


Domestic Dogs

Our canine companions. Truly man's best friend. Breeds, health, training and so many more questions go here.

500 Questions

Is it safe to lick your own semen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Of course it is. People swallow it all the time -.-

Do noses continue to grow throughout life?

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Can petting a dog feel good?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, petting a dog is known to release feel-good hormones like oxytocin in both the person and the dog, leading to relaxation and bonding. The physical act of petting can also be soothing and comforting for both the pet and the owner.

Why did Pavlovs dog salivate to a tone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pavlov's dog salivated to a tone because the tone had been repeatedly paired with the presentation of food. This led to the dog associating the tone with food, triggering a conditioned response of salivation even when food was not present.

Is it normal for a human to kiss a dog in the snout?

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Asked by Wolfaaron

While some people may feel comfortable giving their dog affection in this way, it is generally not recommended to kiss a dog on the snout or allow them to lick one's face. This is because it can potentially transfer bacteria or germs between the dog and human. It's important to show affection to pets in ways that are safe for both parties.

Can a male urinate in a females privates?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not physically possible for a male to urinate into a female's private parts as their anatomy does not allow for that. Urination occurs through the urethra, which is separate from the vaginal opening in females.

How was pavlov able to get dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pavlov paired the ringing of a bell with the presentation of food to the dogs, causing them to associate the bell with the imminent arrival of food. Through repeated pairings, the dogs learned to salivate at the sound of the bell alone, even in the absence of food. This process is known as classical conditioning.

Are some dogs psychic because my dog barks right before a cat or something appears?

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Asked by Ustis

Dogs have keen senses and can often pick up on cues or signals that humans may not notice, such as the sound or smell of approaching animals. While it may appear psychic, it is more likely that your dog is reacting to subtle cues that precede the appearance of the cat or other animal.

When Tom was three years old he was bitten by his neighbor's dog As a result he developed an extreme phobia of dogs and other animals in this situation what have other furry animals become?

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Asked by Wiki User

Due to the traumatic incident with the neighbor's dog, Tom may generalize his fear and associate it with other furry animals, extending his phobia to include all animals with similar physical characteristics as dogs, such as cats, rabbits, or any furry pets. This is a common psychological response known as stimulus generalization.

How are dogs connected to humans?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and have formed close bonds with humans as companions, helpers, and protectors. This companionship has evolved into a mutually beneficial relationship, where dogs provide emotional support, companionship, and assistance while receiving care, shelter, and food from humans. Dogs also have the ability to understand human emotions, forming a unique and strong connection with their owners.

What is the aim of the experiment for Pavlov salivating dogs experiment?

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The aim of Pavlov's experiment was to investigate classical conditioning, specifically studying how dogs could be conditioned to associate a neutral stimulus (such as a bell) with the presentation of food, leading to the dogs salivating to the bell even when food was not present.

What was the bell's ring called prior to being paired with the presentation of the meat powder in Pavlov's experiment with dogs in which he demonstrated classical conditioning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Conditioned stimulus.
It was called a neutral stimulus because it was neutral, and a stimulus.
unconditioned response

conditioned stimulus

unconditioned response (A+)
conditioned response

Pavlov's dog learned to respong to a bell as if the bell were food. this is an example of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Classical conditioning - where a neutral stimulus (bell) becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus (food) through repeated pairings, leading to a learned response. In this case, the dog's salivating to the bell is a conditioned response.

During extinction an instrumental behavior may initially increase as the result of a failure of the dog to obey the new instruction an extinction burst temporary defiance or punishment resistance?

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Asked by Ashleyann1985

During extinction, a behavior may initially increase due to an extinction burst, which is a temporary increase in the behavior before it decreases. This can happen as the individual tests to see if the previous behavior still works. It is important to continue with extinction procedures consistently to effectively reduce the behavior over time.

Can dogs be racist against other breeds of dog?

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Asked by GBartthenerd

Dogs do not exhibit racism as humans do since they lack the cognitive ability to hold discriminatory beliefs. However, dogs can show fear or aggression towards other breeds based on lack of experience or socialization. It's important for dog owners to expose their pets to different breeds to promote harmonious interactions.

What is the hypothesis of pavlovs dog observation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, it is an experiment in behavioral psychology. The idea is that if we associate one thing with another (in this case, associate a bell with food), that eventually the same things will happen when the associated thing happens as when the original impetus happens. The dogs would start salivating when they saw their food... so they would ring a bell when the food came, and eventually, the dogs would start salivating when the bell rang... even when it was not accompanied by food.

The same thing happens in everyday life to a certain extent. For instance, someone who hates their job will get grumpy whenever they are at work... but they could also start to associate it with other things, like the whole company, the whole city, the whole state. Eventually "I hate California" would express that person's hatred of doing a particular thing or interacting with a particular person, because they have associated other things with whatever they detest. Whether it is worth addressing all of our associations and working through them or just moving to another state depends on the circumstances.

What did Ivan Pavlov discover with regard to the digestive process of dogs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ivan Pavlov discovered that dogs could be conditioned to salivate not only in response to food, but also to neutral stimuli that were repeatedly paired with food. This led to the development of classical conditioning, a process in which a conditioned response is triggered by a previously neutral stimulus.

How do you help get over the lose of a pet dog?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to allow yourself to grieve and express your feelings. Consider creating a photo album or memorial to celebrate your pet's life. Talking to a therapist or attending a pet loss support group may also help you cope with the loss.

What are some examples of propaganda devices used in movie Wag the Dog?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the movie "Wag the Dog," examples of propaganda devices include creating a fake war to distract the public from a political scandal, manipulating media coverage to influence public opinion, and using patriotic symbols to rally support for a fabricated cause. These devices are used to sway public perception and manipulate reality for political gain.

Can a man out run a dog?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the dog breed and the distance of the race. In general, most dogs are faster runners than humans over short distances due to their superior sprinting abilities and agility. However, humans have better endurance and can outlast dogs in longer distance races.

Why does having a beer when your hungover make you feel better?

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Drinking alcohol can temporarily relieve hangover symptoms by numbing the body's response to inflammation caused by drinking alcohol. However, this relief is only temporary and can actually prolong the hangover in the long run by further dehydrating the body and increasing the overall toxic load on the liver. It's generally recommended to opt for water and electrolyte-rich drinks to rehydrate and help alleviate hangover symptoms.

How is classical conditioning show in the experiment of Ivan Pavlov?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Ivan Pavlov's experiment, classical conditioning was demonstrated through the association of a neutral stimulus (bell) with a biologically significant stimulus (food), leading to the dog salivating in response to the bell alone. Over time, the neutral stimulus became a conditioned stimulus that elicited a conditioned response (salivation) similar to the unconditioned response to the food. This showed how pairing stimuli can lead to learned associations and behavioral changes.

Volvo 740 turbo having electrical ground problems. How does some of the components keep gound when others fail?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a Volvo 740 Turbo, some components may have their own direct ground connections while others may share a common ground point. If there is an issue with the common ground point, individual components may still function if they have their own separate ground connections. It's important to check all ground connections to identify and address any issues causing electrical ground problems.

How many dogs die a year because of dehydration?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is difficult to provide an exact number of dogs that die each year due to dehydration, as cases may go unreported. However, dehydration is a serious condition that can lead to organ failure and death if not treated promptly. It is important for pet owners to ensure their dogs have access to clean water at all times and to seek veterinary care if they suspect dehydration.

What is a 7 syllable sentence about dogs?

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Asked by Fizzyellie8

I like dogs better than cats.