

Organic Gardening

The term 'organic gardening' generally refers to the avoidance of chemicals, pollutants, and synthetics in the cultivation of plants. Specifically, it may describe either informal commitments by the individual or government certified and regulated practices by the grower. Contributors typically want to know about the different types of organic gardening, the many environments in which it is practiced, and the most likely costs and benefits.

500 Questions

How do you get rid of the little worm - which curls up into a ball when you touch it - that comes into your house through the pipes and through the cracks?

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Asked by Wiki User

It sounds like you may be dealing with drain fly larvae. To get rid of them, clean out the drains with a mixture of hot water, vinegar, and baking soda. Seal any cracks or openings where they may be entering the house. Consider using a drain cleaner specifically designed to eliminate organic matter that the larvae feed on.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of green manure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of green manure include improving soil fertility, increasing organic matter content, and reducing soil erosion. However, disadvantages can include the time and effort required to grow and incorporate green manure crops, potential competition with cash crops for resources, and the risk of introducing new pests or diseases.

How do matter and energy work in the compost?

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Asked by Wiki User

In composting, organic matter such as food scraps and yard waste break down through microbial activity. This process releases energy in the form of heat, which speeds up decomposition. The breaking down of organic matter also releases nutrients that can be used by plants.

What is the importance of worms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Worms are important for soil health as they help break down organic matter, improve soil structure, and release nutrients that plants need to grow. They also aerate the soil, allowing for better water infiltration and root growth. Additionally, worms are a food source for many animals, contributing to the overall ecosystem balance.

Will wood ashes hurt red worms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, wood ashes can harm red worms due to their alkaline nature. Excessive exposure to wood ashes can raise the pH level of the worm bedding, making it unsuitable for red worms. It's best to avoid adding wood ashes to a worm bin.

What is juniper bush?

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Asked by Wiki User

Juniper bush is a type of evergreen shrub or small tree that belongs to the cypress family. It is known for its distinctive blue-green needle-like leaves and small berries called juniper berries. Juniper bushes are commonly used in landscaping for their ornamental value and as a source of aromatic oils.

Why is organic fertilizer better than inorganic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Organic fertilizer is better than inorganic or chemical fertilizers because it improves soil structure, promotes biodiversity, and reduces environmental pollution. Organic fertilizers also provide nutrients gradually, enhancing long-term soil health and fertility. Additionally, they are derived from natural sources, making them safer for the environment and human health.

What do red worms eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Red worms, also known as red wigglers, primarily feed on organic matter such as fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds, tea bags, and shredded paper. They are well-suited for composting as they break down this organic waste and produce nutrient-rich vermicompost as a result. It's important to avoid feeding them meat, dairy, oily foods, and citrus fruits as these can be harmful to their environment.

Where is a safe place to put a worm farm?

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Asked by Wiki User

A worm farm can be placed in a shaded area outdoors, such as a covered porch or patio, to prevent the worms from overheating. It should be protected from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight to ensure the worms' well-being. A well-ventilated location with good drainage is also important to maintain the ideal conditions for composting.

What are the benefits of having a worm farm in your garden and how can you measure the effects?

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Asked by Wiki User

Having a worm farm in your garden helps to improve soil quality, increase nutrient availability, and enhance plant growth. You can measure its effects by conducting soil tests to monitor changes in nutrient levels, observing plant growth and health, and assessing the overall soil structure and texture over time.

What are ribbon worm enemies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ribbon worms face threats from predators such as fish, sea birds, and other marine species that hunt them for food. Additionally, ribbon worms may also face competition from other organisms that share their habitat.

How can you liquefy worm castings?

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Asked by Wiki User

To liquefy worm castings, you can mix them with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (castings to water). Let the mixture sit for a few hours or overnight, stirring occasionally to help break down the solids. Strain the mixture through a mesh screen or cheesecloth to collect the liquid fertilizer.

What are the white worms you have in your kitchen?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you have white worms in your kitchen, they could be pantry moth larvae or maggots. Pantry moth larvae can infest stored grains and dried food products, while maggots typically come from spoiled food or organic waste. It's important to identify and eliminate the source of the infestation to prevent further issues.

