


For questions on the theory, method, and practice of studying past cultures and peoples.

500 Questions

What is radioactive fossil?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no such thing as a "radioactive fossil." Fossils are remains or traces of ancient organisms preserved in rock or sediment. Radioactive materials or isotopes can be found in certain rocks where fossils are found, but fossils themselves are not radioactive.

How are topographic maps made?

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Asked by Wiki User

Topographic maps are made using a combination of aerial surveys, satellite imagery, and ground surveying techniques. Surveyors collect elevation data to create contour lines that represent the changes in terrain height. This information is then compiled and organized to create detailed maps showing the topography of an area.

Can you use radiocarbon dating on shale containing leaf fossils?

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Radiocarbon dating is not typically used to date ancient fossils in shale because the technique is most effective for dating organic materials up to around 50,000 years old. Shale containing leaf fossils is likely much older than this, so other dating methods like relative dating or isotopic dating would be more appropriate.

What has one hole and can hold glass tubing?

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A rubber stopper with one hole can be used to securely hold glass tubing in place, creating a seal that prevents leaks or spills. The tubing can be inserted through the hole in the stopper, allowing for a tight fit that helps with fluid transfer or containment.

What is the composition of pure white jade?

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Pure white jade is composed of nephrite, a type of mineral belonging to the amphibole group. It is primarily made up of calcium, magnesium, and iron silicate with a structure similar to asbestos. White jade is valued for its smooth texture and milky appearance.

What factors influence weather?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some factors that influence weather include temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, and the presence of any weather systems (such as low or high pressure systems, cold or warm fronts, etc.). These factors interact in complex ways to determine the type of weather experienced in a specific area at a given time.

The study of fauna in spatial perspective?

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The study of fauna in spatial perspective, also known as spatial ecology, focuses on how animals interact with their environment and how these interactions are influenced by spatial factors like habitat structure, resource distribution, and connectivity. This field helps researchers understand how animals move, disperse, and use space, and can provide insights into conservation and management strategies to protect wildlife populations.

Radioactive dating of fossils depends on the decay of what?

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Radioactive dating of fossils depends on the decay of isotopes, such as carbon-14 or uranium, within the fossil. By measuring the amount of remaining radioactive isotopes and their decay products, scientists can determine the fossil's age.

What can be learned by examining refuse?

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By examining refuse, one can learn about the consumption habits, preferences, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status of individuals or communities. It can also provide insights into environmental impact, waste management practices, and material culture. Analyzing refuse can inform strategies for waste reduction, recycling, and sustainability initiatives.

What are the benefits of living near Popocatépetl?

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- Agriculture

Volcanic ash makes extremely fertile soil. Grape vines particularly grow extremely well in volcanic ash-soil, aside from other regular crops. The Ancient Romans realised this, which is the reason a lot of Roman vineyards are surrounded by volcanoes. Today, grapes grown in volcanic regions produce the best-rated wine on the globe.

Crops can grow very well in volcanic soil, even if water isn't so common!

- Material

Volcanic Tuff, Pozzolona, Ignimbrite, Obsidian, Volcanic Glass, Pumice and so on. These are different rock variations formed by volcanoes and lava. Pozzolona for example is even tougher than concrete, and was used in many official and royal buildings throughout the Roman and Greek Empires.

Pumice was, and still is today, used for personal hygiene.

There is archaeological evidence that prehistoric man used volcanic rock to produce stronger weapons and tools than standard stone.

- Geothermal Energy

Free, renewable, infinite energy and heat.

In Iceland, a quarter of the country's electricity is produced by harvesting geothermal energy from its many volcanoes.

It's also used to heat water for heating and hygiene.

the Vikings, Romans and Greeks in particular harvested geothermal heat from volcanoes, usually for public baths.

The Romans used geothermal heat to invent the worlds first central heating, by channelling the geothermal heat through complex plumbing underneath houses to provide underfloor-heating (however that would mean the settlement has to be really close to the source otherwise the heated water would run cold again. City of Pompeii anyone?).

- Jobs

Volcanoes erupt and adventurers get lost in volcanic mountains. This provides jobs for local people, as specialist rescue experts would need to be on hand at all costs.

- Aesthetics

Volcanic mountains and volcanic islands are amongst some of the most beautiful places on Earth. They provide a peaceful, serene and relaxed scenery for all to enjoy (until it erupts of course).

Tahiti and Bora Bora, islands surrounded by volcanoes, are considered to be paradise locations.

- Tourism

Pretty much the same as Aesthetics. The stunning scenery attracts tourists. Tourists bring money. Volcano country gets rich.

