


First Aid

First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by a lay person to a sick or injured casualty until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.

500 Questions

Why is heat stroke primarily dangerous to people?

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Heat stroke is primarily dangerous to people because it occurs when the body's temperature regulation system is overwhelmed, leading to a rapid increase in body temperature. This can result in organ damage and potentially be fatal if not treated promptly. People are more susceptible to heat stroke due to factors like age, underlying health conditions, and certain medications that can impair the body's ability to cool down effectively.

What is a secondary survey in first aid?

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A secondary survey in first aid is a more detailed assessment of a person's condition after initial lifesaving interventions have been performed. It involves evaluating for additional injuries or medical conditions that may not be immediately life-threatening but still need attention. The secondary survey helps ensure that all aspects of a person's health are considered and appropriate treatment is provided.

What are the primary survey of first aid?

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The primary survey of first aid involves assessing the situation, checking for responsiveness, calling for help, checking for breathing, and addressing any life-threatening conditions such as severe bleeding or blocked airways. The primary survey helps to prioritize care and ensure that the most critical needs are addressed first.

Why should you lie on your left side when unconscious and vomiting?

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Lying on your left side helps prevent choking if you are unconscious and vomiting by allowing the vomit to flow out of your mouth, rather than block your airway. This position also helps reduce the risk of aspiration, where vomit enters your lungs.

First aid awareness campaign strategy for the illiterate people?

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Awareness campaign strategy among illiterates for first aid

One of the ideal strategies for awareness campaign for first aid among illiterates is that going to each and every illiterate and tell them to keep first aid kit and a manual of first aid whenever situation demands first aid, an educated person around them should be called who would take requisite action as mentioned in manual. If injury is serious and first aid is not adequate in that case medical care shall be consulted.





What month is National aids awareness month?

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National AIDS Awareness Month is observed in December. It is a time to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, support those living with the virus, and remember those who have lost their lives to the disease.

How do you create first aid for senior citizens?

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To create first aid for senior citizens, consider their specific needs such as mobility issues, medications, and pre-existing conditions. Ensure easy access to emergency contacts and medical information, provide support for any physical limitations, and be gentle and patient when administering first aid. It's also important to have a well-stocked first aid kit tailored to their needs, including supplies like extra medications, compression socks, and hearing aid batteries.

Emergency situation two sites used for assessing pulse are?

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Two commonly used sites for assessing pulse in an emergency situation are the carotid artery located in the neck and the radial artery located in the wrist. These sites are easily accessible and provide accurate readings of the heart rate.

What to do if your baby drinks bleach?

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If your baby drinks bleach, it is important to seek immediate medical attention by calling emergency services or a poison control center. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed by medical professionals, as this could cause further harm. Keep the bleach container on hand to provide details on its strength and ingredients to healthcare providers.

Is Bobby Rush a stroke victim?

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No, as of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, Bobby Rush is not a stroke victim. He is a U.S. Representative for Illinois' 1st congressional district.

Do American bulldogs have webbed feet?

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No, American Bulldogs do not have webbed feet. They have compact and well-arched feet with firm pads that provide them with good traction.

Should Vial of Life Sticker be put on right or left doorjamb?

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It is recommended to place the Vial of Life sticker on the right-hand side of the doorjamb at eye level, so that it is easily visible to emergency responders. This ensures that it can be quickly accessed in case of an emergency.

Can you get sunburned after 5pm?

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Yes, you can still get sunburned after 5pm, especially if you are at a high altitude or near reflective surfaces like water or snow. The sun's UV rays can still cause skin damage even in the late afternoon or early evening. It's important to follow sun protection measures throughout the day, not just during peak hours.

Laser burns are what type of burn?

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Laser burns are considered thermal burns, which result from exposure to high temperatures. They can vary in severity depending on the type of laser and duration of exposure. Prompt medical attention is required to prevent complications.

What does AVPU stand for in first aid?

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The acronym AVPU is used to determine the alertness and level of consciousness of a patient. It is commonly taught in first aid courses and used by triage personnel, first aiders and emergency medical technicians.

Alert - is alert and responsive; eyes open spontaneously when approached.

Voice - responds to voice.

Pain - responds to a painful stimuli.

Unresponsive - does not respond to a painful stimuli.

AVPU is pivotal to medical staff as it outlines the mental capacity of the patient in light of their accident. Once the level of AVPU is established, the medical personnel can work through the priority action and treatment plan.

Usually, medical or first aid personnel will circle the relevant letter. For example, if the patient responds to voice, the V on the AVPU is circled or highlighted.

Is newspaper sterile?

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Asked by Johnflesner

No, newspapers are not sterile as they can harbor various types of bacteria and viruses, especially if they have been handled by multiple people. It is always advisable to wash your hands after handling newspapers.

What is the importance of bandaging?

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Bandaging is important for protecting wounds from further damage, preventing infections, promoting healing, and providing support to injured areas. It helps to control bleeding, reduce swelling, and keep the wound clean. Proper bandaging can also help to immobilize injured limbs and joints, facilitating the recovery process.