Is it true you can kill bag-worms using dish washing detergent such as Dawn?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, dish washing detergent like Dawn can effectively kill bag-worms when mixed with water and sprayed onto the affected areas. The detergent helps to suffocate and kill the insects by clogging their breathing pores, ultimately leading to their death.

What kind of worm could it be if it was grayish-brown in color and looked much like a bag worm but with a flat bag and only have 3-4mm coming out of the bag that is 5-6mm long crawling like inch worm?

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Asked by Wiki User

The description matches that of a bagworm larva, typically belonging to the family Psychidae. These larvae construct protective silk bags or cases around themselves as they develop. The movement pattern you described is consistent with how bagworms move, resembling an inchworm-like motion.

How do you rid tomato plants of worms?

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Asked by Startattat

One way to get rid of worms on tomato plants is by physically picking them off and disposing of them. You can also use organic insecticides like neem oil or insecticidal soap to control the worm population. Additionally, promoting natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings can help keep worm populations in check.

How do you grow shitake mushrooms?

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Asked by Wiki User

To grow shiitake mushrooms, you need to inoculate hardwood logs with shiitake spawn, keep the logs in a shady, humid location, and maintain proper ventilation. Harvest the mushrooms when they have reached the desired size, usually after about six months. Regularly soak the logs to encourage mushroom growth.

How is soil formed from compost?

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Asked by Wiki User

Compost is organic matter that has decomposed into a rich, nutrient-dense material. When compost is mixed into soil, it enhances soil structure, increases nutrients, and boosts microbial activity. Over time, the compost further decomposes, integrating with the soil to create a fertile growing medium.

How many people compost in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is difficult to provide an exact number of people who compost worldwide as it varies greatly depending on location and access to composting facilities. However, composting is a growing trend in many countries as more people become aware of the environmental benefits it offers.

What name is given to the area of the Middle East that has abundant water and good soil?

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Asked by Wiki User

The name given to the area of the Middle East that has abundant water and good soil is the Fertile Crescent. This region includes parts of modern-day Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon and was the site of some of the earliest human civilizations due to its favorable environmental conditions.

Scientific name for euphorbia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asking the scientific name of Euphorbia is like asking the present US president for his name. Euphorbia is a scientific name for a plant from a large family. The family is well described in Wikipedia. The trouble is that if a plants name in CBL (civilized botanical Latin is widely used, the common name is forgotten. One is likely to presume that the most used name must be a common name. In many English spoken countries this is common place. I can give you numerous examples, but it will take to far. Euphorbia can be a Spurge family representative. Look it up: it's there for reading.

What is the scientific name for shrubs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Woody plant is one of many possible scientific names for shrubs.

Specifically, shrubs generally are trees whose maximum heights matures to less than 30 feet (9.14 meters). It is considered woody -- likes lianas and trees -- because of the composition of its structural tissue. The binomial name will depend upon the shrub's family membership.

What does it mean to be grown up?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being grown up typically means taking responsibility for your actions, making independent decisions, being self-sufficient, and having emotional maturity. It often involves prioritizing long-term goals over short-term gratification and being able to handle life's challenges with resilience and grace.

Can you put potato peelings in a compost bin?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Compost bins accept kitchen scraps other than dairy, greasey and oily, and meat products; and yard wastes such as grass clippings. Compostable materials may be grouped into the brown carbon-rich and the green nitrogen-rich categories. The peelings and other compostable materials break down into dark brown, fresh-smelling, organic matter-rich soil in anywhere from just under a month to just under a year. The amount of time that composting takes depends upon the type of material that's put into the compost bin or pile; and upon the meeting of certain standards. For the bin or pile must be kept adequately aired, heated, moistened and turned.

What is the English word 'rose' in Italian?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rosi is an Italian equivalent of the English name "Rosie."

Specifically, the name functions as a feminine nickname in Italian. It is a diminutive for Rosa ("Rose"). The pronunciation will be "RO-zee" for the nickname and "RO-za" for the given name.