

Personal Hygiene

The human body is an amazing mechanism. Keeping it clean helps to keep it healthy and operating at its best. For answers to your questions about personal hygiene, ask your questions here.

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Sanitation and hygiene in the kitchen?

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This is a very broad question.

Food Hygiene in a nutshell is the correct and appropriate handling, storage and date labelling of all food products and food groups to effectively control bacterial cross contamination between the food groups.

It also means having the knowledge required to know how certain food products need to be cooked to avoid causing illness such as the correct cooking temperatures for minced meat (meat that has been exposed to the air) and poultry products such as chicken which could give you E-coli.

Bacteria can only live and multiply at certain temperatures - hence we cook food to kill bacteria and chill or freeze it so that bacteria cannot multiply.

"Use by Dates" are also a very important part of food hygiene as it ensures the freshness and therefore quality of the food product. Obviously different food products can be stored for different amounts of time - meat and fish can be stored for slightly longer if chilled after being cooked rather then simply being stored fresh and raw in a refrigerated environment.

As a general rule dairy products shouldn't be out of a refrigerator for any longer than 15-20 minutes with the exception of some cheeses such as hard cheese like Parmesan.

Many restaurants with decent standards will also colour code their knives and chopping boards to ensure that, for instance only the green knife and board are used for vegetables and only the red knife and board for raw meat etc

That's the best I can do without you being more specific!

10 hygiene rules for in the kitchen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Defining the most import hygiene rules in the kitchen is really a task of listing the most general rules of the kitchen. Each rule will have specifics that everyone needs to know. But here's one list

  1. Keep everything clean and sanitary
  2. Use proper personal hygiene
  3. Prevent cross contamination
  4. Cook and cool food properly
  5. Keep hot foods hot
  6. Keep cold foods cold

What follows are thoughts from other contributors:


1. wash hands with warm soapy water

2. tie hair back and cover where required or appropriate

3. don't wear make up or nail polish

4. always remove watches, jewelery, etc. before cooking

5. if wearing shirt button up cufflings

6. don't wear open-toed shoes (more of a workplace safety issue)

7. wear an apron to protect your clothes. Change aprons when they get dirty.

8. if you have a cut put on blue plaster (no foods are blue)


1. make sure surfaces are clean and sanitary

2. all your equipment and utensils are clean and dry

3. your sinks are clean and sanitary

4. bins not over flowing

5. floor is not wet (splash becomes source of contamination)

6. cookers are clean

7.dont use out of date food

8. don't chop raw meat and other food on the same chopping board

9. always wash food before cooking

10. keep your cooking area tidy

11. make sure that you use clean utensils for each type of food that you work with

12. don't keep meat so long out of the freezer

13. don't sneeze or cough on the food

14. wash vegetables before cooking

15. if you put a spoon in food and lick it then don't put it back in the food

Wash hands before any contact with food if you sneeze always cover your mouth and turn away from the food and then wash your hands no smoking inside if something is spilt always clear it up straight away always wash surfaces straight after contact with raw meet.

1: ALWAYS wash your hands

2: If you have long hair, tie it up and pull your hair back.

3: Wear an apron because you don't want to ruin your clothes. [Note: Aprons are for protecting the food from your clothes. You can't take your clothes off when you go to the bathroom. You can and should remove the apron on breaks. Aprons are also easily changed when they become dirty.]

4: Don't eat any of the food mixture until finished, if you do, wash your hands again.

5: Sneeze AWAY from the food, as well as coughing.

6: ALWAYS wash the food before cooking.

7: ALWAYS check the food before you buy it.

Basically the rules of food hygiene are common sense rules to stop contamination of food while preparing or serving it. Remember, cooking food kills most germs. If you aren't going to cook it yourself before eating it then you have to store it carefully and make sure the way you prepare it is clean. Make sure it has few chances of encountering raw food, especially raw protein like meat which bacteria thrive on.

