



Questions and information about the structure and history of legislative systems and ruling empires of countries other than the United States

500 Questions

What are the rights of citizens in a republic?

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In a republic, citizens typically have rights such as the right to vote, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to a fair trial. They also have the right to participate in the political process, petition the government, and have equal protection under the law.

What was The name of the early liberator of Colombia who planted more seeds of democracy than Bolivar did was?

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Francisco de Paula Santander, a prominent figure in Colombia's independence movement, played a significant role in establishing democratic institutions in the country. He helped draft Colombia's first constitution and served as the country's first vice president. Despite not achieving the same level of fame as Simón Bolívar, Santander's contributions to democracy in Colombia are widely recognized.

Where in the constitution does congress have the right to draft citizens to serve in the military?

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Congress has the power to raise and support armies under Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. This includes the authority to enact laws requiring citizens to serve in the military through mechanisms like the draft in times of national emergency.

What style of authoritarian rule specifically involves claiming a god-given right to rule?

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Divine right is the style of authoritarian rule that specifically involves claiming a god-given right to rule.

5 programs of government about natural resources?

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  1. Conservation programs aim to protect and preserve natural resources by implementing regulations and sustainable management practices.
  2. Renewable energy initiatives promote the development and use of clean energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to reduce reliance on finite resources like fossil fuels.
  3. Reforestation projects focus on planting trees to restore forests, combat deforestation, absorb carbon dioxide, and promote biodiversity.
  4. Pollution control measures regulate industrial emissions and waste disposal to minimize environmental damage to air, water, and soil resources.
  5. Land restoration programs work to rehabilitate degraded areas through soil conservation, erosion control, and habitat restoration to improve ecological health and productivity.

What is the result of mass production?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mass production typically leads to lower costs per unit due to economies of scale. It can also increase efficiency, improve consistency in product quality, and facilitate the production of large quantities in a shorter amount of time. However, it may also reduce customization options and lead to environmental concerns related to waste generation and resource depletion.

Why do you learn about government?

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Learning about government is important because it helps us understand how decisions are made that affect us, our communities, and our society as a whole. It also gives us insight into our rights and responsibilities as citizens, and helps us participate in shaping public policies and holding government accountable.

How many ministries does kenyan government has?

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The Kenyan government currently has 22 ministries.

How do you tell if something is non metal?

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If an object does not conduct electricity, is not shiny, and is not malleable or ductile, it is likely a non-metal. Non-metals are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity, dull in appearance, and brittle. Additionally, non-metals tend to gain electrons when they form compounds.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living under a constitutional monarch government?

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Asked by Julianne1113

Advantages: Stability and continuity in leadership, ceremonial role can help unify the country, monarch can act as a symbol of national identity.

Disadvantages: Limited political power for the monarch, potential cost to maintain the monarchy, can perpetuate inequality and lack of democracy if the monarch's influence is too strong.

What type of government did Kenya have?

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Kenya has a democratic government with a multi-party system. The President serves as the head of state and government while the National Assembly and Senate make up the legislative branch. The country also has a devolved system of government that includes 47 county governments.

What rights do citizens have in a monarchy?

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In a monarchy, citizens may have rights such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion, as well as the right to vote in some monarchies. However, the extent of these rights can vary depending on the specific monarchy and its governing principles.

Can you define 'Checks and Balances' as they are used in your government at the Federal Level?

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Asked by Wiki User

Checks and balances at the federal level of the US government refer to the distribution of powers among the three branches - legislative, executive, and judicial - to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. Each branch has the ability to limit the actions of the other branches, ensuring no branch oversteps its authority. This system promotes accountability, transparency, and ultimately protects against tyranny.

How can the government solve problems related to food insecurity?

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The government can address food insecurity by implementing policies such as increasing access to affordable and nutritious food through subsidies or food assistance programs, supporting local food production and distribution, and investing in education and job training programs to improve economic opportunities for individuals experiencing food insecurity. Additionally, creating partnerships with community organizations and supporting initiatives to reduce food waste can also help alleviate food insecurity.

