accuracy.

How hard is it to learn shorthand?

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Asked by Cowleya

Learning shorthand can vary in difficulty depending on the system you choose and your dedication to practicing regularly. Some systems can be learned relatively quickly with consistent effort, while others may take more time to master. Overall, with commitment and practice, most people can become proficient in shorthand.

Meaning of campus journalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Campus journalism refers to the practice of reporting news and information within a school or university setting. It involves students creating, publishing, and distributing content through various media platforms such as newspapers, websites, or broadcasts to inform their peers about relevant campus events and issues. It provides students with an opportunity to develop their writing, reporting, and critical thinking skills.

What is developmental journalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Developmental journalism is a type of journalism that focuses on reporting stories and issues that promote social and economic development. It aims to shed light on problems faced by communities, advocate for positive change, and empower citizens to take action for improvement. It often highlights solutions, success stories, and best practices to inspire progress.

How do you write source cards for a research paper?

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Asked by Wiki User

Source cards for a research paper typically include the author's name, title of the source, publication date, publication source, and the page numbers used. Each source gets its own card, with all the relevant information listed to help properly cite and reference the source in your paper. Make sure to follow the citation style guide recommended by your instructor or academic institution.

What is the Latin root for 'journalism'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Diurnus is the ultimate Latin root for 'journalism'. It's the masculine gender form of an adjective. The feminine and neuter forms are 'diurna' and 'diurnum', respectively. It may be translated into English as 'belonging to a day', 'daily', or 'lasting for a day'.

A person's tone of voice is an example of a non verbal behavior true or false?

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Asked by Wiki User

False. A person's tone of voice is a verbal behavior, as it involves the use of spoken words to convey meaning and emotion. Nonverbal behaviors would include things like gestures, facial expressions, and body language.

What is the role of the yellow journalists?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yellow journalists sensationalize news stories to attract attention and manipulate public opinion. They often prioritize profit and audience engagement over ethical journalism standards. Their exaggerated or misleading reporting can lead to misinformation and social unrest.

Can you give me a sentence with auspice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Under the auspice of the new company president, the staff morale and productivity improved significantly.

What is the advancement age for journalists?

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Asked by Wiki User

The advancement age for journalists varies depending on their experience, skills, and opportunities within the industry. Generally, journalists can advance to senior roles such as editor, news director, or chief correspondent after gaining several years of experience and demonstrating strong storytelling abilities.

Journalists who exposed corrupt business practices?

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Asked by Wiki User

Journalists such as Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, known for their reporting on the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, and the team behind the Panama Papers investigation, who uncovered widespread corruption and tax evasion, are examples of individuals who have exposed corrupt business practices through investigative journalism. Their work has led to significant legal and political consequences for those involved.

What are some yellow journalism headlines from 1890?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. "Spanish Spies Threaten American Safety!"
  2. "Innocent Women and Children at Risk from Foreign Invasion!"
  3. "Government Corruption Exposed: Who's Really Pulling the Strings?"
  4. "Sensational Murders Rock the Nation - Are You Safe in Your Own Home?"