


Manners and Etiquette

The rules of social conduct, and procedures for interaction in polite society and official life. This is grease that makes the wheels of human congress turn smoothly. From the formal addressing of an envelope, to where to seat people at a dinner party, from the correct way to answer a business phone to the intricacies of wedding planning, we will try to find answers to all of your quandaries and do so in the most mannerly fashion possible.

500 Questions

Why is communication essential?

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Asked by Wiki User

Communication is essential because it allows for the exchange of ideas, information, and emotions between individuals. It is the foundation for building relationships, resolving conflicts, and collaborating effectively. Good communication skills can enhance personal and professional development, leading to better understanding and successful outcomes.

Ways of improving personality?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some ways to improve personality include practicing self-awareness, working on building self-confidence, developing good communication skills, and fostering empathy towards others. Engaging in self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and being open to personal growth can also help in improving one's personality.

What are the kinds of elicited acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Elicited acts can include behaviors such as nodding, smiling, or asking questions in response to a stimulus or cue. These acts are typically prompted by external factors and can communicate agreement, understanding, or engagement.

What is psychosocial theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Psychosocial theory is a psychological perspective developed by Erik Erikson that focuses on the impact of society and culture on individual development. It suggests that individuals progress through stages of psychosocial development, each characterized by a unique conflict that must be resolved to successfully advance to the next stage. This theory highlights the interaction between individual psychological processes and social influences in shaping human behavior and identity.

If an alcoholic treats you great while sober but mistreats you when drinking is it possible for them to truly love you Or is a drunk person really a sober person talking?

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Asked by KOREAN1

Alcohol can inhibit judgment and behavior, leading to mistreatment even if the person truly loves you. It's important to address their behavior when sober to determine their true feelings, as alcohol may distort their actions and words. Counseling and support can help them understand and manage their behavior.

How do you react when you are afraid of someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

When feeling afraid of someone, it's important to assess the situation and understand the source of your fear. It's essential to prioritize your safety first and if needed, seek help from a trusted individual or authority figure. Open communication and setting boundaries can also help in managing and addressing your fears in a healthy manner.

What are the human personality traits?

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Human personality traits are characteristics that define an individual's pattern of behavior, emotions, and thinking. Some common traits include extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and neuroticism. These traits can vary in individuals and contribute to their unique personalities.

Constituents of human acts?

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The constituents of human acts include intention (the purpose or motive behind the action), knowledge (awareness of what is being done), and consent (the voluntary decision to engage in the action). These elements help determine the morality and responsibility of the human act.

When someone keeps on coming in your thoughts whom you usually avoid and you keep on looking for him around and when he is there you pretend to ignore him then what is it called?

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This could be a sign of unresolved feelings or a past relationship that still lingers. It may be helpful to reflect on why these thoughts persist and how they are impacting your well-being. Consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor to explore these emotions further.

How do you get people to stop laughing at overweight people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Educate them about the impact of weight stigma on individuals' mental health and self-esteem. Encourage them to practice empathy and respect for individuals regardless of their size. Set an example by not participating in or condoning derogatory behavior towards overweight people.

Why do people judge others in social situations?

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People may judge others in social situations due to insecurities, a desire to feel superior, or societal conditioning. Judging others can also serve as a way to establish social hierarchies or to protect oneself from potential threats.

How come old men always and you mean always talk soo much unecisary know?

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Asked by Wiki User

Older individuals may feel a need to share their experiences and wisdom, which can sometimes lead to lengthy conversations. They may also have reduced social interactions and therefore desire to connect and communicate. Patience and understanding can help navigate these conversations.

Why does everyone hate short people?

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It's important to remember that not everyone hates short people. Heightism, or prejudice based on height, is a form of discrimination that some people may perpetuate. This bias often stems from societal norms and stereotypes that associate height with power, success, and attractiveness. It's essential to challenge these harmful beliefs and promote acceptance and respect for people of all heights.

What are the likely most spontaneous things people do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some spontaneous things people commonly do include making spontaneous plans with friends, taking unplanned trips or adventures, trying new activities or foods on a whim, and making impulsive purchases.

When a much older person for example an old woman has been so rude to you is it all right to also be rude to her?

