


Human Behavior

The study of human behavior which is affected by genetics, perceived behaviorial controls, attitude, and societal norms

500 Questions

What is the purpose of sociology?

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Asked by Wiki User

To better understand society

How does culture affect behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Culture influences behavior by shaping beliefs, values, norms, and practices within a group of people. It dictates what is considered acceptable or unacceptable in social interactions, influencing how individuals behave in different situations. Cultural norms and expectations provide a framework for understanding and responding to the world around us.

Do you like yourself?

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Asked by Wiki User

As an artificial intelligence, I don't experience emotions or have personal opinions. My purpose is to assist and provide helpful information to users like you.

Why do the rich people abuse drugs more than the poor people?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no definitive evidence to suggest that rich people abuse drugs more than poor people. Both groups may face different underlying factors that contribute to substance abuse, such as access to resources, mental health issues, and societal pressures. The reasons for drug abuse are complex and can vary based on individual circumstances.

What are asocials?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Asocials" can refer to individuals who avoid social interactions or lack interest in forming relationships with others. This term is sometimes used to describe people who prefer solitude and seclusion over socializing with others.

What do you call a group of professional people?

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Asked by Wiki User

A doddering of seniors

A twaddle of Democrats

A condescension of reporters

A kegger of collegians

A trust-fund of peace marchers

A hypervapidity of Maureen Dowds

A gesticulation of Italians

A corruption of Congressmen

A moustache of policemen

A tumescence of pornstars

A shriek of liberals

A waddle of Rosie O'Donnells

A crimewave of Kennedys

A tapper of Idaho Senators

A nattering of elderly ladies

A caring of staff nurses

A nextplease of dental nurses

What could be done to make religion more attractive to young people?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make religion more attractive to young people, churches could focus on creating inclusive and welcoming environments, offer engaging and relevant programming, utilize technology and social media for outreach and communication, and provide opportunities for young people to actively participate and contribute to the community.

Emotional aspect of personality?

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Asked by Wiki User

The emotional aspect of personality involves how individuals experience and express their feelings, such as joy, anger, sadness, and fear. It influences how we connect with others, make decisions, and handle stress. Emotions play a significant role in shaping our thoughts, behavior, and overall well-being.

What are examples of American mores?

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Asked by Wiki User

In American culture, things like premarital sex and child molestation are looked upon as mores. Mores are things that are looked down upon in a certain culture. Like rape is looked down upon by society as a general whole. But it can vary in some circumstances.


In today's society in America, it is looked down upon to have sex before you are married but there are some countries in which small girls are given houses over the summer and can play "house" with the boys of their choice. In this culture, virginity does not exist past the age of ten.

In American society, that is called pedophilia and it is looked down upon.

Is lying considered deviant behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, lying can be considered a form of deviant behavior. According to Émile Durkheim's functionalist perspective, deviance serves several important functions for society, including clarifying social norms and increasing conformity. Lying can have a negative effect on these functions, as it can lead to confusion and mistrust between individuals and can lead to a breakdown in social order. Additionally, conflict theorists argue that people with power pass laws and use the legal system to secure their position at the top of society, and violations of the law, including lying, can be seen as deviant behaviors.

Why do fat people stink?

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Body odor is not necessarily related to weight. While excess weight can lead to increased sweat production, body odor is primarily caused by bacteria breaking down sweat. People of all body types can experience body odor, and factors such as diet, hygiene practices, and clothing choices can all play a role.

What is Social Presence Theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social Presence Theory proposes that individuals perceive and respond to mediated communication as if it were a face-to-face interaction. It suggests that the sense of presence, or feeling connected to others, can influence communication outcomes in virtual environments. The theory highlights the importance of social cues, feedback, and interactivity in creating a sense of presence in computer-mediated communication.

How many redheads are there?

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It is estimated that approximately 1-2% of the world's population has red hair, which equates to around 70-140 million people worldwide.