If food is not going to be cooked before you serve it - like cooked meats, cheese, cakes etc then you should store them on the top shelves of your fridge so no contaminants can drop onto them. You shouldn't cut these food stuffs with any knife that has been used on raw meat (unless it's been washed properly - rinsing under the tap won't do unless your tap spews boiling water). Ideally you should use different knives and chopping boards for raw meat and everything else.

Finally, ALWAYS wash your hands after putting something in the bin/trash. It's easy to forget, I know. Especially when trimming and peeling vegetables. My kitchen bin is host to microbes that feed on chicken skin, old cat food, veggie peelings, leftovers and everything. It's a hot bed of microbe reproduction activity. I bet yours is pretty similar! If my hands go to the bin I make sure my next stop is a good hand washing. You don't need to waste money on antibacterial soap, normal soap does the job just as well. And it's better that the germs get washed down the sink than transferred to your lovely green salad!

The four golden rules are

  1. Always tie back your hair and wash your hands
  2. Never cross contamination use coloured chopping boards!
  3. Always cook meat completely.
  4. And last but definitely not least, Always clean up everything properly after use. Use hot soapy water.
And those are the GOLDEN rules of the kitchen!!!!

What can you use to get rid of crabs?

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I actually have a huge irrational fear of crabs and my entire family gets mad at me for it but I can’t help it

Why wash your hands so often?

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Washing your hands kills and/or removes most harmful germs (e.g., bacteria and viruses) which will protect you and those with whom you come into contact from being contaminated and sickened by those germs on your hands.

Importance of hygiene and sanitation in restaurant?

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well, the role of the house keeper in a hotel is just cleaning, the washing, clearing out the bins, making the beds, prepare new and cleaned sheets. That's all they do really but i don't think they get much money even though it's like a 5 Star hotel...

How do you maximize hygiene when handling food?

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Bathe daily

Wear clean garments in production (prefer company-supplied uniforms and aprons)

Wash and sanitize hands at least at the beginning of each shift, at breaks and any other time it is necessary

Keep gloves clean and sanitary

Don't touch anything but the food or clean utensils

If you drop something on the floor, leave it there or wash hands and replace gloves if you pick it up.

Report to your supervisor if you are ill

What is the difference between personal hygiene and kitchen hygiene?

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The difference between food safety and personal hygiene is this;

Personal Hygiene:

Is when you wash your hands(a pain but we have to do it), don't pick your nose and things like that, Keeping us germ free.

Food Safety;

Is when you cook food properly, wash carrots before you eat them and etc....

Food safety is all about keeping food safe to eat.

What is the importance of safety of Hygiene and sanitation?

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Without good hygiene and sanitary condidtions, germs and disease would spread quickly. This would make people get sick and die more often, and would make for a disgusting world to live in.that's all folks.

Is your fish dying?

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The basic rules for keeping any kind of fish sucessfully are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you stick to the above rules your fish will stand a chance of survival. If you miss out on any of the above I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and dying before they should.

Is there a relationship between personal hygiene and hazards in food at restaurants?

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There is definitely a relationship. Poor personal hygiene is bad for everyone concerned.

The major one that comes to mind is passing Hepatitis A, by being contagious, having a bowel movement and then not washing your hands. Also, you can pass E.coli by not washing your hands. They also have shields called "sneeze guards" at salad bars, because sneezes can pass many diseases to persons who unknowingly eat food that has been sneezed on. Yes heres one example: An employee at Mckings decides to use the restroom before his shift. He then ignores the Wash Your hands sign and exits the restroom. Two things are wrong here, he is the cook and the door now holds e-coli and other germs he was carrying. Later on someone drives through the drive through and orders a double cheeseburger. He prepares it with no gloves on and therefore spreads e-coli on the burger. The customer eats this and later gets violently sick of e-coli posioning.

How do you make hand wash?

