



The largest land mammal on earth, elephants are divided into African Elephants and Asian Elephants. African Elephants have tusks and larger ears than Asian Elephants, and questions about all elephants should be asked in this category.

500 Questions

Should the ivory trade be banned?

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Yes, the ivory trade should be banned to protect endangered elephant populations from poaching and illegal trafficking. By banning the trade, we can help to conserve these animals and preserve their ecosystems for future generations.

Do giraffes live on the Savannah?

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Yes, giraffes are common inhabitants of the savannah biome. They thrive in open grasslands with scattered trees, which are characteristic of savannah environments. Giraffes use their height to feed on leaves and buds from tall trees in the savannah.

Can or have African elephants be domesticated?

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African elephants have not been successfully domesticated. They are wild animals with specific social and physical needs that are difficult to meet in captivity. Attempting to domesticate them can lead to stress, health issues, and potentially dangerous situations for both the elephants and humans involved.

What does sybiotic mean?

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"Symbiotic" refers to a mutually beneficial relationship between two different organisms living in close proximity to each other. This relationship can involve one or both organisms benefiting from the partnership.

What type of vertebrate is the elephant?

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It is a mammal because it gives birth to its young alive; it feeds its young on milk; and it grows hairs on its skin.

Many other animals are also mammals but the elephant is a "pachyderm". Hippipotami and rhinoceros are also pachyderms.#

The meaning of "pachy" is "thick" and the meaning of "derm" is "skin", so pachyderms are mammals with thick skins

Can anything beat an elephant?

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In terms of physical strength and size, very few animals can beat an elephant. However, animals like a killer whale or a hippopotamus may have a chance due to their aggression or abilities in aquatic environments.

Symbiotic relationship of an elephant and a grassland?

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Elephants play a crucial role in grassland ecosystems by helping to disperse seeds through their dung, which promotes plant diversity and growth. In return, the grassland provides elephants with a diverse range of food sources and open spaces to roam and forage. This symbiotic relationship helps maintain the balance of the ecosystem and supports the survival of both the elephant population and the grassland habitat.

What is the difference between African and Philippines?

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Africa is a continent that has 54 countries and a diverse population speaking different languages and belonging to various ethnic groups. The Philippines is an archipelago in Southeast Asia composed of over 7,000 islands and is a single country with a predominantly Filipino population. The two regions have distinct cultures, histories, and geographical locations.

What does a mammoth tooth look like?

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A mammoth tooth is large and flat, with ridges and depressions for grinding plants. They can grow up to 1 foot in length and are typically brown or beige in color.

What shelter does the Indian Elephant Prefer in the wild?

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Indian elephants in the wild prefer to seek shelter in dense forests or areas with thick vegetation. They may also take refuge under the shade of large trees or near water sources to keep cool and protect themselves from the sun. Additionally, some Indian elephants may dig trenches to create temporary shelters or rest under rocky overhangs.

Can you make elephant toothpaste without yeast?

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Yes, elephant toothpaste can be made without yeast by using a combination of hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and a catalyst such as potassium iodide or sodium iodide. When the catalyst is added to the hydrogen peroxide and soap mixture, it causes a rapid decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide, resulting in the formation of oxygen gas and foam.

Is an African elephant a carnivore or a vegitaren?

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An African Elephant is a Herbivore which is different to a vegitarian because a vegitarian is choosing to not eat meat whereas Elaphants have grown up this way and don't really choose. I hope this helps

What was the name of the wild cattle roamed the Texas grasslands?

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The cattle that roamed the Texas grasslands were called Longhorns. They were named this because of their ability to grow very long horns.

What does an little elephant eat?

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A baby elephant, also known as a calf, typically drinks its mother's milk for the first few months of its life. As they grow older, they transition to eating vegetation such as grasses, leaves, fruits, and vegetables. They may also consume a variety of plant materials like bark and twigs.

What is primate evolution?

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Primate evolution is the process by which primates, including humans, have changed and diversified over time. It includes the development of various physical and behavioral traits that have enabled primates to adapt to different environments and ecological niches. Studies of primate evolution help us understand the origins and diversity of primates today.

What is the general term for primates with tails?

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The general term for primates with tails is "simians" or "simiiformes." This group includes monkeys, apes, and lemurs.

What are some elephant adaptation in the grasslands?

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Elephants in grasslands have adapted by developing long trunks to reach high branches. Their large ears help with heat regulation, and their padded feet help them walk long distances. Their social structure also allows for efficient communication and protection from predators.

Scientific classification of elephant?

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Elephants belong to the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. There are three species of elephants: the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana), the African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).

Why was Elephant island called Elephant island?

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Elephant Island was named after the elephant seals that were spotted by the crew of the Endurance expedition led by Sir Ernest Shackleton in 1916. The island is known for its population of elephant seals, which are large marine mammals commonly found in sub-Antarctic regions.

What is the metric unit of an elephants weight?

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The metric unit for an elephant's weight is typically measured in kilograms (kg).

What is an elephants metabolism?

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An elephant's metabolism is characterized by a slow metabolic rate compared to smaller mammals. They have a complex digestive system that enables them to efficiently extract nutrients from their plant-based diet, which consists primarily of grasses, leaves, and fruits. Elephants are hindgut fermenters, meaning they rely on microbial fermentation in their large intestines to break down cellulose and extract energy from their food.

Do elephants eat meat?

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I'm sure if tribal hunters can kill one, without getting caught by park rangers, then yes they would eat elephant meat (common name, bush meat).

How do African elephants move?

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African elephants move by walking on all fours, using their large, pillar-like legs for support. They can also run at speeds of up to 25 mph for short distances when needed. Additionally, they use their trunks for balance and to help them navigate their environment.

What is the largest elephant?

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The worlds largest elephant was shot in angolia in 1956. The elephant weighed about 12,000 kilograms (26,000 lb) and had a shoulder height of about 4.2m (14 ft) and was aprox a metre taller than the average African Elephant.