


Coriander is made from the seeds of the fruit of the coriander plant. Available in whole or powder form, coriander is used worldwide to add flavor to foods.

500 Questions

Is parsley a coriander?

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How do you grind coriander leaves?

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Asked by Harman8844

use a blender.

You could also use a mortar and pestle or just chop them very finely with a knife.

What is coriander used for?

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Asked by Wiki User

coriander is one of the most versatile herbs as all parts of the plant, that is,roots, stems, leaves and seeds can be used in cooking.

Is cumin the same as coriander?

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Asked by Wiki User

no they are both two very different spices... some could argue however that they both have similar flavors.

Is whole dhana the same thing as coriander?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes whole dhanna is same as coriander

What is coriander in Arabic?

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Asked by Wiki User

كزبرة It's a kind of plants for more information you can go to Google (translate\web)

How long does it take to grow coriander?

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Asked by Wiki User

365days to grow corinander

Does coriander juice help get rid of a kidney stone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drinking large amounts of fluids can help you to pass a kidney stone; coriander juice is not particularly more effective than any other fluid that you may drink.

What would be a good substitute for coriander?

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Asked by Wiki User


It would depend on the recipe.

Coriander is the whole plant, whereas cilantro is a stage of growth: the stage producing light green broad-leaf growth prior to bolting.

Bolting is the next stage of growth, in which coriander flowers and produces seed. The plant becomes long and spindly. Leaf growth is sparse, finer and darker in colour. Stems are darker in overall colour with fine light/dark striation along the axis of growth. Once the plant has bolted, it takes on a bitter taste and is no longer suitable for recipes calling for coriander.

Misuse of the term cilantro as a name for the plant is largely confined to the United States, and this often confuses Americans who think they are supposed to use the spice made from the ground seed when in fact chopped leaf is indicated. In the rest of the world, "coriander" customarily refers to the entire plant (root leaf and stem) in the cilantro stage, and "coriander seed" indicates, well, coriander seed.

Coriander is a pungent flat leaf herb, part of the carrot family, and is very similar by eye to flat leaf parsley. Dried Coriander leaf is much less tasty.

When making salsa, parsley can provide similar texture, and pepper the spicy flavor.

Alternative View

Coriander tastes nothing like cilantro, even though they are from the same plant. I use both coriander and cilantro quite often so I can say this with certainty. Coriander has a mild floral flavor, like a cross between citrus and sage. I would try a combination of sage and lemon zest.