



Monarchy is a form of government in which all political power is vested in a monarch, usually a king or a queen. The monarch rules the nation, and acts as the head of state until his/her death or abdication.

500 Questions

When was Marie-Claire Blais born?

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Asked by APIBirthday

Marie-Claire Blais was born on October 5, 1939.

What did Mary Shelleys children die of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mary Shelley's children, Clara, William, and Clara's half-sister, Allegra, died of various illnesses. Clara died of dysentery, William of malaria, and Allegra of typhus. Tragically, all three of Mary Shelley's children died at a young age.

When did albet get married?

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Albert II of Monaco married Charlene Wittstock on July 1, 2011.

Did Marie taglioni die?

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Yes, Marie Taglioni died on April 22, 1884. She was a famous Italian ballet dancer known for her performance in the Romantic era.

Why did Marie brown die?

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Asked by Wiki User

Marie Brown died from complications related to her ovarian cancer, which she had been battling for several years. Despite undergoing treatment, her condition worsened, leading to her passing.

How did Stephanie Marie Gotz die?

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Stephanie Marie Gotz, a professional wrestler known as Nicole Bass, passed away on February 17, 2017, due to a heart attack. She was found unresponsive in her New York home and was unable to be revived.

Is iv glutathione effective?

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Asked by Wiki User

IV glutathione is indeed effective. Administered directly into the bloodstream, IV glutathione in Dubai at Atelier Clinic ensures maximum absorption and potency. This powerful antioxidant offers numerous benefits, including detoxification, skin lightening, and immune system support. Consult our experts for personalized IV glutathione treatments and experience its remarkable effects.

What is George III's favorite color?

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Asked by Casimir Keebler


Why are Queen Anne's lace white?

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Asked by Wiki User

Queen Anne's lace flowers are white because of their pigmentation, which reflects light in a way that makes them appear white. This color adaptation may help attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies to aid in the plant's reproduction.

Who was the king that was restored in the restoration of monarchy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The king that was restored in the Restoration of Monarchy in England was King Charles II. After the English Civil War and the subsequent period of Commonwealth, monarchy was reinstated with the return of Charles II to the throne in 1660.

What is the definition of absolute monarch?

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Asked by Wiki User

An absolute monarch is a ruler who has complete control over their country and its government without being limited by a constitution, laws, or other governing bodies. This type of monarch holds unlimited power and is not subject to any checks or balances.

How did the concepts of balance of power and reason of state influence international relations in the eighteenth century?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the eighteenth century, the balance of power concept shaped diplomacy by advocating for the distribution of power to prevent any one state from dominating the others. Reason of state, on the other hand, allowed rulers to prioritize the security and stability of their own states over moral or ethical considerations when making foreign policy decisions. These concepts contributed to the complexity and pragmatism of international relations during this time period.

Who is the king of Morocco?

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Asked by Wiki User

The current King of Morocco is King Mohammed VI, who ascended to the throne in 1999 following the death of his father, King Hassan II. King Mohammed VI is known for implementing various social and political reforms in Morocco.

What is the theme of 1st to die by James Patterson?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theme of "1st to Die" by James Patterson revolves around justice, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of a killer. The novel explores the idea of female empowerment through the characters of the Women's Murder Club as they work together to solve a series of murders.

Does Matt Moore have any children?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Matt Moore has two children, a daughter and a son.

What is the theme of blockade billy by Stephen King?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theme of "Blockade Billy" by Stephen King revolves around the dark side of professional sports and the lengths people will go to in order to keep up appearances and protect their interests. The novella explores the consequences of covering up the truth and the impact of dealing with the consequences of one's actions.

Does Matt Bomer have any children?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Matt Bomer has three children with his husband, Simon Halls. They have three sons: Kit, Walker, and Henry.

Where did Macbeth reign and what years?

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Asked by Wiki User

Macbeth reigned as the King of Scotland from 1040 to 1057. His reign was centered in Scotland and featured a mix of political intrigue, military conflicts, and ambition for power, as famously depicted in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth."

Who is executed by king Ducan for treason?

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The Thane of Cawdor is executed by King Duncan for treason. This is mentioned in Act 1, Scene 2 of William Shakespeare's play, "Macbeth."

What was George V last name?

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Asked by Wiki User

George V's last name was Windsor. He was a member of the British royal family and held the title of King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions from 1910 until his death in 1936.

Was Queen Victoria selfish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Queen Victoria was known to have a strong sense of duty and commitment to her role as monarch. While she can be seen as having made decisions that benefited her and her family, it would be an oversimplification to label her as selfish without considering the complexities of her position and the time she lived in.

What is Queen Victoria's surname?

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Asked by Wiki User

British Royalty do not have surnames in the same way that non-royal people do, instead they are referred to as belonging to a "Royal House."

Queen Victoria was the last British monarch from The House of Hanover.

She married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg Gotha and their descendants belonged to his Royal House.

Her grandson, King George V, changed the name of the Royal House from Saxe-Coburg Gotha to Windsor because of anti-German feelings in Britain during World War 1.

How did Charles ii thank john dryden for his poem annus mirabilis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Charles II thanked John Dryden for his poem "Annus Mirabilis" by awarding him a pension and naming him Historiographer Royal. This showed the king's appreciation for Dryden's work and provided him with financial support.

What is the acrostic poem for the word castles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crumbling towers stand tall, A fortress of ancient history, Shadows of knights past, Tales whispered in stone walls, Legends of glory and mystery, Eternal guardians of the land, Stone sentinel of time.