


US Constitution

The supreme law of the United States, the Constitution provided the framework for the creation of the United States government.

500 Questions

How many years was newton president of the royal society?

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Isaac Newton was President of the Royal Society for 24 years, from 1703 until his death in 1727.

What is power and what is the unit for power?

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Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. It is measured in watts (W), with one watt equal to one joule per second.

Why do nations responsible for 55 percent of emissions have to approve the Kyoto agreement before it becomes law?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Kyoto Protocol operates under a system of binding targets where nations commit to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by a certain amount. For the agreement to be effective, it requires the support and participation of major emitters, accounting for at least 55% of global emissions, to ensure meaningful impact on climate change mitigation. This threshold helps to ensure that key contributors to emissions reductions are on board with the agreement.

What are the requirements that metal must meet before it can be used in a fuse?

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Asked by Wiki User

A metal used in a fuse must have a low melting point to ensure it can melt and interrupt the circuit when necessary. It should also have high conductivity to allow current to flow easily through it. Additionally, the metal should have good mechanical properties to withstand the electrical and thermal stresses during operation.

What happens when a president does not uphold the constitution as he says in his oath of office?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means nothing first they took away rights based on a war against terro

rism when the terrorist was not Sudan Hussaim and when they allowed Bush to walk away after murdering millions of people they allowed every president following to to override the constituion passing laws to remove more and more of it this is what i have seen but everyone needs to trust thier own instinct

Why is its the duty of citizens to obey laws?

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We as citizen follow laws because our founding fathers said we had to. Without law think of all the ciaos this world would be. It sure wouldn't be a cup of tea now would it?

- Hannah L.

Can you Give an example of a national law?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Clean Air Act in the United States is an example of a national law that aims to protect air quality by regulating emissions of pollutants from industrial sources and vehicles.

Which states in the United States have the highest number of volcanoes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. This includes volcanoes that haven't erupted for thousands of years.

Each shell represents a distinct state of electron?

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Asked by CalebJ

Yes, the different shells in an atom correspond to distinct energy levels where electrons can be found. Each shell can only hold a certain number of electrons, and they are filled in order of increasing energy. The shells are designated by letters (K, L, M, etc.) and are further divided into subshells based on shape (s, p, d, f).

Why do the cells lining the stomach divide more quickly than those in the liver?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cells lining the stomach divide more quickly than those in the liver because the stomach is constantly exposed to acidic enzymes and mechanical stress from food digestion, which can damage the lining and require more frequent cell renewal. In contrast, the liver is not exposed to such harsh conditions and does not require as rapid cell turnover for its functions.

Benjamin Newton influenced Emily by?

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Benjamin Newton influenced Emily by introducing her to scientific concepts and encouraging her to pursue her interest in natural science. He fostered her curiosity and critical thinking skills, which helped shape her perspective on the world and informed her poetry and writing.

Picture or map of the state with the most us representative?

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Asked by Wiki User

California has the most U.S. Representatives with a total of 53 congressional districts. It is the most populous state in the U.S., which accounts for its large number of representatives in the House of Representatives.

The new Russian constitution greatly enhanced the powers?

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of the President by allowing them to serve additional terms and providing them with the authority to appoint key government officials, judges, and regional governors. This has been seen as a consolidation of power within the executive branch and a potential threat to the system of checks and balances in Russia.

How do you explain why is hiring necessary and when?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hiring is necessary when a company needs additional skills or resources to meet business objectives, expand operations, or fill a gap in knowledge or expertise. It is essential to ensure that the organization has the right talent in place to drive innovation, growth, and success. This process is crucial for building a strong team that can contribute positively towards achieving business goals.

Is it considered bending the law if you lie in court?

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Asked by Renny3s

Yes, lying in court is considered perjury, which is a criminal offense punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. It undermines the justice system by compromising the truth-seeking process and can lead to serious consequences for all involved parties. It is important to always be truthful when testifying in court.

What is the main causes of separation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main causes of separation in relationships can include lack of communication, trust issues, incompatible values or goals, and unresolved conflicts. Other factors such as infidelity, financial problems, or lack of emotional connection can also contribute to relationship breakdown.

What is nominal power of generator?

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Asked by Wiki User

The nominal power of a generator refers to the maximum power output that the generator can continuously provide under normal operating conditions. It is typically expressed in kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW) and is an important specification to consider when sizing a generator for a specific application.

What crime was the crime Galileo got charged with?

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Galileo got 'in trouble' because he realized that the planets do not all revolve around earth, as Ptolomy had said. The Catholic church realized that this was true, but was too stubborn to say that Ptolomy was wrong, so they punished Galileo.

What does a runoff primary occur?

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A runoff primary occurs when no candidate receives a required majority of votes in the initial primary election. The top two candidates with the most votes then participate in a second election to determine the winner. This process ensures that the winning candidate has majority support.

What is reference share?

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Asked by Wiki User

A reference share is a method used to track and record referrals made by customers or users to a business or service. It allows the tracking of referral activities and can be used to reward customers for successful referrals.

A continuous change in position is called?

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Asked by Wiki User

a continuous change in position is called Motion

What are some good ideas for laws?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Stricter penalties for environmental crimes to protect natural resources.
  2. Increased funding for mental health services and programs.
  3. Implementing policies to promote renewable energy sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Mandating affordable housing requirements for developers in urban areas.
  5. Creating regulations to ensure equitable access to healthcare for all citizens.

Which South pacific republic consists of 844 islands?

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The Solomon Islands is the South Pacific republic that consists of 844 islands. These islands are located east of Papua New Guinea and are known for their beautiful coral reefs and diverse marine life.

What on are the court ruiling on prayer in school?

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The Supreme Court has ruled that official prayers or religious practices organized by public schools are unconstitutional because they violate the principle of separation of church and state. However, students are allowed to pray individually or in groups as long as it is not disruptive to the school environment.

Definition to standing vote?

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Asked by Wiki User

A standing vote is a method of voting where those in favor and those against a motion stand up to be counted. This allows for a visual representation of the vote count.