



Asia is part of Eurasia and the world's largest and most populous continent, located in the eastern and northern hemispheres of the Earth. Asia has a number of regions and peoples and huge range of environments, cultures, histories and government systems.

500 Questions

What is the largest continent in the land area?

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Asia is the largest continent in terms of land area. It covers around 30% of the Earth's land area and is home to over half of the world's population.

Which mountain range was formed when the plate containing the Indian subcontinent bumped into the continent of Asia?

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The Himalayas were formed when the Indian subcontinent collided with the continent of Asia, leading to the uplift of the world's highest mountain range.

Does Bangladesh snow?

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No, Bangladesh does not experience snowfall due to its tropical climate. Snowfall is very rare in tropical countries like Bangladesh.

What was the most destructive typhoon that hit Asia?

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The 1970 Bhola cyclone is considered one of the most destructive typhoons to hit Asia. It struck East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and caused widespread devastation, with an estimated death toll of around 300,000 people.

What is their money called in Siberia?

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The currency used in Siberia, as in the rest of Russia, is the Russian ruble.

What are two nations in southeast Asia are archipelagos?

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Archipelagos is a large or small group of islands scattered close together. Southeast Asia contains the largest archipelago. Countries such as Indonesia, The Philippines, Papa New Genie, and Japan

Why is the Pacific Ring of Fire important to East Asia?

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The Pacific Ring of Fire is important to East Asia because it is a region with high volcanic and seismic activity, which results in frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. These natural events have the potential to cause significant damage and loss of life in East Asian countries located along the Ring of Fire. Additionally, the Ring of Fire is also associated with the presence of valuable mineral deposits and geothermal energy resources, which are important for the region's economy.

What is the largest fresh water fish in the world that lives in Asia and can weigh up to 1600 pounds and can grow up to 10 feet long?

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The Mekong giant catfish, native to Southeast Asia, is the largest freshwater fish in the world. It can weigh up to 660 pounds and reach lengths of over 10 feet. Due to overfishing and habitat destruction, this species is critically endangered.

Most people in Southeast Asia live in?

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Asked by Cheinema37

Most people in Southeast Asia live in rural areas, with a significant portion residing in coastal regions due to economic opportunities like fishing and trade. Urban areas such as Jakarta, Manila, and Bangkok also have large populations, driven by economic growth and employment opportunities. However, there is a wide range of living conditions and lifestyles across the diverse countries in the region.

What is location of Asia in world?

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Asia is located in the eastern hemisphere of the world, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Indian Ocean to the south, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and Europe and Africa to the west.

Which countries are archipelagos?

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Some countries that are archipelagos include Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, the Maldives, and the Seychelles. These are composed of multiple islands grouped closely together in a chain or cluster.

How do landforms affect people in south Asia?

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- The Hindu Kush and Himalayan Mountains limited contact with other lands, leaving India's distinct culture to develop on its own.

Southeast Asia is divided into what two major landforms?

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Southeast Asia is divided into the mainland and the archipelago. The mainland consists of countries like Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, while the archipelago includes Indonesia and the Philippines.

How do you pronounce Kamchatka?

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Are there any plateaus in Bhutan?

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Yes, Bhutan has several plateaus, including the Paro Valley plateau, Haa Valley plateau, and Bumthang Valley plateau. These plateaus have unique landscapes and are home to vibrant communities and diverse wildlife.

Is Tokyo on the coast of Japan?

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Yes, Tokyo is located on the eastern coast of Japan, along the Pacific Ocean.

Where is a plateau in Asia?

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A popular plateau in Asia is the Tibetan Plateau, also known as the "Roof of the World." It is located in Central Asia and covers parts of Tibet, China, India, and Nepal. The plateau is the largest and highest plateau in the world, with an average elevation exceeding 4,500 meters.

What is the name of the island outside chinas eastern border?

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thats taiwan. taiwan is a rather complicated place. they are chinese. its called the Republic of China. whereas china itself is called The Peoples Republic of China. confusing yet? well taiwan wants to sovereign, and china wants them to be completely chinese. the little bit of water that is between china and taiwan is filled with the US navy. so if china decides to start bombing taiwan...we are in the middle.

Why is Siberia called the land of ice and tears?

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Siberia is often called the "land of ice and tears" due to its harsh, cold climate and difficult living conditions. The region's long, freezing winters and remote, isolated landscapes have contributed to this perception. Additionally, Siberia has a history of being a place of suffering and exile for political prisoners and others, further adding to the idea of tears associated with the land.

Does kalimantan have volcanoes?

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Yes, Kalimantan does have volcanoes. The most well-known volcano in Kalimantan is Mount Meratus, located in the South Kalimantan province. Another notable volcano is Mount Kelam in the East Kalimantan province.

What do south Asia's rivers provide?

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South Asia's rivers, such as the Ganges, Indus, and Brahmaputra, provide vital resources such as water for irrigation, transportation, and hydroelectric power generation. They also support diverse ecosystems and contribute to the region's rich cultural heritage and religious significance.