


Surgery and Hospitalization

Ask questions here about surgical procedures, minor and major, and the hospital stays that follow.

500 Questions

Can a torn patellar tendon heal without surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a torn patellar tendon typically requires surgery to fully heal and restore strength and function to the knee joint. Surgery is usually recommended to repair the tendon and allow for proper rehabilitation to optimize recovery. Physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises are often prescribed post-surgery to regain full range of motion and strength in the knee.

Why is plastic surgery becoming so popular?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plastic surgery is becoming more popular due to advancements in medical technology, increased social acceptance, and the desire for self-improvement. People are seeking to enhance their appearance and self-confidence with procedures that are more accessible and less stigmatized than in the past.

Can you be allergic to surgical steel?

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Asked by Wiki User

I've had a few piercings done, all of them with surgical steel, including my tongue, lip, and belly button (twice) and each piercing got infected due to my allergy to surgical steel. If you think you might be, don't keep the ring in. My most recent piercing, getting my belly button done for the second time, was a huge mistake. My body rejected the surgical steel and ate away the top layer of skin that holds the piercing in place, so my piercing now looks as if it had been ripped out.

...not to scare anyone or anything.

The same thing happened to me! I had a navel piercing done and it was ok for almost a week, then all of a sudden it started to get red, swell and had some white pus..all the signs of an infection. I am studying to be a nurse and I had my teacher, a surgeon look at it and clean it out for me. I endured the pain of having him pull it open and clean it out. But even after that the swelling just got worst. All of a sudden it looked like the top ball was being swallowed. After attempting everything, I had to take the piercing out. It hurt my soul knowing that I had gone thru all that, but the fear of septicemia was too great.

If you have allergies to latex and almost everything under the sun... Do Not Do This! If you do, go to an allergist to get tested for Nickel. Or use a gold ring.


I turned out to not be that allergic to the surgical steel. mY problem was that I had pus in there all the time so I found a solution in order to keep my belly ring. What I did was used a plastic belly ring retainer and it healed in less than a week. I have been keeping it in there for almost 2 mo and it has no problems and it has no pus and the skin has dried up and gotten better inside. So that's an option some one may use.

Allergies to the nickel in surgical steel are somewhat rare, but do occur. Here is some evidence, conclusions and advice from a guy who does this kind of thing for a living...

According to the medical literature, it appears surgical steel causes problems for tissue-embedded micro devices like stents, but is does not seem to be a problem for patients with large implants such as hip replacements. Around 20% of patients in a stent study tested positive for nickel allergy and the allergy was the best predictor of stent problems.

Conclusion: Soft-tissue embedded surgical steel (e.g., piercings) can cause allergic reactions.

Closer to home... I have two friends with ear piercings that would not heal, so I did an experiment. We used over-the-counter triple antibiotic ointment alone, salt solution alone and change to a gold stud. Salt solution alone did nothing. The triple antibiotic resulted in cycles of inflammation and healing. Change to gold resulted in rapid healing with no recurrence.

Conclusion: Nickel in the surgical steel causes inflammation which may result in infection.

Advice: If you have a piercing that won't heal, switch to gold and use topical antibiotic until it heals. Try surgical steel again after healing. If redness returns, no more surgical steel for you.

What is the most common type of cataract surgery?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

The most common type of cataract surgery is phacoemulsification. This modern procedure involves the use of an ultrasonic device to emulsify and remove the cloudy lens inside the eye, which is the cataract. Here's a step-by-step overview of the procedure:

  1. *Anesthesia*: Typically, local anesthesia is used to numb the eye, ensuring the patient feels no pain during the surgery. Sedatives may also be administered to help the patient relax.

  2. *Corneal Incision*: The surgeon makes a small incision in the cornea, the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye.

  3. *Capsulorhexis*: A small, circular opening is made in the capsule (the membrane that encloses the lens) to access the cataract.

  4. *Phacoemulsification*: An ultrasonic probe is inserted through the corneal incision into the capsule. This probe vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency to break up the cloudy lens into small pieces.

  5. *Aspiration*: The emulsified pieces of the lens are then gently suctioned out of the eye.

  6. *Lens Implantation*: After the natural lens has been removed, it is replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The IOL is folded and inserted through the original incision, then it unfolds once in place.

  7. *Closure*: Typically, the incisions are small enough to heal without sutures, sealing themselves naturally.

This procedure typically takes about 30 minutes and is generally safe and effective, offering rapid recovery of vision for most patients. Alternative techniques, such as extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) or intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE), are less commonly used today due to the effectiveness and reduced recovery time associated with phacoemulsification.

Is cosmetic surgery biblically wrong?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Bible does not specifically address cosmetic surgery, so opinions on the matter vary among different Christian denominations. Some people may believe that cosmetic surgery is acceptable if it is done for valid medical reasons or to improve one's self-esteem, while others may view it as an unnecessary alteration of God's creation. Ultimately, individuals should prayerfully consider their own beliefs and consult with spiritual leaders to make an informed decision.

What are the mortality and morbidity rates associated with hand surgery?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Mortality rates associated with hand surgery are extremely low, usually less than 1%. Morbidity rates, which refer to complications or adverse events, vary depending on the specific procedure but are generally low as well. Common complications might include infection, nerve damage, or stiffness in the hand.

