



This category is for questions relating to the methods, theories, or general needs of educating your child from home. For questions on specific school subjects, please see the related category: School Subjects.

500 Questions

What is the best way to teach a six year old how to print?

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Asked by Wiki User

Start by showing the child how to hold the pencil correctly and demonstrate the basic strokes for each letter. Practice tracing letters with the child, and provide guidance and positive reinforcement throughout. Make the learning process fun and engaging by incorporating games, songs, or colorful materials.

How many hours each day do you get homeschooled?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number of hours spent homeschooling can vary depending on the curriculum and grade level. Typically, students in elementary school may receive 1-3 hours of instruction per day, while high school students may have 4-6 hours of instruction. However, homeschooling allows for flexibility, so the duration can be adjusted according to the student's needs and learning style.

What variables affect the behavior of electromagnets?

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Asked by Wiki User

The behavior of electromagnets can be affected by factors such as the strength of the electric current flowing through the coil, the number of turns in the coil, the material of the core used, and the presence of any nearby magnetic or ferrous materials. The size and shape of the electromagnet can also impact its performance.

According to Robert Sternberg's theory of multiple intelligences practical intelligence is associated with?

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Practical intelligence, in Robert Sternberg's theory, is associated with the ability to solve real-world problems effectively and adapt to the demands of everyday life. It involves skills such as street smarts, common sense, and the ability to navigate social situations successfully.

What does the facial feedback hypothesis tells us?

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Asked by Wiki User

The facial feedback hypothesis suggests that facial expressions can influence our emotions. This means that forcing a smile, for example, can actually make us feel happier, while frowning may make us feel more negative emotions.

Why are children so lazy?

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Children can appear lazy for a variety of reasons including lack of motivation, feeling overwhelmed, or not understanding the importance of the task. It is important to understand the underlying cause of the laziness and address it with positive reinforcement and guidance.

What is a word to say you hate yourself?

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Asked by Wiki User

ugly, un-loved,un- cared for, lonley, ashamed...(which you arent any)

Why do individuals need to take chances?

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Asked by Wiki User

Taking chances allows individuals to grow, learn, and experience new opportunities. It can lead to personal development, increased confidence, and a sense of accomplishment. By taking risks, individuals open themselves up to new possibilities and potential rewards.

What theory did Jean Piaget contribute to child development studies?

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Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development is one of his major contributions to child development studies. He proposed that children progress through distinct stages of cognitive development as they grow, each characterized by different ways of thinking and understanding the world around them. Piaget's theory emphasized the active role of children in constructing their knowledge through interactions with their environment.

What is cognition?

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Asked by Wiki User


what you get from your five sensory organs into you and your behavior is known as cognition. What you conceive into you. Observe - Absorb - reproduce


Cognition is the development of information to knowledge. The act of cognition consists of representing and transforming information. This can be done by sensing something directly, or indirectly by reasoning.

What is moral development?

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Development is very important in the world. Without development, everything would be so boring. There would be no aim, no goal to achieve. Everything would die very soon.

What percentage of students are home schooled?

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Asked by Wiki User

While I don't have the specific answer, you may be able to find that through one of the research links at the Homeschool Legal Defense Association: By the way, I believe every homeschooler should join HSLDA.

How many children are homeschooled in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is estimated that around 60,000-80,000 children are homeschooled in the UK. These numbers can vary due to differences in reporting and registration requirements across the country.

What are pros and cons of collectivism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pros of collectivism include fostering a sense of community, promoting cooperation and unity, and enabling the sharing of resources. However, cons may include limitations on individual freedom, potential for groupthink or conformity, and issues with decision-making efficiency.

What percentage are children homeschooled?

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Asked by Wiki User

Approximately 3-4% of school-aged children in the United States are homeschooled, based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics. The percentage may vary from year to year and by state due to factors such as state regulations and parental preferences.

Discrimination is best described as treatment of others based primarily on what?

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There are many forms of discrimination. The most commonly referred to is race discrimination. However, people have been subject to discrimination based on age, sex, religion, height, weight, language, physical disabilities...and the list goes on. Perhaps the best answer to the question would be: "...based primarily on some non-relative characteristic."

How many US presidents were homeschooled and who were they?

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Asked by Wiki User

There were 9. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Obama makes 10.


President Obama was home educated for several yea f rs by his mother who woke him up early to teach him before going off to work. This is documented in at least 1 of his books and also mentioned in the speech he gave to public school students a few years ago.

How do you learn more about becoming an archeologist I'm in the ninth grade and homeschooled and I can only find stuff about how to become an archeologist for kids who go to regular school?

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Asked by Wiki User

To become an archaeologist, you can start by reading books and articles on archaeology, volunteering at local museums or historical sites, and reaching out to archaeologists or local universities for guidance. You can also look into online courses or workshops related to archaeology to gain more knowledge and experience in the field.

What does the suffix 'able' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

the suffix able means able to do something. example: baerable= able to bear

Are online schools better than public schools or are public schools easier than online schools why?

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The effectiveness of online versus public schools can vary depending on individual preferences, learning styles, and needs. Online schools offer flexibility and personalized learning, whereas public schools provide social interaction and extracurricular opportunities. Both have their advantages and challenges, and the suitability of each option depends on the student's unique circumstances.

What is one argument against giving kids less homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

One argument against giving kids less homework is that homework helps reinforce what they learn in school, promotes independent learning, and builds good study habits. Additionally, homework provides an opportunity for students to practice and apply what they have learned in class.

Do children perform better in school when the troops are home from overseas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Research suggests that children of military families may experience improved academic performance when their deployed parent returns home due to reduced stress and emotional support. Family reunification can positively impact a child's wellbeing, leading to better focus and educational outcomes. However, individual experiences can vary, and academic success depends on various factors beyond a parent's deployment status.

When will K12 curriculum be implemented?

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The implementation timeline for K12 curriculum can vary depending on the specific school or educational institution. Generally, schools start planning and preparing for curriculum changes in advance, with implementation typically occurring at the start of a new school year or semester. It's best to check with your child's school or district for specific details on when the new curriculum will be implemented.

Why is education important in developing countries?

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Asked by Wiki User

Education is crucial in developing countries as it leads to increased economic opportunities, improved health outcomes, and overall development of the society. It empowers individuals to break the cycle of poverty, enhances critical thinking skills, and contributes to a skilled workforce that drives economic growth and innovation. Additionally, education promotes gender equality and social cohesion, leading to a more inclusive and sustainable society.