



About 8,240 species of reptiles in the world. They inhabit every continent except Antarctica. Cold-blooded or Ectothermic, these creatures became the first vertebrates to live on land seeking the warmth of the sun. Frightening to some, this category will fascinate you, so slither on in and ask your questions.

500 Questions

What is average length of a saltwater croc?

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The average length of a saltwater crocodile is about 13-18 feet, with some individuals reaching up to 23 feet in length.

What is an omnivorous reptile?

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An omnivorous reptile is a reptile that eats both plant matter and other animals. Examples include green iguanas, box turtles, and some species of tortoises.

Is there a such thing as a hydra snake?

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There is no such thing as a hydra snake. Hydras are small freshwater organisms belonging to the phylum Cnidaria, while snakes are reptiles belonging to the class Reptilia. They are distinct and unrelated species.

What is a black mamba carnivore or a scavenger?

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The black mamba is a carnivorous snake. It preys on small mammals, birds, and even other snakes, hunting actively rather than scavenging for food.

How does laying eggs contribute to a crocodiles survival?

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Laying eggs allows crocodiles to reproduce, ensuring the continuation of their species. By burying their eggs in nests, they protect the eggs from predators and provide a suitable environment for them to develop. This reproductive strategy helps maintain crocodile populations in their environment.

Are there blind snakes in Alabama?

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Yes, blind snakes, also known as worm snakes, can be found in Alabama. These non-venomous snakes are small, burrowing reptiles that primarily feed on insects and earthworms. They are often mistaken for earthworms due to their slender bodies and lack of eyes.

What is the biggest tortoise in the world?

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Asked by Witchwinx98

A Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), was found washed up on Harlech beach, Gwynedd Wales in 1988. It was autopsied and found to weigh 914 kilos (2,016 pounds) with a length of 9 feet.

Sadly this beautiful creature was trapped in fishing nets which caused it to drown before being found.

Next in line is the Galapagos turtle (Geochelone nigra) being the largest land dwelling turtle (more likely or properly being called a tortoise) with full grown adults weighing up to 900 pounds and growing as long as 6 feet.

Is a alligator snapping turtle a carnivore or a omnivore?

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The alligator snapping turtle is primarily carnivorous, feeding on fish, insects, amphibians, and even small mammals. It occasionally may consume plant matter, but its diet mainly consists of meat.

Do snakes need heat lamps at all times?

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Snakes depend on a heat source to regulate their body temperature, but they do not need heat lamps on all the time. Providing a temperature gradient in their enclosure allows them to thermoregulate by moving between warmer and cooler areas as needed. It's important to mimic their natural environment to ensure their health and well-being.

What do snakes use their tongues for?

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Snakes use their tongues to collect chemicals in the air which they transfer to a special organ in their mouth called the Jacobson's organ. This helps them to "taste" the environment, locate prey, and navigate their surroundings.

Is a garden snake an omnivore?

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All snakes are carnivorous (including insects and worms). Garter snakes eat insects, worms, and frogs. Note: "Garden snake" is a mispronunciation of "Garter snake" which was named because its stripes looked like the decorative stripes on suspenders (garters).

Are chameleons king of disguise?

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Chameleons are known for their ability to change color to blend in with their surroundings, allowing them to camouflage and evade predators. While they are excellent at blending in, they are not considered the "king of disguise" as other animals also have impressive camouflage abilities.

Why did dinosaurs become extinct and not crocodiles?

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crocodiles lived because they lived in water and crocodiles had amour plates on it's back

What is the scientific name for a grass snake?

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Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Colubridae

Genus: Opheodrys

Scientific name: Opheodrys aestivus

Who strangled two snakes that attacked him his brother in their cradle?

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Hercules strangled two snakes that attacked him and his brother, Iphicles, in their cradle as infants. This was one of his early feats that demonstrated his great strength and bravery.

Does snakes use there tongues?

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Yes, snakes use their tongues to collect chemical signals from their surroundings. They can sense prey, predators, and potential mates through their forked tongues, which they flick in and out of their mouths to pick up scent particles.

Worlds largest snake name size?

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The world's largest snake is the reticulated python, which can grow up to 30 feet in length. It is found in Southeast Asia and is known for its impressive size and slender body.

Is a hawksbill turtle a carnivore?

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Since loggerhead turtles are mostly open ocean going creatures, they eat fish, larvae, jellies, etc., so mostly carnivore.

Is a black mamba snake an omnivore?

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No, the black mamba snake is not an omnivore. It is a carnivorous snake that primarily preys on small mammals, birds, and sometimes other snakes.

Do rattlesnakes live in africa?

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Rattlesnakes live only in North and South America, including some islands in the Caribbean Sea. When I typed in where do rattlenakes live, i got the answer on every continent except Antartica. Now this answer says only North and South America. Which answer is the right answer please.

What is anti snake venom serum?

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Asked by Tauseefbaig

Anti-snake venom serum is a medication used to treat snakebites. It is made from antibodies created by injecting a small amount of snake venom into an animal (like a horse or sheep) and then harvesting the antibodies produced. These antibodies can help neutralize the effects of snake venom in a person who has been bitten.

How big do soft shell turtles get?

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Soft shell turtles can grow up to 24 inches in length, depending on the species. They have a flattened, pancake-like shell that allows them to move more easily in water and on land.

Is a regular turtle a arthropod?

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No, a regular turtle is not an arthropod. Turtles belong to the class Reptilia, while arthropods belong to the phylum Arthropoda, which includes insects, spiders, and crustaceans. Turtles are vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone, while arthropods are invertebrates with exoskeletons.

If He has a total of 11 snakes and elephants in stock The animals that he has in stock have a total of 12 legs How many of his animals are snakes?

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Let's denote the number of snakes as "S" and the number of elephants as "E". Since there are a total of 11 animals in stock, we know that S + E = 11. Given that the total number of legs is 12, snakes have no legs and elephants have 4 legs each. Thus, 4E = 12. Solving the system of equations, we find S = 11 - E = 11 - (12/4) = 11 - 3 = 8.Therefore, there are 8 snakes in stock.

What can a warm blooded animal do that a cold blooded animal can't do?

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A warm-blooded animal can regulate its body temperature internally, which allows it to be active in a wide range of environments and climates. This ability helps them maintain a steady metabolic rate and optimal functioning of their body systems. Cold-blooded animals, on the other hand, rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature and are less adaptable to extreme temperature changes.