What differentiates the act of grouping people from the act of stereotyping How can stereotyping effect group relations Give an example of a stereotype you find in your everyday life?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grouping people involves categorizing them based on specific characteristics, whereas stereotyping involves making assumptions about individuals based on their group membership. Stereotyping can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and negative attitudes towards a particular group, influencing how individuals from that group are treated. An example of a stereotype could be assuming that all Asians are good at math.

What are some social reasons why people migrate?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may migrate to join family members already living in a new country, to escape persecution or political unrest in their home country, or to seek better economic opportunities and a higher standard of living. Additionally, some may migrate for educational purposes or to experience a different culture.

Surface tension of water at different temperatures?

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Asked by Wiki User

Surface tension of water decreases as temperature increases. At lower temperatures, water molecules are more closely packed, leading to stronger intermolecular forces and higher surface tension. As temperature rises, water molecules gain kinetic energy and move more freely, causing weaker intermolecuar attractions and lower surface tension.

What is language called when it creates or reinforces stereotypes treats people unequally insults people excludes people and can accentuate personal attributes in exclusion of other more important?

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Asked by Coleynathaniel39

The language used in this context is known as discriminatory or prejudiced language. It can perpetuate harmful stereotypes, reinforce unequal treatment, insult individuals or groups, exclude them from participation, and focus on superficial or irrelevant characteristics over more important ones.

What is correct about attitudes A Positive attitudes can help us learn quicker B Negative attitudes can't be changed C There's one fundamental way of acquiring attitudes D Attitudes can't be learned?

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Asked by Wiki User

A. Positive attitudes can indeed help us learn quicker by promoting motivation, perseverance, and focus. B. Negative attitudes can definitely be changed through self-reflection, cognitive restructuring, and seeking support. C. There are multiple ways of acquiring attitudes, such as social learning, personal experiences, and cultural influences. D. Attitudes can be learned and unlearned based on our experiences, beliefs, and interactions with others.

How do you cite the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?

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Asked by Wiki User

When citing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in APA format, you should include the author or organization, year of publication, title of the test (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), and the retrieval information if accessed online. For example: Myers, I. B., McCaulley, M. H., Quenk, N. L., & Hammer, A. L. (1998). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Retrieved from [URL].

How maslow's hierarchy of needs theory how can use English language teaching?

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Asked by Wiki User

Maslow's hierarchy of needs can be applied in English language teaching by ensuring that students' basic physiological needs such as a safe and comfortable learning environment are met. Teachers can then focus on fulfilling higher level needs such as a sense of belonging and self-esteem through group activities and feedback. Ultimately, helping students achieve self-actualization in their language learning journey by providing opportunities for personal growth and creativity.

What was lev vygotsky theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory focuses on how social interactions and cultural factors influence cognitive development. He emphasized the importance of social interactions, language, and culture in shaping an individual's thought processes and learning abilities. Vygotsky proposed that learning occurs through collaboration with others and that development precedes learning.

Explain the classification of personality types given by Myers -Briggs.?

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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classifies personality types based on four dichotomies: extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. These dichotomies result in 16 possible personality types, such as ISTJ or ENFP, each representing a unique combination of preferences that influence behavior and decision-making. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is commonly used in career counseling, team building, and personal development to help individuals better understand themselves and others.

Examples of positive reinforcement?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Praise and recognition for completing a task.
  2. Receiving a reward for achieving a goal.
  3. Encouraging words and support for making progress.
  4. Providing privileges for demonstrating desired behavior.

What are the difference between classical conditioning theory of learning and trial and error theory of learning?

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Classical conditioning theory involves learning through associations between stimuli, where a neutral stimulus is paired with a naturally occurring stimulus to elicit a response. Trial and error theory of learning involves learning through repeated attempts and errors to achieve a desired outcome, with successful behaviors being reinforced and repeated. Classical conditioning focuses on involuntary responses, while trial and error learning involves voluntary actions.

What is dam reinforcement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dam reinforcement refers to the process of strengthening a dam's structure to make it more resilient to various stress factors, such as water pressure, seismic activity, or aging. This may involve adding additional material, installing support systems, or implementing maintenance measures to ensure the stability and safety of the dam.