

Abused Men

Instances of men being abused by their partner – physically, emotionally or even sexually – are as prevalent as women abuse. Unfortunately, many of these cases go unreported because male victims have to contend with social standards of men being the abuser.

500 Questions

Why are you such a failure?

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Hey, don't worry about it. Being a failure isn't based upon what others think of you, it is what you think of yourself. Don't beat yourself up for things because you can't go back in time! Instead, focus on the future and keep your head up. You can turn yourself around, and there is no time like the present to get started!

How many people are affected by domestic violence a year?

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Around 10 million people are affected by domestic violence yearly in the United States. This number includes both men and women who experience physical, emotional, or psychological abuse from an intimate partner.

What are the statistics on abusive relationships 2008?

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Asked by Natalie6674

In 2008, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, ETC. These statistics highlight the prevalence and impact of abusive relationships in the United States in that year.

Male and female who are more corrupt?

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Corruption is not determined by gender but rather by individual values and circumstances. Both males and females are capable of engaging in corrupt behavior. It is important to address corruption as a societal issue rather than attributing it to a specific gender.

If you only shoved or pushed your spouse once in 22 years Is it fair to be reported to police as a Physical Abuser considering absolutely not one speck of any type of such incidents ever occured?

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It is important to remember that any form of physical violence or aggression in a relationship is not acceptable. While it may not be fair to label someone as a physical abuser based on a single incident, it is still important for both parties to address and seek help for any form of violence or aggression in their relationship. It is advisable to seek counseling or therapy to address the underlying issues and ensure a safe and healthy relationship.

You live in a home but am not on lease agreement What are your residency rights in Florida?

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If you are not on the lease agreement, you may not have legal residency rights in the property in Florida. It is important to clarify your living arrangement with the leaseholder or property owner to ensure your rights and responsibilities are established. As a non-leaseholder, you might be considered a guest or a subtenant, and your rights may vary depending on the agreement between you and the leaseholder.

What are the reasons for abuse?

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Justifying or finding ways to excuse abuse just gives the abuser more power. There is NEVER any justifiable reason for abuse. If you're angry, walk away, if you're hurt, collect your thoughts and state them calmly or write them down. Even if someone hurts you, abuse is not a justifiable act. Some people have come to accept it, horrifying as it sounds, because they have not been taught appropriate ways to respond to their own emotions. Compounding the problem, not enough people get involved and the person being abused often doesn't have the tools to get out.

There are only "reasons" behind the abuse, never any justification. The abuser may be mentally ill, or may have been abused themselves, or have impulse control problems because they haven't been taught to regulate themselves. But there is NEVER justification for victim blaming. If you are an abuser, get help. If you are a victim, if you see a piece of daylight, RUN to the nearest shelter. Rebuilding your life from the ground up is better than living with an abusive person, parent or partner.

How do you get your wife to shut her mouth?

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To get your wife to shut her mouth, you will have to tell her that you are very unhappy with the way she talks to you, and that if she continues to do that, you will have to divorce her. And furthermore, you must be prepared to carry out that threat, once you have uttered it, otherwise you will prove yourself to be powerless and pathetic.

What are the signs of emotional abuse in a relationship?

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First, know that a toxic relationship can be any kind of relationship, not just one between romantic partners. And the "toxic" label can be applied to a wide variety of bad relationships—emotionally or physically abusive relationships are just one extreme.

The biggest sign that you're in a toxic relationship is that you're unhappy. If you don't enjoy spending time with this person and instead feel anxious, sad, or just generally bad when you're with them, it's time to take a hard look at the relationship and figure out what's wrong. Sometimes you can work through what's making it toxic, and other times, you just have to walk away.

Some specific behaviors that might indicate the person is toxic for you:

  • Excessive negativity
  • Control (subtle or overt)
  • Passive aggression
  • Not taking ownership
  • Constantly undermining you
  • Making you feel like you can't voice concerns

What is narcissistic behavior?

