



Music consists of sound mixed with elements including pitch, rhythm, and tempo. Here you can ask questions about music and the hottest songs of today and yesterday.

500 Questions

The frequency of waves is given in?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no such thing as a "unit of measurement for electromagnetic radiation". However, there are units for specific aspects of the electromagnetic radiation. Thus, depending on whether you want to measure its speed, its wavelength, its frequency, its period, its energy, its power, its intensity, etc., you would use different units.

What major events were happening during the time period of the high renaissance?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the High Renaissance (1490s–1527), major events included the voyages of Christopher Columbus to the Americas (1492), the conquest of Granada by Spain (1492), the publication of Copernicus's heliocentric theory (1543), and the Sack of Rome by the troops of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (1527). Additionally, this period saw the creation of famous artworks by artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael.

What are unblocked music at school?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on the school block system

What was the number one song on October 2 1958?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number one song on October 2, 1958, was "It's All in the Game" by Tommy Edwards. This timeless classic topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart for that week. "It's All in the Game" was originally written by Charles G. Dawes, who was the Vice President of the United States under President Calvin Coolidge, with lyrics later added by Carl Sigman. Tommy Edwards' rendition became the most famous and successful version of the song, capturing the hearts of listeners with its soothing melody and poignant lyrics. It remains a cherished piece of music history, evoking nostalgia for a bygone era.

Music is better than sports?

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Asked by Wiki User

Music is the essence of life, and nature; music is Superior, but sports could be music depending on your veiw- to some the yelling, cheering exitement is music, the action and physical activity--- the answer to this question is different for each person though

How many semi-quavers are in a dotted minim?

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Asked by Wiki User

No it was 12

How many songs Atif aslam has?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atif Aslam has completed 20 years in the music industry and he has sung over 100+ songs. You can checkout the list on Atif Aslam Mania website in the Project page

Should any genre of music be capitalized?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, genres of music are typically not capitalized unless they are derived from proper nouns (e.g., "Latin music" or "African jazz").

How was music used as propaganda in World War 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

Music was used as propaganda in World War 2 to boost morale, create a sense of patriotism, and demonize the enemy. In Allied countries, popular songs encouraged support for the war effort and promoted unity. In Axis countries, music was used to glorify the military and spread the ideologies of the ruling regimes.

If you sang songs out in public would people think you are crazy?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the context and how you're singing. If you're performing in a designated area or participating in a public event, people may see it as normal. However, if you're singing loudly and disruptively in a random public space, some individuals may perceive it as unusual behavior.

Are people who like music sentimental?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not necessarily. People who like music may appreciate it for various reasons such as the emotional connection, the aesthetic pleasure, or the intellectual stimulation it provides. Enjoying music does not exclusively indicate sentimentality.

What does it mean when you like more than one genre of music?

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Asked by Wiki User

Liking more than one genre of music simply means you have a diverse taste in music. It shows an open-mindedness and appreciation for different styles and sounds. Enjoying multiple genres allows for a richer music experience and the opportunity to explore a wider range of musical expression.

When was Shopify created?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shopify was founded in 2006 by Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake. The company officially launched its platform in 2006 after its founders struggled to find suitable e-commerce software for their online snowboard store. Shopify has since grown into one of the leading e-commerce platforms globally, empowering businesses of all sizes to create and manage their online stores efficiently.

How does music influence thinking and behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Music can influence thinking and behavior through its ability to evoke emotions, memories, and moods. For example, listening to upbeat music can boost mood and increase motivation, while listening to calming music can reduce stress and anxiety. Music can also enhance cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and creativity by stimulating different areas of the brain.

Why does music affect your mood?

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Music can affect mood due to its ability to stimulate brain regions involved in emotion processing, memory, and reward. Different types of music can evoke memories, trigger emotional responses, and influence neurotransmitter levels in the brain, ultimately impacting mood. The tempo, pitch, and lyrics of a song can also play a role in how it affects an individual's mood.

