

Ethanol and Lactic Acid Fermentation

A type of cellular respiration that happens when there is no final electron acceptor. Depending on the organism, ethanol or lactic acid will be produced. It is less efficient than aerobic respiration, but it still creates energy for the cell.

311 Questions

What industries use synthetic rubber?

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Industries that use synthetic rubber include automotive (for tires, hoses, seals), aerospace (for gaskets, O-rings), construction (for seals, gaskets), and healthcare (for medical supplies like gloves, tubing).

What are the balanced chemical equations for lactic acid fermentation?

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The balanced chemical equation for lactic acid fermentation is: C6H12O6 (glucose) → 2 C3H6O3 (lactic acid) + 2 ATP + 2 H2O. This process occurs in bacteria and muscle cells under anaerobic conditions, producing lactic acid as the end product.

Can lactic acid come from rice milk?

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No, lactic acid is typically produced during the fermentation process of dairy milk or other lactose-containing products by lactic acid bacteria. Rice milk, being plant-based, does not contain lactose and therefore does not produce lactic acid in the same way.

Range of lactic acid in an athlete?

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In athletes, blood lactic acid levels typically range from 0.5 to 2.0 mmol/L at rest. During intense exercise, levels can increase significantly, reaching upwards of 10 mmol/L or more. Monitoring lactic acid levels can provide insights into an athlete's training intensity and lactate threshold.

Is lactic acid a hazardous substance?

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Lactic acid is generally considered safe for use in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. However, concentrated lactic acid can be corrosive and irritating to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Proper precautions should be taken when handling high concentrations of lactic acid.

What is Ph of lactic acid having pka of 4.4 when its 20 percent dissociated?

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The pH of a solution containing lactic acid at 20% dissociation can be calculated using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, pH = pKa + log([A-]/[HA]), where the pKa of lactic acid is 4.4. Given that lactic acid is 20% dissociated, [A-] = 0.2 and [HA] = 0.8. Plugging these values into the equation gives pH = 4.4 + log(0.2/0.8) ≈ 3.4.

What is lactic acid broken down into?

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Lactic acid is broken down into lactate by the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase in a process called lactic acid fermentation. This conversion helps to regenerate NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue in the absence of oxygen.

What is accompanied by lactic acid formation?

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Lactic acid formation is often accompanied by muscle fatigue and soreness during intense or prolonged exercise. It is a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism when the body breaks down glucose for energy production in the absence of sufficient oxygen.

Both lactic-acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce what?

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Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce energy in the form of ATP and end products such as lactic acid or ethanol, respectively. These processes help to generate energy in the absence of oxygen.

Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce?

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Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce ATP as a form of energy for the cells. Additionally, both processes also produce waste products, such as lactic acid in lactic acid fermentation and ethanol in alcoholic fermentation.

What role does the athlete's cardiovascular fitness play in lactic acid buildup?

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Cardiovascular fitness plays a significant role in lactic acid buildup because a well-conditioned cardiovascular system helps efficiently deliver oxygen to working muscles, which can help delay the onset of lactic acid accumulation. Better cardiovascular fitness can also improve the body's ability to clear lactic acid during exercise, reducing the buildup and delaying fatigue.

What do both lactic-acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentaion produce?

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Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce energy (in the form of ATP) and end products that help regenerate NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue. Lactic acid fermentation produces lactic acid, while alcoholic fermentation produces ethanol and carbon dioxide.

When cracking your knuckles doesn't lactic acid release you were told this by your physical therapist?

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Cracking your knuckles does not release lactic acid. The sound comes from bubbles of gas that form in the synovial fluid in your joints when you stretch or bend them. It does not have any known impact on lactic acid release in the body.

Lactic acid fermentation is what type of process?

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Lactic acid fermentation is an anaerobic process. This means that lactic acid is produced in the absence of oxygen. This usually occur in bacteria cells but can also occur in muscle cells.

Why do you have to breathe to produce energy?

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You breathe in fresh air which contains the oxygen you need. you get rid of carbon dioxide when you breathe out stale air

Lactic acid fermentation occurs in what?

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The fermentation of milk occurs to form curd, of course lactic acid is released.

What is the economic importance of the process of fermentation?

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it makes the dough rise, and then the bread would be fluffier and would also taste better. hope this helps. :) XD

What is the negative control in a fermentation lab?

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Howdy there!

Negative control for a fermentation lab should have the substrate in the vessel, and it should be very sterile so no contamination doesn't happen (make sure to label them vessels well). Secondly, the negative control vessel should not be inoculated with the microbe, like yeast, in it at all because you want no response. If there is a response, it could be contamination or you mistakenly inoculated with the microbe which fermented the substrate.

Hope this helped you plenty! 😄

What statement best describes lactic acid fermentation?

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Sugar from plant material is converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by fermentation. The enzymes found in single-celled fungi (yeast) are the natural catalysts that can make this process happen: Unlike ethene, sugar from plant material is a renewable resource.

What does Phosphoglycerate kinase do?

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Phosphorylase is an enzyme which joins with Glucose-1-phosphate together to make larger starch molecules. it is an example of synthesis (a joing together enzyme)

What three things does alcohol fermentation create?

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There are three things. They are CO2,ethanol and ATP

What conditions is lactic acid fermentation?

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Simple answer:

Under the condition of strenuous exercise with inadequate oxygen supply. ;D

Complicated answer:

When your muscle cells are asked to perform work at an easy relaxed pace they take in glucose, fructose or sucrose plus oxygen from the blood, and using the "Aerobic Respiration" method, they generate cellular motion energy without releasing lactic acid.

Read more about that amazing process here:

HOWEVER when your muscle cells are asked to perform strenuous work at an over-extended pace, (like your running away from a bear who wants to eat you). Then the oxygen becomes in short supply. There is not enough oxygen supplied by the lungs to increase output under the "Aerobic Respiration" method.

So, the muscle cells, knowing that they will die if they don't produce more energy, have a Plan - B. They can create massive amounts of energy without oxygen with the drawback of creating lactic acid. But that's fine, they will clean up that mess later. They start using an "Anaerobic Respiration" method.

Read more about that here.

The muscle prefers to make energy using "aerobic methods", but in extreme situations, your muscle cells have a "turbo" option: "Anaerobic_respiration".

This Scientific American Article answers your question:

And read this:

Answer #2:

Your muscle cells will undergo lactic-acid fermentation (Creating cellular energy anaerobically) when there is not enough oxygen in the blood to create cellular energy in the preferred aerobic way.

Why does lactic acid build in certain areas of muscles?

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It Builds up when you exersize and muscle cant get enough oxygen. its another way of creating energy.

What raw material is not needed for fermentation to happen?

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you have to go get a job


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