- Science

Volcanoes help us understand how Earth was born, the stages which it developed through, the magnetic field and so on. Wherever there's an active volcano, a scientists facility will be nearby. Of course aside from contributing to science, the scientists can also predict when eruptions will occur, providing locals with enough time to evacuate.

What experiments did Louis Pasteur carry out to prove bacteria in fermentation?

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Louis Pasteur conducted experiments where he heated nutrient broth in a swan-necked flask to kill any existing bacteria, preventing contamination. The curved neck allowed air to enter but trapped airborne bacteria, demonstrating that spontaneous generation did not occur and bacteria were responsible for fermentation.

How is the amount of carbon-14 in an artifact related to its age?

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The amount of carbon-14 in an artifact can be used to estimate its age through a process called carbon dating. Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope that decays at a known rate over time. By measuring the amount of carbon-14 remaining in an artifact, scientists can calculate how long it has been since the organism died and stopped replenishing its carbon-14 levels.

What is the oldest man made object in the world?

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The oldest man-made object is believed to be the Abri Blanchard bone pendant, dating back to around 35,000 years ago. It was found in France and consists of a pierced and incised piece of bone shaped like an animal.

Drawing and recognising forms of important contours like valleysridges?

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Valleys and ridges are important contour features that can be represented on topographic maps using contour lines. Valleys are represented by V-shaped contour lines pointing towards higher elevations, while ridges are represented by U-shaped contour lines pointing towards lower elevations. By understanding how contour lines represent these features, you can accurately interpret the topography of an area.

What is superpostion law?

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The superposition principle states that when two or more waves overlap, the resulting wave is the sum of the individual waves at each point. This principle applies to all wave phenomena, such as light and sound, and helps explain interference patterns seen in double-slit experiments.

What was the first lighthouse to have electricity?

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The first lighthouse to have electricity is considered to be the South Foreland Lighthouse in England, which was electrified in 1858. The electricity was used to power an electric lamp as opposed to the traditional oil lamp.

Why does a pill dissolve in vinegar?

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A pill dissolves in vinegar due to the chemical reaction between the acid in the vinegar and the components of the pill. The acid breaks down the pill's ingredients, causing it to dissolve and disperse into the liquid.

A researcher who uses carbon dating on ancient items?

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Asked by Wiki User

The researcher uses carbon dating to determine the age of organic materials by measuring the decay of carbon-14 isotopes. This method is effective for dating items up to 50,000 years old. By analyzing the ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-14, the researcher can calculate the age of the item with a high degree of accuracy.

Tell us about your past accomplishments?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is your opportunity to sell yourself to the interviewer. Make sure that before the interview you have checked out what is required in the job. Before the interview think through the skills and achievements you have that match the skills required in the job. When you are asked this question you can then sell, sell, sell yourself for the job.

In the links below I have put a guide to interview success that tells you how to structure you answers.

The key is in the time spent in preparation. This means you can be confident and polished on the day

What is the geological time scale?

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Asked by Wiki User

The geological time scale is a system of chronological dating used by geologists and paleontologists to describe the timing and relationships between events that have occurred throughout Earth's history. It is divided into eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages, each representing significant intervals of time marked by important geological or biological events. The time scale provides a framework for understanding the history of the Earth and the evolution of life.

What artifacts did archaeologist find to prove Cleopatra vii was alive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaeologists found artifacts such as coins with Cleopatra's image, statues, and inscriptions with her name to prove Cleopatra VII was alive. They also uncovered items related to her palace and possessions, offering indirect evidence of her existence. Additionally, her burial site and artifacts related to her relationship with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony have also been discovered.

Example problems of carbon dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Determine the age of a fossil by measuring the amount of radioactive carbon-14 it contains compared to the stable carbon-12.
  2. Estimate the age of an archaeological artifact by analyzing the decay of carbon-14 isotopes in organic materials like wood or bone.
  3. Calculate the age of a sample of ancient plant material by measuring the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 and using the known half-life of carbon-14.

What factors influence historiographical trends and why?

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Asked by Wiki User

Factors that influence historiographical trends include advances in technology, new archival discoveries, changing social and political attitudes, and shifts in academic methodologies. These factors can lead to reevaluations of existing historical narratives, the emergence of new perspectives, and the incorporation of previously marginalized voices. Additionally, historiographical trends are also shaped by the cultural and intellectual climate of their time, as well as the agendas and motivations of historians themselves.

How can scientist use a skull to determine how old the person was at death?

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Scientists can examine features of the skull, such as the growth and fusion of skull bones, dental development, and wear patterns, to estimate the individual's age at death. Different methods, like cranial suture closure or tooth eruption patterns, can be applied to establish an approximate age range based on known standards of human growth and development. Combining these methods can provide a more accurate estimation of the person's age at the time of death.