What is the contribution of music to human development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Music has been shown to have numerous benefits for human development, including enhancing cognitive skills, improving emotional well-being, fostering social connections, and promoting creativity. From early childhood to old age, engaging with music can have a positive impact on various aspects of development and overall quality of life.

What are colombian women like?

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Asked by Blackzeus

Colombian women are known for being friendly, family-oriented, and passionate. They are often described as strong, independent individuals who take pride in their appearance and value relationships with their loved ones. These women are also known for their warmth and welcoming nature.

Why is mainstream music horrible?

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Mainstream music may be perceived as horrible by some due to its repetitive nature, focus on commercial success rather than artistic innovation, and lack of diversity in sound and themes. Personal taste and preferences also play a significant role in how music is perceived by individuals.

What is a musical study called?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's called an etude - i.e. A musical composition written solely to improve technique.

Who discoverd music?

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Music is not something that can be discovered by a single individual as it has existed in various forms across different cultures and time periods. The origins of music are believed to be deeply rooted in human history, evolving over thousands of years as a form of expression, communication, and entertainment.

Who was the first person that invented music?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first 3 musical instruments invented

.The first musical instrument ever invented, was the human voice. When man tried to communicate , he used his voice , the next was the drum , followed by a string instrument.

.NOPE!! the second one was a flute documents show they found a flute 60,000 years old or even more the flute was made out of bonnet hes right about the first anything that produces sound can serve as a musical instrument

.NOPE TO BOTH OF YOU! The first ever instrument was a xylophone. It was made out of wood and pieces of rock would be the mallets. There would be giant rocks melted to the other rock to make a mallet. They discovered that the bigger the piece of wood, the lower the pitch. They then made it out of metal (the vibraphone). Changed it to fiberglass and then came the slaveholder UP its actually called percussion is anything you can hit with a stick, mallet, or hand

.Nope!!! The first instrument was a rock. Cavemen used to make sounds by hitting a rock against their kids heads thus making sound .may be..!!!

BUT what i felt is possibly first instrument as he said is humans voice very obvious then use of rocks as instruments then flute made by cavemen by bone of some animal then must b the drum made out of stretching animal skin and then xylophone from wood pieces (the hard d wood the low sound it produce) then followed by other instruments all over the globe ya.. sideshow


.TO the above personify you were well educated, you would understand that your is a possessive term. you would be looking for You're.

.The lyre is the oldest instrument's guys are wrong you can search it lick deez y so serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


.Fail Everyone :D The oldest known instrument EVER is the Divje Babe flute! It dates back to as much as 67,000 years ago. Instruments that were found after that, which were found in the excavation of the Sumerian city of Ur include the lyre, harp, flute(!), sistra, cymbals, and early bagpipes. This can be proved at too. :)

*SIGH* this is why you should NEVER fully trust

Still putting the voice and drums as my thoughts since it sounds pretty legit that the voice was the first ever instruments created. Like, I mean, pretty sure our ancestors somehow figured out that our voices make some sort of sound or even a beat. And as for drums, come on, I'm completely sold on the idea of our ancestors banging or hitting something to create sound. THEY HAD HANDS SO PRETTY SURE THEY GOT THE IDEA OF MAKING SOME SORT OF BEAT WITH THEIR HANDS. lol, don't trust wiki as well

Does listening to music improve coordination?

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Asked by Wiki User

Listening to music can help improve coordination by providing a rhythmic beat to follow and synchronize movements with. The tempo of the music can help regulate movements and enhance coordination skills. However, the extent of improvement may vary depending on the individual and the type of music being listened to.

What kind of music is best for studying?

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Asked by KitKatBar

Instrumental music, such as classical music or ambient sounds, is often best for studying as it can help improve focus and concentration without distracting lyrics. However, the best music for studying largely depends on personal preference, so it's important to experiment and find what works best for you.