


Mac OS X

This graphical operating system (OS) from Apple was initially released in 2002 for Macintosh computers. It is a UNIX-based system built on technologies developed from the mid-1980s to 1996. It is the second most used OS after Microsoft Windows.

500 Questions

Will office mac 2008 work on a new mac book pro?

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Asked by Wiki User

Office Mac 2008 is an outdated version of Microsoft Office that was designed to work with older Mac operating systems. If you're considering using Office Mac 2008 on a new MacBook Pro, there are several factors to take into account.

Compatibility Issues

Operating System Support: Office Mac 2008 was built to run on macOS versions from over a decade ago. Newer MacBook Pros come with the latest versions of macOS, which are unlikely to support such old software without significant issues or compatibility layers, if at all.

Performance and Stability: Even if you manage to install Office Mac 2008, its performance and stability on a new MacBook Pro could be unpredictable. You may experience frequent crashes, slow performance, and lack of support for modern file formats and features.

Alternatives and Recommendations

To ensure a smooth and productive experience, consider the following alternatives:

Microsoft 365: The latest subscription-based version of Office includes all the modern tools and features, with continuous updates and compatibility with the latest macOS versions. It's a reliable and future-proof option.

Office 2019 or Office 2021: If you prefer a one-time purchase over a subscription, these versions offer up-to-date functionality and better compatibility with current macOS versions.

Other Office Suites: There are also other affordable office suites like LibreOffice and Google Workspace, which are compatible with most Office file formats and offer robust features.

Purchasing Genuine Software

When purchasing Microsoft Office or any other software, it’s crucial to buy from reputable sources to ensure you receive legitimate and fully functional products. Softwarekey4u is one place where you might find Office products at affordable prices. Ensure that any vendor you choose is trustworthy and offers genuine licenses to avoid issues with software authenticity and support.

In summary, while Office Mac 2008 is not suitable for a new MacBook Pro due to compatibility and performance concerns, exploring modern alternatives or purchasing the latest versions from reliable vendors like Softwarekey4u .com can provide a more seamless and productive experience.

Example of commensalisim?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of commensalism is the relationship between barnacles and whales. Barnacles attach themselves to the skin of whales to gain protection and access to nutrients in the water, while the whales are not significantly affected by the presence of the barnacles.

What is an example of Crenation?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of crenation is when red blood cells lose water and shrink in a hypertonic solution, such as saltwater. This causes the cells to have a scalloped appearance due to the contraction of the cell membrane.

Windows Vista and Mac OS are?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both Windows Vista and Mac OS offer excellent operating systems for different needs. Windows Vista is a Microsoft product that provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of software options, perfect for everyday use and general computing needs. On the other hand, Mac OS is developed by Apple and is known for its sleek design, robust security features, and compatibility with other Apple devices. Both operating systems have their strengths, and the choice ultimately depends on the individual's preferences and requirements. Online shopping websites such as Softwarekey4u. com provide affordable and easy-to-use upgrade keys, making the upgrading process hassle-free for users of both Windows Vista and Mac OS.

If I download Windows 10 on my mac will all of my files get deleted?

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Asked by Wiki User

Downloading and installing Windows 10 on your Mac using Boot Camp or other virtualization software should not delete your existing files on macOS. Here’s how it typically works:

Boot Camp Installation:

Boot Camp Assistant helps you install Windows on a separate partition of your Mac’s hard drive. This keeps your macOS files and applications intact.

During the installation process, you will create a partition for Windows. Ensure you follow the instructions carefully to avoid accidental deletion of the macOS partition.

Virtualization Software (e.g., Parallels, VMware Fusion):

Virtualization software allows you to run Windows within macOS. This method doesn’t require partitioning your hard drive and keeps all your macOS files and settings unchanged.

Windows runs as a virtual machine (VM) and operates in a window or full screen, depending on your preference.

However, it's crucial to back up your data before making significant changes to your system. Unexpected issues can arise during the installation process.

Upgrading Windows 10 Product Keys

If you need to upgrade your Windows 10 product key, you can purchase affordable and easy-to-use upgrade keys from websites like Softwarekey4u .com These websites offer a hassle-free way to upgrade your Microsoft product key, ensuring your system remains activated and fully functional. Make sure to purchase keys from reputable sources to avoid potential issues with activation and licensing.

In summary, installing Windows 10 on your Mac should not delete your files if done correctly, and upgrading your product key can be done easily through trusted online vendors. Always back up your data before making any changes to your system.