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Narcissism generally includes excessive self-centerednessand an overexaggerated view of one's own talents and strengths. A narcissist creates a false self that he exhibits to other people. He lives in a completely invented world. He is obsessed with his superiority and is an authority on every subject. He possesses an absurd vanity. His self worth and self-esteem are derived exclusively from audience feedback. He doesn't engage in conversation, he lectures. He takes credit for accomplishments he may have performed as part of a large group but every completed project somehow becomes a personal accomplishment and those increase a hundred fold with every telling. He exhibits extreme grandiosity not supported by personal talents or personal history. He refuses to acknowledge the achievement of others. Tell him about something good that someone else did or accomplished and note the lack of any reply or any sign he heard what you said. He cannot delay gratification.

For more information see link.


How do you tell a sociopath that they are a sociopath?

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If the victim has not seen this by now (and I sure they have) they either are too frightened or are in denial. It's best to keep out of it because it's a no win situation. Sometimes as much as it hurts us when we see a good friend or family member in a bad situation a few words of wisdom are good, but if they choose not to do anything with your wise words, then it's time to butt out and let them deal with it as best they can.

Except if the person being abused is in real physical danger, in which you might very well notify the authorities and be prepared to offer whatever kind of help is feasible without putting yourself in danger; check out websites for domestic abuse survival.

The current wisdom is not to "back off" but for friends and family to get, if necessary, very aggressive about helping the abused person break free. Where someone's life is in danger, who cares about propriety?
And if the abused woman in that question has children, that makes calling the authorities mandatory -- literally. At least here in New York State, it's ILLEGAL to ignore and fail to report child abuse!

How can you tell if someone is a sociopath?
So, ask yourself. Is he/she scatterbrained and flighty? Does he have trouble in concentrating on more than one thing at a time, to the point that he can endanger his safety or that of others? Does he fly into a rage at the slightest thing? Is he controlling and manipulative? Does he "have to" get rough to have sex? Does he lie a lot, or, if not, at least does he twist and slant the truth and leave out crucial details?

Even if it's "yes" to most of these things, it could be something else.

But it is best to find out.

Numerous websites on the Internet will tell you that research using brain scanning technology has recently revealed that the brain of a psychopath functions and processes information differently.

Are you involved with a psychopath (extreme sociopath)? You may not know because they can be very charming and friendly and can appear to be altruistic, until you get close and inevitably they do something threatening or immoral and then you must set limits that disappoint them. The near-constant state of frustration and dissatisfaction felt by a true psychopath is the source of not only their rages but those eerie, on-and-off-like-a-faucet tears. (Yes, tears are seen even in some men, though of course still more common in children and women.)

But, don’t assume anyone is a psychopath based only on the person’s apparent attitude and behavior. It is far more complex than that, including factors in the pattern of the person's life and many other characteristics. Please don’t go around assuming or calling someone a psychopath just because he/she may have some of the warning signs. Get a professional opinion from a qualified mental health professional if you think you are involved with a psychopath. And then ask what to do, not only for the psychopath but for yourself, because being involved with a psychopath is risky.

How many women in the world are abused?

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Asked by Wiki User

This question cannot be answered because abuse often goes unreported even in our Western countries. Millions of women are abused in the world. China prefers boy babies to girls (just on the news tonight) and Iraq and many other countries are abusive towards their women that don't conform to men. Sometimes it's about culture and sometimes it's plain cruelty.

How old is Maury Povich?

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Maury Wills is 78 years old (birthdate: October 2, 1932).

Is is acceptable to tell a lie to protect someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • It depends on what that person has done. Examples: If your friend has committed a crime and you protect them then you are involved and can go before a court of law and be charged with 'accessory to the fact' or 'withholding vital information.' If your friend started rumors about someone else and that person asks you if it is true your friend (or whomever) did start the gossip all you have to do is tell them to talk to the person that they feel spread the rumors and stay out of it. If a person is fearful for their life (a woman hiding from her husband because he is abusive) and that husband asks where she is then you may have to tell a lie to protect her, but it would be advisable to give her good advice and have her seek out protection at the Woman's Abuse Center. You have to be the judge of whether it is right to protect a person, but crime is not one of them.

Why do abused women and men prefer to suffer in silence?