An apparatus like one Cavendish used to find G has a large lead ball that is 5.2 kg in mass and small one that is 0.054 kg Their centers are separated by 0.055 m Find force of attraction between them?

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The force of attraction between the two masses can be calculated using Newton's law of universal gravitation: ( F = G \times (m1 \times m2) / r^2 ), where ( G ) is the gravitational constant (approximately ( 6.67430 \times 10^{-11} , \text{m}^3/\text{kg}\cdot\text{s}^2 )), ( m1 = 5.2 , \text{kg} ), ( m2 = 0.054 , \text{kg} ), and ( r = 0.055 , \text{m} ). Plugging these values into the equation yields ( F = 3.56 \times 10^{-7} , \text{N} ).

What some characteristics of Kenya's Government?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kenya has a unitary presidential republic system with a multi-party political scene. The President is both the head of state and government, holding executive power. The country has a bicameral Parliament consisting of the National Assembly and the Senate.

What an area that has some kind of unity in terms of terrain climate government or language can be called a?

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An area with unity in terms of terrain, climate, government or language can be called a region. Regions have common characteristics that distinguish them from other areas and help define their identity. This unity can be based on geographical, political, cultural, or linguistic factors.

Why might the us government want to hire geographers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The US government may want to hire geographers to analyze and understand spatial relationships, demographics, and environments for policy planning and decision-making. Geographers can provide valuable insights on issues such as land use planning, natural resource management, climate change impacts, and geopolitical dynamics, among others. Their expertise in spatial analysis and mapping can help inform government policies and initiatives.

What characteristics of an overarching common European culture exist?

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Some characteristics of an overarching common European culture include shared values such as democracy, human rights, and rule of law, as well as a rich artistic and historical heritage that includes literature, art, and music. European cultural diversity is also an important element, with each country contributing its own traditions and customs to the overall cultural landscape of the continent.

Which term describes a philosphy that likes representative government human rights and political equality?

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This philosophy is known as liberalism. Liberalism emphasizes individual rights, democratic governance, and equality under the law. It advocates for limited government intervention and aims to protect personal freedoms and promote social progress.

Why would the question asked by Socrates and his students be meaningful to someone trying to form a democratic government?

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The questions asked by Socrates and his students, aimed at critical thinking and self-examination, are meaningful for forming a democratic government as they encourage citizens to question authority, think independently, and engage in dialogue. This approach promotes a well-informed and participatory citizenry essential for a functioning democracy. It fosters a culture of accountability, transparency, and collective decision-making, which are foundational principles of democratic governance.

In scene 1 the men appear to be wary if participating in a government study. Why?

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The men are wary of participating in the study because they are afraid of potential risks or negative consequences involved, such as invasion of privacy or harm to their health. They may also be distrustful of government institutions and their motivations.

The idea that governments exist only by the sonsent of the people was first popularized by which enlightenment philosopher?

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The idea that governments exist only by the consent of the people was first popularized by Enlightenment philosopher John Locke. He argued that political authority is derived from the consent of the governed and that people have the right to revolt against a government that violates their natural rights.

How did the philosophers of the Enlightenment view the relationship between government and the governed?

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Philosophers of the Enlightenment, such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, believed in the social contract theory, asserting that power and authority of government should be based on the consent of the governed. They argued that governments should protect individual rights and that the governed have the right to overthrow oppressive governments. Essentially, they emphasized the importance of a mutual and just relationship between the government and the governed.

What was William Wilberforce ideas of society and government?

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William Wilberforce was an English politician and philanthropist who was known for his advocacy against slavery. He believed in a society and government based on Christian principles, with a focus on morality, compassion, and social justice. Wilberforce also believed in the importance of individual liberty and the rule of law in creating a just and virtuous society.