How do run Windows applications on a Mac without running Windows XP?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are a few different ways to run Windows applications on a Mac without actually running Windows XP. One option is to use virtualization software, such as Parallels or VMware Fusion, which creates a "virtual machine" on your Mac that allows you to install and run Windows XP. This requires purchasing a Windows license and may impact the performance of your Mac.

Another option is to use Boot Camp, which is a built-in utility on Macs that allows you to boot directly into Windows XP. This requires partitioning your hard drive and installing Windows XP directly onto the partition, so it can be a bit more complicated than using virtualization software.

However, if you are looking for a more affordable and hassle-free option, you can consider purchasing an upgrade key from websites such as Softwarekey4u. com. These websites offer easy-to-use and affordable upgrade keys that allow you to upgrade your Microsoft product key without the need for Windows XP. This would essentially "trick" the Windows application into running on your Mac without actually having to go through the process of running Windows XP.

Overall, depending on your needs and level of technical expertise, there are various options available for running Windows applications on a Mac without actually running Windows XP. It's important to weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that best fits your needs and budget.

Can you download PowerPoint on Mac?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can download PowerPoint on Mac. Microsoft Office, which includes PowerPoint, is available for download on Mac through the official Microsoft website or through other trusted online retailers such as Softwarekey4u. com. These websites offer affordable upgrade keys that make it easy to upgrade your Microsoft product key and unlock the full features and functionality of PowerPoint on your Mac. With just a few clicks, you can have access to the powerful presentation software and create professional and visually appealing slides for your needs. Moreover, these online retailers offer a convenient and secure shopping experience, making it an excellent option for those looking to download PowerPoint on Mac.

Can you install micrsoft not for Mac on a Mac computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

While it's technically possible to install Microsoft software designed for Windows onto a Mac computer, it typically requires the use of emulation software such as Parallels Desktop or Boot Camp, which creates a virtual Windows environment on your Mac. However, these methods often come with their own set of limitations and complications.

Parallels Desktop allows you to run Windows alongside macOS, essentially enabling you to use Windows applications within macOS. This option provides a seamless experience for running Windows programs on your Mac, but it does require purchasing a license for Parallels Desktop in addition to a Windows license. Boot Camp, on the other hand, allows you to dual-boot your Mac, meaning you can choose to start up in either macOS or Windows when you turn on your computer. This method requires partitioning your hard drive and installing Windows directly onto your Mac, but it doesn't require purchasing additional emulation software.

However, neither of these options grants you access to Microsoft software at an affordable price or through the Best Place Softwarekey4u .com platform you mentioned. Best Place Softwarekey4u seems to be a platform that specializes in providing software licenses at competitive prices, but it's important to note that Microsoft software licenses for Windows typically cannot be used interchangeably with macOS versions.

If you're specifically looking for Microsoft software for your Mac, such as Microsoft Office or other productivity tools, the best course of action would be to purchase the Mac-compatible versions directly from Microsoft or through authorized resellers. While this might not be as affordable as the options available on Best Place Softwarekey4u, it ensures compatibility and legality.

In conclusion, while you can technically install Microsoft software for Windows on a Mac using emulation software like Parallels Desktop or Boot Camp, it's not the most straightforward or cost-effective solution. For Microsoft software on a Mac, it's recommended to purchase the Mac-compatible versions directly from Microsoft or authorized resellers to ensure compatibility and legality.

What is an example of sensorium?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the mental status exam, which is part of any psychological evaluation, the sensorium refers to the person's grasp on time, place and person, all of which are functions of perception and memory. So, the sensorium is a person's immediate, short-, and long-term memory, especially to the extent to which this impacts whether or not they have a good handle on who they are and where they are located in place and time.

What is an example of precocity?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of precocity would be a child who displays exceptional intellectual abilities at a very young age, such as reading at a much higher level than their peers or demonstrating advanced problem-solving skills.

Can you upgrade Mac os?

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Asked by Wiki User

Windows 7 can be installed on any Intel/AMD PC, or on any Intel Mac (with boot camp). Mac OS can only legitimately be installed on Macs. Versions before 10.4 can only be installed on PowerPC Macs, versions 10.6 and after can only be installed on Intel Macs. All Mac OS versions that can be installed on Intel Macs, can technically be run on Intel/AMD PC's. This however is a hazy legal issue as it breaks the Mac OS EULA if it is installed on a non-Apple labled computer. This alone is not illegal. Obtaining a copy of any commercial software for free is piracy, which is illegal. If you want to install Mac OS on a PC legally you would have to patch, a bought copy of Mac OS. If you want to find out any more you should Google osx86.

ps. Personal advice, stick with Windows 7 or XP. It will save you the hassle.