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Of course hand sanatizer is made of 90 percent alchohol so take a bottle of alchohol pour most of into the contaner that you are going to use and add gelatin to make it thick there you have it that's how you make hand sanatizer

r u sure?

What does the name boggie mean?

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Boggie is the Boggie Monster's nickname!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is also a dance move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is a toilet seat bidet?

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A toilet seat bidet is a toilet seat with an inbuilt washing function for the genitalia, there are several on the market but Duravit do a model range called Sensowash that is a fantastic product - as Duravit put it on their website

"SensoWash®. A new sense for design, comfort and purity. Nothing is as thorough, as hygienic, as natural and as refreshing as cleaning with water. Also after using the toilet: so it's not surprising that the shower-toilet - a symbiosis of toilet and bidet - is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Duravit has now applied its design and wellness expertise to this area. The result is as functionally impressive as it is visually exciting: SensoWash®. SensoWash® stands for a new range of shower-toilet seats that was designed specifically to meet the needs of today's users. The need for hygienic personal care. For user friendliness.

Combined bidet toilets are a very good idea, they are standard in holiday resorts such as Turkey, Greece. for a more cost friendly version you can buy a complete Combined Bidet Toilet for a fraction of the cost of the more expensive models at

What is the purpose of hand washing?

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To prevent germs and diseases. Sarah114

Can a 7 year old use deodorant?

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OK, if your child stinks, make them wear deodorant. EVERYONE will hate them and tease them and leave them out. "Oh! but they're only children!" NO! Popularity problems start when you child enters school. MAKE HER WEAR DEODORANT!!! She won't die! It's deodorant

No deodorants are not good for kids below 13. As it harms the skin and may cause skin cancer. Tlcum powder, pefumes are better than deoz...

Prachi Sinha


PHSS, Ahmedabad


Why does liquid soap have an expiration date?

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Fluid cleanser commonly has a lapse date in light of multiple factors:

Fixing Soundness: The fixings in fluid cleanser, like surfactants, scents, and additives, can corrupt over the long haul. This can bring about changes in the cleanser's surface, variety, and adequacy.

Microbial Development: Over the long haul, microbes, shape, and different microorganisms might possibly fill in the cleanser, particularly on the off chance that the bundling isn't impenetrable or on the other hand assuming it's been polluted during use. A termination date guarantees that the cleanser stays protected to utilize.

Quality Affirmation: Makers need to ensure that their items satisfy specific quality guidelines, and indicating a lapse date is essential for that quality control process.

Administrative Necessities: In certain areas, administrative organizations require items like fluid cleanser to have lapse dates to guarantee customer security and item consistency.

It's fundamental to follow the termination date on fluid cleanser to guarantee its viability and wellbeing for use. After the lapse date, the cleanser may not spotless as successfully, and there may be worries about microbial pollution.

What is personl hygiene and how important it is?

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Personal hygiene can impact on the consumers health and the health of yourself.

Opinions can be made on identification of how clean a business and its employees are and how well they maintain that standard.

The success of a business balances on the shoulders of each employee and the benefits they provide. Personal hygiene is one of those benefits

Can you do a Urine test while you are having period?

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There is no reason why you can not do a urine test while you are on your period, but the issue is there should be no reason for you to need to do a urine test if you are having a period. If you are having a period, it is highly unlikely that you would be pregnant.

How should you correctly wipe your butt?

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It's important to wipe from front to back because bowel movement (stool, feces) contains the bacteria E-Coli. E-Coli can cause urinary infections, especially in females. It can also cause digestive symptoms if ingested (such as from not washing your hands before touching food).

Should one wash their hands after touching their butt?

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Yes, this would be a good idea. The human intestinal tract has billions of bacteria including E. coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter, all of which can cause illness in their host if ingested.

How do you get a healthy pink tongue?

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You need to see a dentist to determine why your gums are changing color. It could be something as simple as needing a thorough dental cleaning or an amalgam tattoo to something far more serious, such as metal toxicity or poisoning.