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It's never just one answer for an individual and there are different reasons for different people. Generally though, I think that fear of something is the only reason to stay in an abusive relationship or even just to keep it secret. Hiding the abuse helps to hide the fact that action needs to be taken to protect oneself against the abuser. If no one knows about it, you don't need to fix it. Maybe it's an attemtp to hide the relationship's problems from one's self. Maybe it's a fear of the unknown, a fear of ending the relationship, fear of starting over, fear of further abuse if the plan to leave the relationship fall apart, fear of opening oneself to a new relationship, fear of real intimacy...The woman may be threatened that something bad will happen to her or the kids if she tells anyone. I guess the list goes on an on. There may be a few reasons not having to do with fear at all too though, like needing to stay in order to have time to show the abuser that they are doing something wrong, or to prove that the woman/victim is strong enough to withstand the abuse. Maybe the woman also wants the outside world to view her life in a certain way, so she can't admit to anything less than perfect. There are so many reasons and they are as individual as the person and the circumstances (past and present).

What is a good thesis statement on civil rights?

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uhhh...... i would like to knw the same thing.

What rights and privileges does Americans have?

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Asked by Wiki User

we have the rights:

~ job opportunities.

~ freedom of speech, religion, and ownership.

~ education.

How can you become a mobster?

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You must be born into it or know someone in it and have proven yourself worthy to them. There are a few stipulations as to who and who is not "eligible" to be a mafiosi. Try googling the 10 commandments of the Italian mafia for more info.

What are the dangers of living in an earthquake zone?

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Know what to do. Have a plan. Have some supplies.

You'll be fine.

How can I show him how much I deeply appreciate his forgiveness for my verbal abuse I am doing emotional counseling but want to let him know how much I love him and am sorry other than telling?

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Asked by Wiki User

What would be best is to do what he enjoys doing. If he enjoys sports events, video games, going to the gun range, etc; do it with him. You could also surprise him with a romantic dinner, massage, different sex positions, or something that he has always wanted you to do but you were never interested. However, these things will only help, but they will not completely give you what you are looking for. What you will need to do is show him. Go out of your way to do something so surprising that you astound yourself. You also need to accept within yourself that the situation is long past over due, and he loves you and understands that you forgive him and that needs to be put in the past and move on with life.

Can teenage boys be kidnapped by adult women?

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Asked by Jeffman101

yes boys could get kidnapped by girls. people get kidnapped by anyone in the world. so watch out do not give anyone personal information about your self and be mindful

Is it mental abuse if a husband refuses to go out with his wife?

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It depends on the situation. If most wives waited for their husbands to be motivated enough to entertain others or even go out then we'd be very lonely women. If he is using this to "get even" with you this is another story. If this is the case go out without him! Don't let ANYONE control your social life. It would be a good idea to communicate with your husband. Perhaps he works shift-work and is just plain tired. If so, come to some agreement that one night a week you both do something together or with friends and the other times when you need to get out of the house you could go out with girlfriends. Many of us rely on our girlfriends for some entertainment. Good luck Marcy My ex, would insist that he pays for the date always (even if he literally took the money from my purse to pay for it) and he insisted that he should be the "man" and ask me out. And not the other way around. I would be severely criticized if I asked. So needless to say as he went out to basketball, hockey games, a monthly night out with this guy, and weekly drinks with the guys, and then of course, he worked hard so he was entitled to go for a drink....I waited alot. We went out 1 in the last year we were together, 3 times the year before and only 4 times the year before. Everyone else came before me. He didn't even take me out during these three past years, to celebrate any of the 3 kids we had, the house that we bought together or even when we got engaged. (ALthough he was entitled to go out and celebrate with his buddies). So if you end up feeling like you're on an never-ending to-do list then yes it is.

What is classified as verbal abuse at work?

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People have been known to be arrested for verbal abuse... but that may be due to being aimed at the police. Verbal basically means speaking, so it depends what is said through the verbal use. E.g. bad language aimed at some,

name calling these can be classed as verbal abuse

Do abusive men know they are abusive?

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We cannot speak for all abusive men, but we assume that most of them know that they are abusers. Abusive men tend to come from abusive homes, and the behavior may seem normal to them. Others may feel that such behavior is their right. Most of them know the law, but when rage strikes, the law often doesn't mean much.