



About 8,240 species of reptiles in the world. They inhabit every continent except Antarctica. Cold-blooded or Ectothermic, these creatures became the first vertebrates to live on land seeking the warmth of the sun. Frightening to some, this category will fascinate you, so slither on in and ask your questions.

500 Questions

What is the difference between cold blooded and warm blooded vertebrates?

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Warm blooded animals generate their own heat through their metabolism.

Cold blooded animals need warmth of the environment to bring their bodily temperature to normal temp.

The main difference between a cold-blooded animal and a warmblooded one is that the warmblooded one has a physiology that includes mechanisms that heat and keep the body warm. The cold-blooded animal lacks these things and its body temperature will change in response to the weather (hot sun, snow) and what the animal can do to avoid the effects of that weather (like a lizard sunning on a rock early in the moring or hiding in the shade at noon).

Warm blooded animals have a constant temperature, and can live in cold temperatures. Cold blooded animal's blood temperature depends on their environment's temperature.

Does the chemical lye burn snakes?

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Yes, lye is a strong alkaline substance that can cause burns on the skin of snakes as well as humans. If a snake comes into contact with lye, it can suffer from chemical burns and other skin irritations.

What color is a chameleon on a mirror?

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A chameleon in front of a mirror would reflect the same color as its surroundings, since mirrors reflect whatever is in front of them. So, the chameleon would appear in the color it is displaying at that moment.

Whats the biggest snake in the world?

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The anaconda which can grow up to 32 ft. long.

How far can a tortoise run in ten minutes?

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Tortoises are not fast runners; they are slow-moving creatures known for their steady pace. In ten minutes, a tortoise may cover a very short distance, typically just a few meters or yards, depending on its individual speed and size. They rely more on their endurance rather than speed when moving around.

Is the green snake of SE Asia poisonous?

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Yes, many green snakes in Southeast Asia are venomous. One example is the green pit viper, which is known for its potent venom. It's important to exercise caution and avoid handling any snake in the wild, unless you are trained to do so.

Is there any reptiles that give birth to young alive?

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Yes, certain reptiles such as some species of snakes and lizards are viviparous, meaning they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. Examples include Boa constrictors and certain species of skinks.

What is the largest snake in world?

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Answer 1

Precise specifics, figures and claims have long been debated, with some saying, "Lo ... here!" and others, "Lo ... there!" but as a general 'ball park':

Both the Anaconda and the Reticulated python can grow over 25 feet in length.

However, more specifically, if with biggest you mean, 'the longest', it is the Reticulated Python which can grow 30 ft long, or even more. If by "biggest" you mean the heaviest/largest, it is the green anaconda which can weigh 250 kilos.

Answer 2

The Green Anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world, with the largest reputable find measuring 25 feet long and weighing 500 pounds. Reticulated Pythons can be longer than anacondas but do not have nearly the mass. The largest reputable Reticulated Python was over 33 feet long, but only weighed about 335 pounds.

The Reticulated Python is the longest, the Green Anaconda is the heaviest.

How fast do painted turtles move?

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Painted turtles are relatively slow-moving reptiles, both on land and in water. They typically walk at a leisurely pace on land and swim slowly in water, though they can increase their speed if necessary to escape from predators or catch prey.

Is there a such thing as a Rocky Mountain Turtle?

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There is no specific species known as the Rocky Mountain Turtle, but turtles can be found in the Rocky Mountain region of North America. Some common species found in this area include painted turtles, snapping turtles, and western pond turtles.

Do reptiles lay eggs?

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Most reptiles lay eggs, but some species do not. An couple of examples of the latter would be the garter snake or all boas and all vipers. The eggs are fertilized inside the mother then hatch inside the mother then are born alive.

Is a bird a mammal or reptile?

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Dinosaurs evolved from an earlier group of reptiles, and birds evolved from a group of dinosaurs.

One of the earliest birds, Archaeopteryx, dates back to the Jurassic. It has many features of dinosaurs, and indeed, several fossils of Archaopteryx were initially mistaken for dinosaur fossils. It is fairly clear from the fossil evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs themselves date back to the middle to late Triassic. You may wish to look up Eoraptor. Dinosaurs appear to have evolved from socket-toothed archosaurs common in the mid Triassic, which were an early reptile.

The skeletal structure of dinosaurs bears many similarities to that of birds. Birds are classified as dinosaurs, while all "non avian" dinosaurs went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous.