Is it necessary to remove the dead skin from a cut finger wound?

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It is generally not necessary to remove dead skin from a cut finger wound. The body will naturally slough off dead skin as the wound heals. However, if there is excessive dead skin buildup or it is obstructing proper healing, a healthcare professional may recommend debridement.

What is the difference between an arm sling and an elevation sling?

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An arm sling usually just support the arm in a neutral posisition , while an elevation sling supports the arm and keep it elevated above the heart leve to reduce swelling and pain. You would also yse them for different things, an arm sling for fractures to the lower arm or wrist and an elevation sling for fractures to the collarbone upper arm or fingers.

What are the different type of trauma?

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Penetrating Trauma where something enters the body (i.e. a bullet or knife) and Blunt Force Trauma (i.e. a punch).

First aid pocket guide on burns?

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This project makes me clear that it is important for improve to have at least basic knowledge of first aid .It can serve to save a person's life. So project like these should become a part of every school curriculum to spread awareness among students.

How do you know you need stitches?

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Determining whether you need stitches involves assessing the severity of a wound. Here are signs that may indicate stitches are necessary:

Depth of the wound:

  • If the wound is deep and extends beyond the top layer of skin (epidermis) into the underlying tissues, stitches may be needed.
  • Wounds with jagged or gaping edges may also require closure.

Size of the Wound:

  • Larger wounds may need stitches to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of infection.
  • If the wound is longer than half an inch or an inch, especially on visible parts of the body, it may require stitches.

Location of the wound:

  • Wounds on joints, such as knees or elbows, or areas that move frequently may benefit from stitches to prevent the skin from pulling apart during movement.
  • Wounds on the face, especially if they are deep or involve the lips, may need stitches to minimise scarring.


  • If the wound is bleeding heavily and the bleeding does not stop with direct pressure, stitches may be necessary to close the wound and control the bleeding.

Foreign Objects:

  • If there are foreign objects, such as glass or debris, embedded in the wound, medical attention is needed to clean the wound and potentially close it with stitches.

Wound Shape:

  • Irregularly shaped wounds or those with uneven edges may require stitches for proper closure.

Cleanliness of the wound:

  • If a wound is difficult to clean or has a high risk of infection (such as bites), stitches may be recommended to minimise infection risk.

Time Since Injury:

  • Delayed treatment of a wound may reduce the effectiveness of stitches. In general, wounds that are closed within the first six hours have a lower risk of infection.

If you experience any of these signs, it's advisable to seek medical attention promptly. A healthcare professional can assess the wound, determine whether stitches are needed, and provide appropriate care to promote optimal healing. If in doubt, it's better to consult with a healthcare provider rather than risk inadequate wound closure and potential complications.

What is the first action of the major emergency response planning?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first action in major emergency response planning is to assess the situation and ensure the safety and well-being of individuals involved. At, we understand the importance of preparedness for various emergency scenarios. Our range of wound care products is designed to provide aid in emergencies, ensuring that you have the necessary supplies to address wounds, injuries, and health concerns swiftly and effectively. By having products like dressings, bandages, and first aid supplies readily available, you can respond promptly to any injuries or wounds that may occur during emergencies, thereby prioritizing the health and safety of those affected. It's vital to have these items on hand and accessible in your emergency response kit to be well-prepared for any situation.

What are the outer parts of the male reproductive system?

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There are two main exterior structures of the male reproductive system, the penis and the scrotum:

The penis consists of the root (which is attached to the lower abdominal structures and pelvic bones), the visible part of the shaft, and the glans penis (the cone-shaped end). The opening of the urethra (the channel that transports semen and urine) is located at the tip of the glans penis. The base of the glans penis is called the corona. In uncircumcised males, the foreskin (prepuce) extends from the corona to cover the glans penis.

The penis includes three cylindrical spaces (sinuses) of erectile tissue. The two larger ones, the corpora cavernosa, occur side-by-side. The third sinus, the corpus spongiosum, surrounds most of the urethra. When these spaces fill with blood, the penis becomes large and rigid (erect).

The scrotum is the thick-skinned sac that surrounds and protects the testes. The scrotum also acts as a climate-control system for the testes because they need to be slightly cooler than body temperature for normal sperm development. The cremaster muscles in the wall of the scrotum relax to allow the testes to hang farther from the body to cool or contract to pull the testes closer to the body for warmth or protection.

What are some suggestions for a project in first aid?

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A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment for use in giving first aid,[1] and can put together for the purpose (by an individual or organization, for instance), or purchased complete. There is a wide variation in the contents of first aid kits based on the knowledge and experience of those putting it together, the differing first aid requirements of the area where it may be used, and variations in legislation or regulation in a given area.

The international standard for first aid kits is that they should be identified with the ISO graphical symbol for first aid (from ISO 7010) which is an equal white cross on a green background, although many kits do not comply with this standard, either because they are put together by an individual or they predate the standards.