



Arachnida (Arachnids), with approzimately 39,500 identified species, are commonly known as spiders. All spiders are both carnivorous and venomous, but only a very small percentage are potentially dangerous to humans. Ask and answer questions here about these eight legged fascinating wonders.

500 Questions

Is the hit group Mary Jane GIRLS still alive?

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Yes, the Mary Jane Girls, an American R&B and soul group, are still alive but they are not currently active as a group.

Why are there no dangerous spiders in the UK?

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The UK's climate is not suitable for dangerous spiders to thrive, as they prefer warmer and more humid conditions found in other regions around the world. The native spider species in the UK are generally not harmful to humans.

Up to how long can a spider plant grow?

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Spider Plants are no different than any other plants. They will live as long as they have ample sunlight, water and nutrient rich soil. My Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother planted a spider plant she obtained from a trip to South Africa as a child in the mid 1850's. It was Willed to me by my Grandmother and it's still happy and alive, currently residing in my living room. It's roughly 160 years old, about 3 feet at the base and about 3½ feet tall. It has almost 100 vines and well over 200 baby spiders. Every one of my friends and coworkers has at least 1 or 2 spider plants. We named it "Audrey II" back in the mid 80's.

Are spiders carnivores herbivores or omnivores?

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Spiders are carnivores. They do not eat plants, but instead live off of other spiders (cannibalism isn't uncommon in spider behavior), insects, and even (if the spider's web is strong enough) bigger prey, such as mice and birds.

How do most primary producers make their own food?

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Most primary producers, such as plants, algae, and some bacteria, use photosynthesis to make their own food. They use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen. Some primary producers, like certain bacteria, can also use chemosynthesis where they acquire energy from chemical reactions to make food.

What group of animals are spiders part of?

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Spiders belong to the class Arachnida, which includes other arachnids such as scorpions, ticks, and mites. They are distinct from insects, which belong to the class Insecta.

What is a Fern Spider?

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There is no specific species known as a Fern Spider. It is possible that it may refer to a spider that is commonly found near ferns or plants resembling ferns in their habitat. If you are referring to a specific species or genus of spider, please provide more details for accurate information.

What kind of symmetry does an eel have?

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An eel has bilateral symmetry, meaning that its body can be divided into two identical halves along a single plane. This symmetry allows an eel to be streamlined and efficient in its movement through the water.

What kind of spider only builds a web at night?

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The nocturnal orb-weaving spider typically builds its web at night. These spiders are active during the night when their prey is more abundant and create intricate orb-shaped webs to capture insects.

Why is the chuditch endangered?

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The chuditch, also known as the western quoll, is endangered due to habitat loss, competition with invasive species, and predation by introduced predators such as foxes and cats. These factors have led to a decline in chuditch populations in the wild. Conservation efforts are ongoing to help protect and increase their numbers.

Where are camel spiders located?

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Camel spiders are typically found in desert regions around the world, including the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of the southwestern United States. They prefer dry, sandy habitats with sparse vegetation.

What do spiders and mushrooms have in common?

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Spiders and mushrooms are both organisms found in nature. They both play important roles in their respective ecosystems, with spiders helping to control insect populations and mushrooms decomposing organic matter. Additionally, both spiders and mushrooms come in a wide variety of species and can be found in various habitats around the world.

Are male black widow spiders poisonous?

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Experts in the field have suggested that males (smaller, and sometimes grayish) very rarely bite humans, and their venom is not as potent as the female. This applies to both the northern and southern Black Widow species, latrodectus variolus and latrodectus mactans.

Is moss rose posioness?

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Moss rose, also known as Portulaca, is not considered toxic to humans or animals if ingested. However, it is always a good idea to keep plants out of reach of children and pets to avoid any potential ingestion that could lead to discomfort or illness.

Will an outside banana rot faster than an inside banana?

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Yes, an outside banana will likely rot faster than an inside banana due to exposure to factors such as air, temperature fluctuations, and possible physical damage. The inside banana is more protected from these external factors, leading to slower deterioration.

What do spiders look like that live in dirt?

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Spiders that live in dirt, such as wolf spiders or funnel-web spiders, typically have a camouflaged appearance to blend in with their environment. They may be brown, gray, or black in color with a hairy body and legs. These spiders are adapted for the underground habitat, with specialized behaviors and physical traits for burrowing and hunting.

Does spider have a heart?

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Spiders do not have a centralized circulatory system like mammals do, so they do not have a typical heart. Instead, spiders have a tube-like structure called a dorsal heart that pumps a fluid called hemolymph throughout their bodies.

How do you kill fly larvae?

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You can kill fly larvae by applying products containing Bacillus thuringiensis, which is a natural bacterium that targets and kills larvae. Another option is to use commercial insecticides labeled for fly control, following the instructions carefully to prevent any harm to pets or humans. Another method is to physically remove and dispose of the infested material where the larvae are present, such as rotting food or organic matter.

What are camel spiders predators?

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Camel spiders have a few predators, such as birds, reptiles, and other larger spiders. These predators hunt camel spiders for food, either actively seeking them out or opportunistically capturing them. Their predators play a role in controlling the population of camel spiders in their natural habitats.

Worm like animal with many pairs of legs?

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You may be referring to a millipede, which is a long, slender, worm-like animal with many pairs of legs. Millipedes can have anywhere from 30 to 400 pairs of legs, and they are known for their distinctive cylindrical body shape and segmented exoskeleton. These creatures are not insects, but belong to the class Diplopoda.

Is a spider a omnivore carnivore or herbivore?

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Almost all spiders are carnivores that specialize on insects. There is only one spider known that gets all or most of its food from plant life, and that is one that eats pollen. Technically, those spiders are vegetarians, but they do not eat the plants that produce the pollen so they probably should not be regarded as herbivores.

Is spider a carnivore?

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Yes, spiders are carnivores. They primarily feed on insects and other small arthropods that they catch in their webs or through hunting.

What is the name of the process by which a web-spinning spider makes a sketch of a web design before making the permanent web?

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The process is called "prey wrapping," where the spider creates a temporary sketch of the web design by laying down a non-sticky pattern before spinning the final sticky web for catching prey.

How long does a scorpion live?

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Scorpions typically live for 2-6 years, depending on the species and environmental factors like food availability and habitat conditions. Some species have been known to live up to 25 years in captivity.