How many cataract operations are performed in the US each year?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Approximately 3.5 million cataract operations are performed in the US each year, making it one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the country. Cataract surgery is highly successful in restoring vision and improving quality of life for patients.

What percentage of people reject titanium wrist plates after surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Approximately 5-10% of people may experience rejection of titanium wrist plates after surgery. However, rejection rates can vary depending on a variety of factors such as individual immune response and surgical technique.

Do you capitalize Surgeon in a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

Capitalize surgeon only if it is part of a title.

According to the Surgeon General, smoking is bad.
The Head Surgeon on staff will be completing your operation.
I'm going to college to become a surgeon.

With pneumothorax what is the life expectancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The life expectancy for a pneumothorax depends on various factors, such as the underlying cause and the severity of the condition. With prompt medical treatment, most individuals with a pneumothorax can recover fully and have a normal life expectancy. However, untreated or severe cases of pneumothorax can be life-threatening.

Is there ever a surgery needed to take out a bone?

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Asked by Lizzy8291

Yes, in some cases, surgery may be needed to remove a bone. This may be necessary if the bone is severely damaged, infected, causing impingement on surrounding structures, or if there is a tumor affecting the bone. Surgeons will assess the situation and determine if removal of the bone is the best course of action.

Looking for Companies that donate to private people for medical funds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some companies that donate to private individuals for medical funds include GoFundMe, Charity care programs at hospitals, local community foundations, organizations like the Healthwell Foundation or the Patient Access Network Foundation, and specific disease-related nonprofits that offer financial assistance. It's advisable to check the eligibility criteria and application process for each organization before seeking assistance.

Is muscle milk healthy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Muscle Milk can be a convenient source of protein, but it also contains added sugars and artificial ingredients. It's best to opt for whole, natural sources of protein like lean meats, eggs, or plant-based sources rather than relying solely on protein shakes like Muscle Milk.

How do you fry chicken salad?

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Asked by Wiki User

To fry chicken for salad, start by coating chicken pieces in seasoned flour, dip in beaten egg, then coat with breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil until golden brown and cooked through. Let the fried chicken pieces cool before adding them to your salad to maintain the crispiness.

Whats the importance of orthopedics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Orthopedics is important because it focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders related to the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Orthopedic care helps individuals regain mobility, reduce pain, and improve quality of life after injuries or conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. Additionally, orthopedic procedures can help prevent disability and promote overall health and well-being.

How can you live a healthy life with one kidney?

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Asked by Wiki User

To live a healthy life with one kidney, it's important to stay hydrated, maintain a balanced diet low in salt and processed foods, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, and monitor blood pressure regularly. Regular exercise, avoiding smoking, and attending regular check-ups with healthcare professionals are also important to maintain kidney health.

Why is your surgical incision burning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Burning sensation around a surgical incision can be due to inflammation, nerve irritation, or infection. It is important to monitor for any signs of infection such as increasing pain, redness, swelling, or discharge, and to contact your healthcare provider for further evaluation and management. Applying ice packs or taking prescribed pain medications can help alleviate the burning sensation.

How can an anthropologist tell that someone did not die from a successful brain surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

An anthropologist might infer that someone did not die from successful brain surgery by examining skeletal remains for evidence of healed incisions or drilling marks on the skull. Absence of trauma to the cranium or signs of infection in the bone could also indicate that the surgery was successful. Additional evidence from historical records or medical texts could provide context to support this conclusion.

Can women get pancreatic cancer?

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Asked by Alohagirl378

Yes, women can indeed get pancreatic cancer. It is a disease where malignant cells form in the tissues of the pancreas, an organ located behind the lower part of the stomach. Both men and women are susceptible to this type of cancer, with risk factors including age (most patients are over 45), smoking, obesity, and having a family history of the disease, among others. Pancreatic cancer does not discriminate by gender, and its diagnosis and treatment require immediate medical attention.

What wear and tear injuries are treated by knee arthroscopic surgery?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

acute injuries that destabilize the knee, and pain management for floating or displaced cartilage and rough bone.

How does laser eye surgery work?

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Asked by Wiki User

watch "how its made laser eye surgery" on

How do you know if you need knee surgery?

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Asked by Gabigirl70598

Pain, discomfort, deformity, unstable knee and frequent locking of the knee will indicate the need for surgery

Is a knee revision a total knee replacement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arthroscopic meniscus surgery is a minimally invasive procedure used to repair or remove damaged tissue in the knee joint. During the surgery, a small camera called an arthroscope is inserted through tiny incisions, allowing the surgeon to visualize and treat the problem without the need for a large incision.

This procedure is commonly used to treat meniscus tears, which can occur due to injury or degenerative conditions. The surgeon may either repair the torn meniscus using sutures or remove the damaged portion of the meniscus, depending on the type and severity of the tear.

Benefits of arthroscopic meniscus surgery include shorter recovery times, reduced post-operative pain, and lower risk of complications compared to traditional open surgery. Patients typically undergo physical therapy following the procedure to regain strength and range of motion in the knee.

While arthroscopic meniscus surgery is generally safe and effe

How long does it take to perform knee revision surgery?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Most knee revision operations take about three hours to perform and are similar to knee replacement procedures.