



Lungs are a pair of elastic and spongy organs that help the body breathe. They are present inside the rib cage in thoracic cavity of humans.

500 Questions

What is the most common cation in non-organic gemstones?

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The most common cation in non-organic gemstones is iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+). Iron impurities can give gemstones their color, such as green in emeralds (beryl), blue in sapphires (corundum), and red in rubies (corundum).

What two gases are exchanged across the lining of a frog's mouth?

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Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged across the lining of a frog's mouth. Oxygen is absorbed from the air into the blood vessels, while carbon dioxide is released into the air from the blood vessels.

Can you use the spirometer to measure your total lung capacity?

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Yes, a spirometer can be used to measure total lung capacity by conducting a test known as a pulmonary function test. During this test, the spirometer records the volume of air a person can inhale and exhale, including their inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, expiratory reserve volume, and residual volume, which together make up the total lung capacity.

Does Aldrin cause cancer?

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There is no direct evidence that Aldrin causes cancer in humans. However, it is classified as a possible human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) based on animal studies. Exposure to Aldrin has been linked to liver and bladder cancer in animal studies but more research is needed to determine its effects on humans.

How would you get a chapter 7 bankruptcy removed after 7 years?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy typically remains on your credit report for 10 years. You cannot have it removed before then, but you can start rebuilding your credit by making on-time payments, managing your credit responsibly, and showing a positive credit history over time.

How many Webkinz do most people have?

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There is no set number of Webkinz that most people have as it varies greatly from person to person. Some people may have one or two, while others may have a large collection of dozens or even hundreds of Webkinz. It ultimately depends on individual preferences and collecting habits.

What percent water are jelleyfish?

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How much percent water are in a jellyfish? Answer The body of an adult jellyfish is made up of 94 to 98 percent water. Scroll down to related links and look for "Jellyfish - Wikipedia".

Why do taller people have a greater lung capacity than shorter people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Taller people tend to have greater lung capacity due to their larger chest cavity and longer lung volume, which allows for more air to be inhaled and exhaled. Additionally, taller individuals may have a higher diaphragm position, giving their lungs more room to expand during breathing.

How the circulatory system works?

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Asked by Wiki User

The circulatory system is responsible for transporting blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. The heart pumps oxygenated blood to the body through arteries, which then travel to the tissues and organs. Deoxygenated blood is then carried back to the heart through veins, where it is pumped to the lungs to get oxygenated again. This cycle repeats to ensure all cells in the body receive the necessary oxygen and nutrients.

How can your lungs remain healthy?

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Asked by Wiki User

To keep your lungs healthy, avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, exercise regularly to improve lung function, maintain a healthy diet to support overall lung health, and avoid exposure to pollutants and toxins as much as possible. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can also help monitor your lung health and address any concerns early on.

How do you increase lung strength?

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To increase lung strength, you can engage in activities that improve cardiovascular fitness like running, swimming, or cycling. Practicing deep breathing exercises and diaphragmatic breathing can also help strengthen the lungs. Quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to environmental pollutants can further support lung health and function.

If you have 60 percent lung capacity how long before you have to have oxygen?

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The need for oxygen therapy is not solely determined by lung capacity but also by symptoms of low oxygen levels. If you have 60% lung capacity but are not experiencing significant symptoms, you may not need oxygen therapy. It would be best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper assessment and recommendation.

Which organ has the longest waiting list to receive a transplant?

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The kidney has the longest waiting list for organ transplants in most countries. This is due to a higher demand for kidney transplants compared to other organs, as well as a shortage of available donor kidneys.

What is the most common name for the cancer in the stomach?

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The most common name for cancer in the stomach is "gastric cancer" or "stomach cancer." These terms are often used interchangeably to refer to malignancies that originate in the cells lining the stomach. Gastric cancer can develop in any part of the stomach and may spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs as it progresses.

Gastric cancer is a significant global health concern, although its incidence varies widely by geographic region and population. It is more common in certain parts of the world, such as Eastern Asia, Eastern Europe, and parts of Central and South America. Risk factors for gastric cancer include infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a diet high in salty or smoked foods, smoking, family history of stomach cancer, and certain genetic factors.

Symptoms of gastric cancer can include abdominal pain or discomfort, unintentional weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and blood in the stool. However, symptoms may not appear until the cancer is advanced, making early detection and treatment challenging.

Treatment options for gastric cancer may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or a combination of these approaches, depending on the stage and extent of the cancer, as well as the patient's overall health and preferences.

Early detection through screening programs and awareness of risk factors can help improve outcomes for patients with gastric cancer. Therefore, individuals with risk factors or concerning symptoms should consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management.

What is alveolar dead space?