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Asked by Wiki User

    • No, you should not be rude in return, because two wrongs can't make a right. It is never polite to be rude.
  • I think if someone is rude you should be rude to unless you think their just having a bad day.=}
  • You don't always have to rude, you should respect your elders. They have gone through a lot in their life and she is probably not happy that she still alive. Maybe her late husband passed away and she takes her anger on everyone else. You should just try to understand, ignore her or tell her politely that she doesn't have to be so mean to you.
  • As people age, nerve connections in their brains deteriorate and that has the effect of removing tact and discretion. A very old person might say something that she would not have dreamed of saying a few years before. You can't in fairness penalise someone for something beyond their physical abilities. Nobody gets upset about a baby being incontinent because people know that babies do not have the physical ability to be clean and continent.
  • If you believe that the person who was rude has not yet started with age related deterioration of nerve connections, replying with exquisite politeness may remind her of her own manners.
  • You could say "I'm sorry - have I done something to offend you?" In this way you will show that you have class and that you are open to their feelings.
  • You might better ask yourself why you would want to be rude to anyone? What would you get out of it? It would not make you a better person
  • I don't think it matters.
  • She is old as you say; she may be unwell and unhappy. Try to forget about it. Allow your compassionate and spiritual nature to develop. Carry goodness in your heart not hardness. Apart from anything else, it is an easier way to live with yourself.

What is the difference of Intellectual level based on genders?

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Differences in intellectual level based on gender are not inherent but rather influenced by societal factors such as access to education and cultural expectations. Research suggests that there are no innate cognitive differences between males and females, and any variations observed are likely due to environmental influences rather than biological factors. Both genders have the potential for high intellectual achievement given equal opportunities.

What does it mean when people cough or clear their throat when they hear something they might not like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coughing or clearing the throat in response to something one might not like can be a subconscious attempt to mask a negative reaction or buy time to think of a polite response. It can also indicate discomfort or displeasure with what was said without directly expressing it.

Is the mass media the sole factor responsible for the behavior of the modern youth?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the mass media is not the sole factor responsible for the behavior of the modern youth. Other factors such as family upbringing, education, peer influence, and individual personality also play significant roles in shaping behavior. It is important to consider a combination of influences when understanding youth behavior.

Telling a person thank you after have given you a gift is an example of what?

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Asked by Wiki User

Telling a person thank you after they have given you a gift is an example of showing gratitude and expressing appreciation for their gesture. It is a polite and respectful way to acknowledge their kindness and thoughtfulness.

Why do people blow on their fingernails and then brush it on their coat collar?

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Asked by Wiki User

When done unconsciously, it's to blow little fuzz bits or crumbs off your fingertips, and then buff them on your clothes. As a deliberate gesture, it is used to show a feeling of superiority and expertise,usually as a little jokingly show-off thing, but done aimed at someone you dislike or consider inferior , it's sort of a swaggering put-down.It has it's origins as a class-concious gesture, when only the upper classes could afford manicures , then was taken up by the working class as a passive- aggressive way to mock their " betters " .

Can you possess a strong personality with good moral character?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, one can possess a strong personality alongside good moral character. A strong personality can involve traits like assertiveness and confidence, while good moral character typically includes qualities like honesty, integrity, and compassion. Balancing the two can lead to a person who is influential, principled, and respected.

Can a strong character be taught or is it in the genes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Strength of character can be influenced by both genetics and environment. Some individuals may have a predisposition towards certain character traits due to their genetic makeup, but upbringing, life experiences, and personal choices also play a significant role in shaping a person's character. Therefore, it is possible for someone to develop a strong character through learning, growth, and self-improvement.

Do you capitalize merry Christmas and happy new year in a letter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you should capitalize "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year" in a letter as they are greetings and proper nouns.

Why do girls feel uncomfortable around guys in their undergarments but are fine around them in a bikini?

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Asked by Wiki User

The discomfort may stem from the social expectation that undergarments are meant to be private, while bikinis are considered appropriate attire for public settings like the beach or pool. The context in which the clothing is worn can influence how comfortable someone feels.

Characteristic features of rural sociology as a profession?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rural sociology focuses on studying social structures and processes in rural areas, including agriculture, community dynamics, and rural development. Professionals in this field often work closely with rural communities to understand their unique challenges and provide insights for policy and program development. Key characteristics include a focus on community-based research, local engagement, and a commitment to addressing rural issues and inequalities.