


Signs and Omens

Man by nature is an inquisitive, gregarious, and territorial creature; wanting and needing to mark his groups and territories as much as to assign meaning and interpretation to the naturally occurring and man made things around him. From ancient symbols carved or painted in caves, through secret societies of past and present to naturally occurring phenomenon and gang tagging we will try to find meanings and interpretations for all.

500 Questions

What does the color black symbolize when children color with it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Black is often associated with themes of darkness, mystery, authority, and strength. When children color with black, it may represent feelings of power, seriousness, or even a desire to express boldness or intensity in their artwork.

Are pebbles symbolic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, pebbles can be symbolic in different cultures and contexts. They can represent resilience, patience, or the passage of time. In some spiritual practices, they may symbolize grounding and connections to nature.

What does the color gray symbolize?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gray is often associated with neutrality, balance, and compromise. It can symbolize wisdom, maturity, and practicality, as well as the blending of opposites or different perspectives. In some contexts, gray can also represent ambiguity, uncertainty, or a lack of commitment.

What is the north side gang symbol?

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Asked by Wiki User

The North Side Gang symbol usually includes elements such as the letter "N" or the word "North" incorporated into the design. The symbol may also feature imagery or colors associated with the North Side Gang's identity or history. The specific symbol may vary depending on the region or subgroup of the gang.

What symbol would have the meaning of vengeance?

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Asked by Wiki User

well, if your talking about zacky vengeance, then it would be a middle finger on fire:)

I know I have seen the Romany (Gypsy) symbol at sometime in the past, however at this time I can not locate it. I will continue the search.

Found it! What it looks like is a small open square, turned

What are the variations of spelling Banshee?

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Asked by Snailmail

Some variations of spelling "Banshee" include "Bean Sidhe" in Irish folklore, "Ban Sith" in Scottish Gaelic, and "Ben Shee" in Manx folklore. These variations reflect the different cultural origins and linguistic nuances of the mythological figure.

Who is the protagonist in Good Omens?

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Asked by Wiki User

The protagonists in "Good Omens" are Aziraphale, an angel, and Crowley, a demon, who team up to prevent the end of the world. They work together to try to avert the apocalypse and save Earth from destruction.

Which side are the four horsemen on?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Christian theology, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are typically seen as agents of divine judgment and are associated with events leading to the end of the world. They are often portrayed as serving God's will rather than aligning with any specific "side."

A 1814 sword has a mermaid on the handle and all of a sudden the mermaid looked like she was bleeding on her body what does this mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The appearance of the mermaid on the sword handle suddenly "bleeding" could be due to a natural process like rust formation or tarnishing of the metal. It may also indicate a previous repair or alteration that has affected the original design. It is unlikely to have a mystical or supernatural significance.

What does is mean when two white owls and a bat fly over your head at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeing two white owls and a bat flying over your head at night could be interpreted as a spiritual sign or omen. Owls are often associated with wisdom and intuition, while bats can represent change and transformation. It could suggest a time of introspection, guidance, and potentially some significant shifts or adjustments in your life.

What is the spiritual meaning of bees?

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Asked by Wiki User

In many cultures, bees are seen as symbols of hard work, community, cooperation, and productivity. They are also often associated with abundance, fertility, and harmony. Bees can represent the importance of working together towards a common goal and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Owl sits outside window every day is it good?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeing an owl outside your window daily could be a positive sign, as owls are often associated with wisdom, intuition, and protection in many cultures. It may be worth paying attention to any thoughts or messages that come to you during these encounters.

What does it mean when a person looks up at the sky and a bird poops in their eye?

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Asked by 12345GR

It could simply be a coincidence, as birds do not intentionally aim to poop on people. Some cultures believe it is a sign of good luck or a symbol of unexpected fortune. Remember to wash the eye thoroughly to prevent any potential health issues.

Can Banshees attack people and how?

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Asked by Wiki User

In folklore, banshees are usually seen as harbingers of death rather than aggressive attackers. They are spirits believed to wail and keen around a house to foretell a death in the family. They are more associated with warning of impending doom rather than causing harm directly.

How does Ahab respond to the Omens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ahab ignores the ominous signs and sees them as challenges to his determination to find and kill Moby Dick. He becomes even more obsessed and reckless in his pursuit of the whale, choosing to defy fate and press on regardless of the warnings.

To see red birds daily what does that mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeing red birds daily could be a sign of good luck, love, or a message from a loved one who has passed away. In some cultures, red birds are considered messengers or symbols of passion and vitality. It could also just be a pleasant coincidence or a reminder to pay attention to the beauty of nature around you.

Why has Framton taken a trip in the short story open window?

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Asked by Wiki User

Framton has taken a trip to the countryside to help with his nervous condition and seek peace and tranquility. He has been recommended by his doctor to rest and relax in the fresh air, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Is it a good omen if a wild bird lands on your head?

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Asked by DavidLanteigne

It can be seen as a positive sign or an indication of good luck in some cultures. However, it ultimately depends on personal beliefs and interpretations.

What is the message of open window?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Open Window" by Saki conveys the theme of storytelling and its ability to manipulate perception and reality. The story showcases how an innocent story told by a young girl leads to a humorous misunderstanding with unexpected consequences for the protagonist. It highlights the power of imagination and the impact of storytelling on human emotions and behavior.

What is the symbolic meaning of flowers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Flowers can symbolize various things depending on the type and color. For example, red roses often symbolize love and passion, white lilies can represent purity and innocence, while yellow daisies can symbolize joy and happiness. In general, flowers are often seen as symbols of beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

What is the symbol of honesty and why is it considered as a symbol of honesty and give me the meaning of the symbol?

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Asked by Wiki User

The symbol of honesty is often represented by a mirror. This is because a mirror reflects the truth and does not distort reality. It is considered a symbol of honesty because it reflects things as they truly are, without deceit or deception, representing transparency and truthfulness in one's actions and words. The mirror encourages self-reflection and introspection, prompting individuals to confront their true selves and uphold integrity in their interactions.

Where can you find signs of good fortune?

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Asked by Wiki User

Signs of good fortune can be found in positive events or outcomes such as unexpected windfalls, receiving good news, encountering lucky symbols like four-leaf clovers or horseshoes, or experiencing a series of fortunate events in a short period of time. Some people also believe that finding certain objects or encountering specific animals can signify good luck.

What does a moon symbolize?

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Asked by Wiki User

The moon symbolizes mystery, intuition, emotions, and the subconscious mind. It is often associated with femininity, cycles, renewal, and transformation. Additionally, the moon represents the reflective aspects of the self and is a symbol of guidance and illumination.

What is the symbol of knowledge?

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Asked by Wiki User

The symbol of knowledge is typically represented by an open book or an owl. These symbols often convey wisdom, intelligence, and learning.

What did the color orange symbolize in medieval armor?

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Asked by Wiki User

The color orange was not commonly used in medieval armor symbolism. Medieval armor was typically made of steel and decorated with engravings or painted with symbols such as crosses or animals to represent religious beliefs, family emblems, or personal preferences.