Give example for multimedia OS?

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Asked by Wiki User

Windows, macOS, and Linux are examples of multimedia OS that support playback and editing of various types of media such as audio, video, and images. These operating systems come pre-installed with multimedia applications like media players, photo editors, and video editing software to handle multimedia files efficiently.

How do you install facade for mac?

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Asked by Wiki User

You download it and press install

What key to press to bios of mac book pro?

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Asked by Wiki User

Macs do not use a BIOS so there is no key to press.

Windows Vista and Mac OS X are examples?

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Asked by Wiki User

Windows Vista and Mac OS X are examples of computer operating systems.

Can I open Windows OpenOffice Files on Mac OS X with Mac MS Office?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ensure Compatibility:

Make sure that the versions of Microsoft Office on both the Windows and Mac systems are compatible. Microsoft Office for Mac should be able to open files created with recent versions of Microsoft Office on Windows.

Transfer the Files:

Transfer the OpenOffice files from your Windows computer to your Mac. You can use methods like email, cloud storage, USB drive, or any other preferred method.

Open with Microsoft Office:

Double-click on the OpenOffice file, or open Microsoft Office on your Mac and use the "Open" option to browse and select the file you want to open.

Conversion Warning:

Microsoft Office may display a warning about potential formatting differences when opening OpenOffice files. Review and confirm the conversion if prompted.



What is Apple's latest Operating System?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of Friday, September 23, 2011, Apple's latest operating system is Mac OS X Lion, or version 10.7.1.

What is operating system and types os windows operating system?

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Asked by Wiki User

An Operating system is a software that controls the computer's hardware and softwares.

In Windows, there are many operating systems, such as:

-Windows 10

-Windows 8.1/8

-Windows 7

- (Continues to older versions)

-Vista/Xp/Home Basic/Xp Professional/2003 etc.

When will Mac Os 10 7 or Mac Os 11 be released?

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Asked by Chewbaka1

It comes out in July! If you need anything else go look on Apple's website:

How do you use visual boy advance cheats on mac Os x?

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Asked by Wiki User

Okay I had the same problem for quite a while and I just recently figured it out. So, basically, when you downloaded VBA on your desktop you should see a white drive symbol for VisualBoyAdvanced.

What I did is "control click" on this and chose to "Duplicate" it. Once it duplicates there should be a folder that was created. Basically what you want to do is control click the folder and click on "get info". Once that page pops up click on the little padlock down in the lower right corner and Input your password or whatever to unlock it. I made it a shared folder just to be completely sure. And to be even more sure, go down to the sharing permissions part and make them all "read and write".

Now I don't think you necessarily have to copy that folder into your H.D.D. but I put it into my applications folder just to make sure.

And once you do all that the only thing you have to be sure of is to KEEP THE EMULATOR IN THE COPIED FOLDER. That cannot be stressed enough.

If you take the emulator out of the folder and put it on your, say, desktop or anywhere else for that matter, when you go to save it won't know where to save to and you will only get an error message.

After doing this I found I can freeze game states and save in-game. As long as you leave the emulator in the folder you copied and moved to applications, you should be able to load game state or load in-game even after closing out of the emulator or shutting your computer off.

How do you get bugdom on your mac os x?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bugdom was an old mac game which only runs on OS 8.6 to 9.2

If you want to run Bugdom on OS X you can get Bugdom 2 from Pangea Software for $19.95 US

Bugdom 2 is the sequel to the original Bugdom, and thus contains new characters and a new storyline. The basic idea of Bugs battling is retained however. For more information, look at the Pangea website. (see related link)

How can Minecraft commands be fixed on Mac if they do not function?

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Referring to slash '/' commands, they only work if the created work has commands enabled. This can be changed by editing the save world file.

Note: When creating a survival mode world, "cheats," as they are called in-game, are initially disabled. Hardcore mode, however, has "cheats" permanently disabled.


For multiplayer servers, only certain slash commands will work depending on the privileges of the server. Normal users on vanilla servers can use basic commands (/me, /tell, /help), and OP's can use special commands (/give, /tp, /enchant). Modded servers have different privileges and more commands.

What is button 2 on a mac for Minecraft?

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Asked by Wiki User

I believe you can Control click, just Press the Control key at the same time you click.