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Alveolar dead space refers to the portion of the air in the lungs that does not participate in gas exchange because it does not come into contact with the pulmonary capillaries. This can occur when there is impaired blood flow to certain areas of the lungs, leading to ventilation without perfusion. Alveolar dead space can contribute to ventilation-perfusion mismatch and can impact the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs.

Are subpleural bullae dangerous?

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Asked by KenanRexhepi

Subpleural bullae are small air-filled sacs that form in the lung tissue near the pleura. They are typically not dangerous unless they become large and compress nearby structures, leading to symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath. Monitoring them through medical evaluation is important to ensure they do not cause complications.

What is the condition where the lungs tissue collapses?

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Asked by Wiki User

The condition where the lung tissue collapses is called atelectasis. This occurs when alveoli in the lungs deflate, leading to reduced gas exchange and potential respiratory issues. Atelectasis can be caused by various factors such as blockage of airways, pressure on the lungs, or underlying lung diseases.

What is the medical Term meaning bleeding from the lung?

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Bleeding from the lungs is called pneumorrhagia.

Name three ways that show how Jesus cares for the disabled the blind the lame and the deaf?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Jesus healed the blind, the lame, and the deaf, demonstrating his compassion for those with disabilities.
  2. Jesus showed kindness and acceptance to individuals with disabilities, treating them with dignity and respect.
  3. Jesus used interactions with the disabled to teach about faith, love, and the importance of caring for others in need.

What does mediastinal blood pool maximum SUV is 2.5 on a PET scan?

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What does mediastinal blood pool maximum SUV is 2.5 on a PET scan?

How does the lung cancer affects organisms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lung cancer can have a profound impact on the human body and overall health, affecting various organs and systems in the organism. The effects of lung cancer can be wide-ranging and depend on factors such as the type and stage of the cancer, as well as individual characteristics and overall health status. Here are some ways in which lung cancer can affect organisms:

Respiratory System:

Lung tumors can obstruct the airways, leading to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Cancerous growths in the lungs can impair lung function, reducing the ability to inhale and exhale air effectively and leading to respiratory distress.

Cardiovascular System:

Lung cancer can increase the risk of blood clots, particularly in the veins of the legs (deep vein thrombosis) or the lungs (pulmonary embolism).

Certain types of lung cancer may produce substances that affect blood clotting and increase the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Immune System:

Lung cancer can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and other illnesses.

Cancerous tumors may produce substances that suppress the immune response, allowing cancer cells to evade detection and destruction by the immune system.

Metabolic Function:

Advanced lung cancer can lead to cachexia, a wasting syndrome characterized by unintentional weight loss, muscle wasting, fatigue, and weakness.

Cancer-related metabolic changes can affect energy levels, appetite, and nutrient absorption, leading to nutritional deficiencies and overall decline in health.

Skeletal System:

Lung cancer that metastasizes (spreads) to the bones can cause bone pain, fractures, and other skeletal complications.

Metastatic tumors in the bones may weaken bone structure and increase the risk of fractures, particularly in weight-bearing bones such as the spine, hips, and legs.

Central Nervous System:

Metastatic lung cancer can spread to the brain, causing symptoms such as headaches, seizures, weakness, changes in cognition, and neurological deficits.

Brain metastases can impair cognitive function and quality of life, leading to significant neurological symptoms and complications.

Overall Health and Well-Being:

Lung cancer can have a profound impact on overall health and well-being, affecting physical, emotional, and social aspects of life.

Symptoms such as pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and loss of independence can significantly impact quality of life for individuals with lung cancer and their caregivers.

In summary, lung cancer can affect various organs and systems in the organism, leading to a range of symptoms and complications that can impact overall health and well-being. Early detection, prompt treatment, and comprehensive supportive care are crucial for optimizing outcomes and quality of life for individuals affected by lung cancer.

Bacteria that cause cancer?

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While bacteria themselves do not directly cause cancer, certain bacterial infections have been linked to an increased risk of cancer development. Here are some examples of bacteria associated with cancer:

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori):

H. pylori is a bacterium that infects the lining of the stomach and is a major risk factor for gastric cancer and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. Chronic infection with H. pylori can lead to inflammation of the stomach lining, which over time may promote the development of cancerous lesions.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV):

HPV is a sexually transmitted infection known to cause cervical cancer, as well as other cancers of the anogenital region and oropharynx. Certain high-risk strains of HPV, such as types 16 and 18, can infect epithelial cells and lead to the formation of precancerous lesions. Persistent infection with high-risk HPV strains increases the risk of these lesions progressing to invasive cancer over time.

Helicobacter hepaticus:

Helicobacter hepaticus has been associated with an increased risk of liver cancer in animal models. Chronic infection with this bacterium can induce chronic inflammation in the liver, which may promote the development of cancerous tumors over time.

Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae:

These sexually transmitted bacteria have been linked to an increased risk of cervical and prostate cancers, respectively. Chronic inflammation resulting from these infections may contribute to cancer development in the affected tissues.

Streptococcus gallolyticus (formerly Streptococcus bovis):

Streptococcus gallolyticus has been associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer, particularly in individuals with underlying gastrointestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease. Chronic inflammation and tissue damage caused by this bacterium may contribute to cancer development in the colon or rectum.

While these bacteria may increase the risk of cancer development, it's important to note that not everyone infected with these bacteria will develop cancer. Additional factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental exposures, and lifestyle habits, also play a role in cancer development. Preventive measures such as vaccination (e.g., HPV vaccine), screening and treatment of bacterial infections, and practicing safe sex can help reduce the risk of cancer associated with bacterial infections. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, can contribute to overall cancer prevention efforts.

Cancer can sometimes be an inheritable disease?

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Yes, cancer can sometimes have a hereditary or genetic component. Some individuals may inherit gene mutations from their parents that increase their susceptibility to developing certain types of cancer. These inherited genetic mutations are associated with an increased risk of cancer, but they do not guarantee that cancer will develop.

There are certain genes known as tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes that play crucial roles in regulating cell growth and preventing the formation of tumors. Mutations in these genes can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and an elevated risk of cancer.

Two common types of hereditary cancer syndromes are:

Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC):

Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are associated with an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers. Individuals with these mutations have a higher-than-average risk of developing these cancers, as well as an increased risk of certain other cancers.

Lynch Syndrome (Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer - HNPCC):

This syndrome is caused by mutations in genes involved in DNA repair, such as MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. Lynch Syndrome is associated with an elevated risk of colorectal cancer and an increased risk of other cancers, including endometrial, ovarian, and stomach cancers.

It's important to note that while hereditary factors can contribute to an increased risk of cancer, the majority of cancers are not directly inherited. Most cancers are believed to result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

If there is a family history of certain types of cancer, genetic counseling and testing may be recommended. Genetic testing can identify whether an individual carries specific mutations associated with an increased cancer risk. This information can help individuals and their healthcare providers make informed decisions about monitoring, prevention, and early detection strategies.

If you have concerns about your risk of developing cancer based on your family history, it is advisable to discuss these concerns with a healthcare professional or a genetic counselor. They can provide guidance on genetic testing and help assess your individual risk factors.

What is cancer antigen 15-3 used for?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Cancer antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3) is a protein produced by cells in response to changes occurring in the body. It is mainly made by breast cancer cells, but can also be elevated in some other cancers like lung cancer and ovarian cancer.

Main uses of CA 15-3:

Monitoring breast cancer:

In patients with diagnosed breast cancer, CA 15-3 is used to:

Monitor the effectiveness of treatment: Decreasing levels after treatment suggest a positive response, while rising levels may indicate tumor recurrence or progression.

Guide treatment decisions: High levels may help guide the need for further treatment or a change in treatment course.

In patients with a high risk of breast cancer, but not yet diagnosed, CA 15-3 may be used in conjunction with other tests to aid in diagnosis if levels are significantly elevated.

Less common uses:

Monitoring other cancers: While not as common as for breast cancer, CA 15-3 levels may be monitored in some cases of lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer to assess treatment response or tumor progression.

Diagnosing non-cancerous conditions: While primarily used for cancer, elevated CA 15-3 levels can also occur in some non-cancerous conditions like liver disease, cirrhosis, and certain inflammatory conditions. However, diagnosis should not be based solely on CA 15-3 levels and other tests will be necessary.

Important things to remember:

CA 15-3 is not a standalone diagnostic test for cancer.

Elevated CA 15-3 levels can be caused by various factors, not just cancer.

Interpretation of CA 15-3 results should always be done in conjunction with other clinical information and tests.

CA 15-3 is most relevant for monitoring breast cancer treatment and progression.

Leukemia is a cancer of the?

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Leukemia is a cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. It is characterized by the abnormal production of white blood cells, which are essential for the immune system. In leukemia, the bone marrow produces large numbers of abnormal white blood cells that do not function properly. These leukemia cells can crowd out normal blood cells, leading to problems with blood clotting, anemia, and a weakened immune system.

There are different types of leukemia, and they are classified based on the type of white blood cell affected (lymphoid or myeloid) and whether the disease is acute or chronic. Acute leukemia progresses rapidly and requires immediate treatment, while chronic leukemia progresses more slowly and may not cause symptoms for many years.

Common types of leukemia include acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The specific type of leukemia and its classification influence the treatment approach and prognosis for individuals affected by the disease.