Answer:That may depend on the dinosaur. All dinosaurs are likely to have ultimately evolved from reptiles, but the theropods (bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs) may have evolved from ancient birds. Birds have many features in common with theropods which suggests that they had a common ancestor. It is generally believed that this common ancestor was a dinosaur but it may well have been a bird (see related links).

Looking back in time through the theropod fossil record, these dinosaurs appear to be more bird-like the further back in time you look. Raptors are known to have had feathers and were fairly bird-like, but Archaeopteryx was much more bird-like and lived much earlier and may have been an ancestor of the raptors. There is also a controversial fossil called Protoavis that was dated even earlier and was more bird-like still, with hollow bones like modern birds.

So birds may have been around throughout the mesozoic era and pre-date the dinosaurs. We have little record of them though because their more fragile, hollow bones reduce the chances of any fossils surviving to the present day.

What is the most poisonous reptile?

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"What is the most poisonous reptile?"

The most poisonous reptile is the Belcher's Sea Snake.


The Inland Taipan AKA Fierce snake is not poisonous at all. It is the most venomous however. No snake is poisonous. Venom and poison are two different things. Venom can do a multitude of harmful things to the body.

What does a crocodile use its teeth for?

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Crocodiles use their teeth to catch and grip prey, tear apart flesh, and consume their food. Their teeth are designed for holding onto prey as they drag it into the water to drown or eat it.

Are birds reptiles?

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"Under the current system of classification, the answer is no, birds and reptiles are in different classes. This classification is based on a scheme that has been generally accepted for many years. Scientists today are pretty sure that what we now call birds evolved from a reptilian ancestor, and that feathers, a unique feature of birds, are actually just highly modified scales. Some would say that to separate birds and lizards is like separating bats from the class mammalia, just because they can fly." -Ken Burton on

birds are not reptiles . they are included in a separate class called AVES. but birds have for sure evolved from reptiles. there is evidence in an ancient bird called archaeopteryx. it was a bird with reptilian features.

The univercity of michigan, and I am sure others think the same, consider birds reptiles.

What does a water moccasin look like?

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A water moccasin is a venomous snake that has a thick body, a dark olive or black color with distinctive crossbands on its back, a flat triangular head, and vertical pupils. It also has a heat-sensing pit between its eye and nostril. Be cautious as their bites can be harmful.

What sound does an adult nile crocodile make?

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An adult Nile crocodile makes a range of sounds, including barks, roars, hisses, and growls. These vocalizations are used for communication during different social interactions and can vary in intensity and frequency depending on the situation.

What tools do herpetologists use?

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Herpetology is a branch in zoology that studies reptiles and amphibians; a herpetologist is a person who studies reptiles and amphibians. Tools that herpetologists use are namely: snake hook, anti-venom, goggles, gloves and weighing scales.

What is the most deadly snake?

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The inland taipan, also known as the "fierce snake," is considered the most deadly snake in the world based on its venom potency. Though they are highly venomous, they are quite reclusive and generally avoid human contact.

How many types of turtles exist?

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Discounting the extinct ones, there are about 300 species of turtle alive today. Hit the link and do some reading because some of them are in serious trouble due to habitat distruction. You might be able to help.

How many snakes are there?

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In total about 2700 different species of snakes.

How big does a yellow bellied turtle get?

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it depends on the sex of the turtle. if it is a female YBS then she will grow 4-5" in the 1st year. 2nd year she will grow to 6-7" and on the third year she will reach her maximum growth which should be aboiut 8-13 inch.

How do hens produce so many eggs to sit on?

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Hens are capable of laying an egg once every 24-26 hours. They start producing eggs when they reach sexual maturity, generally around 5-6 months old. Their reproductive systems are highly efficient, allowing them to lay eggs consistently over a period of time.

Do turtles lay eggs if they have not mated?

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Yes turtles will lay eggs if they have not mated. The eggs will not be fertile in most cases, unless the turtle has mated previously. A growing number of species are known to retain sperm to produce mixed parentage clutches, sometimes for several years.

Why do people keep the shed of a snake at home?

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Some people keep a shed of a snake at home as a natural curiosity or for educational purposes. Shed skins can also be used for crafts or artistic projects. Additionally, keeping a shed skin can serve as a reminder of the snake's growth and health.