



A fish is any aquatic vertebrate animal that is typically cold-blooded, covered with scales, and equipped with two sets of paired fins and several unpaired fins.

500 Questions

Who discovered parasites in Philippine fishes?

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The parasites in Philippine fishes were first discovered by Cruz-Lacierda et al. in 2008. Their study identified various parasites infecting different fish species in Philippine waters.

How did fish evolve?

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Fish are thought to have evolved from ancient jawless fish over 500 million years ago. Through natural selection and genetic mutations, fish developed various adaptations that allowed them to thrive in aquatic environments. Key evolutionary advancements include the development of jaws, paired fins, and a swim bladder for buoyancy control.

Carnivore fish lives in amazon?

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One example of a carnivorous fish found in the Amazon is the piranha. These sharp-toothed fish are known for their scavenging and hunting habits, often feeding on smaller fish, insects, and even larger prey when in a group. Their aggressive feeding behavior has earned them a fearsome reputation.

Which fish is of the order that includes cod whiting pollack and haddock?

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These fish are of the order Gadiformes, commonly known as cod-like fishes. This order includes species like cod, whiting, pollack, and haddock, which are known for their importance in commercial fisheries.

What kinds of decomposers are in the ocean?

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In the ocean, decomposers such as bacteria, fungi, and detritivores like marine worms, crustaceans, and mollusks break down organic matter. These organisms play a crucial role in recycling nutrients and breaking down dead organisms, contributing to the ocean's ecosystem health.

Why are fish important to humans?

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Fish are important to humans because they are a major source of protein and essential nutrients. They also contribute to local economies through fishing industries and provide recreational opportunities for fishing enthusiasts. Additionally, fish play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems by helping maintain the balance of marine life.

What is a devil ray?

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A devil ray is a type of large, flat-bodied ray belonging to the genus Mobula. They are known for their distinctive cephalic fins that somewhat resemble horns, earning them the name "devil ray." Devil rays are often spotted gliding effortlessly through the ocean, feeding on plankton and small fish.

What fish are omnivores?

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Scientist puts 300 tagged fish in a pond after 6 months he catches 100 fish in which 15 are tagged how many fish are there in a pond?

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Asked by Amy2409

If 15 out of the 100 fish caught are tagged, we can estimate that approximately 15% of the fish in the pond are tagged. This would suggest that there are around 666 fish in the pond based on the ratio of tagged fish caught.

How do Pisces fish excrete waste?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pisces fish excrete waste through their gills and kidneys. Waste products such as ammonia are released into the water through their gills, while the kidneys help filter out and excrete other waste materials.

If lightening strikes a pond do the fish die?

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Fish in a pond struck by lightning may die due to the electrical charge passing through the water, which can cause injury or death. The extent of the impact on the fish depends on factors such as the strength of the lightning strike, how close the fish are to the strike, and the conductivity of the water.

What are puffer- fish adaptations?

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Pufferfish have the ability to inflate their bodies by ingesting water or air to deter predators. They also have highly toxic spines that provide defense against predators. Additionally, their ability to camouflage and blend in with their surroundings helps them avoid detection.

What eats algae in the ocean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Various marine organisms such as sea urchins, mollusks, and fish feed on algae in the ocean. Some organisms, like certain species of turtles and manatees, also consume algae as part of their diet. Additionally, smaller organisms such as copepods and krill graze on algae as well.

Is a fish an omnivore?

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No, most fish are either carnivores or herbivores, depending on their species. Some fish may exhibit omnivorous feeding behaviors and consume both plant and animal matter, but they are not considered true omnivores.

Do fish eat mussels?

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Yes, some species of fish do eat mussels. Fish such as seabass, cod, and flounder are known to feed on mussels as part of their diet in their natural habitats. Mussels can provide a good source of nutrition for these fish.

What is the purpose of the myomere in a fish?

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Myomeres are repeating muscle units found in fish that enable efficient movement by allowing for a side-to-side motion. They work together to create a wavelike motion, propelling the fish forward through the water. This muscle structure helps with swimming, agility, and speed.

Does WD-40 contain fish oil?

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Asked by Schnazola

Main ingredients, from the material safety data sheet, are: * 50%: Stoddard solvent (mineral spirits, somewhat similar to, but not the same as, kerosene) * 25%: Liquefied petroleum gas (presumably as a propellant, carbon dioxide is used now to reduce considerable flammability) * 15+%: Mineral oil (light lubricating oil) * 10-%: Inert ingredients No Fish oil in WD-40... Main ingredients, from the material safety data sheet, are: * 50%: Stoddard solvent (mineral spirits, somewhat similar to, but not the same as, kerosene) * 25%: Liquefied petroleum gas (presumably as a propellant, carbon dioxide is used now to reduce considerable flammability) * 15+%: Mineral oil (light lubricating oil) * 10-%: Inert ingredients

Whats the best fish finder gps combo?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some popular fish finder GPS combo units include the Garmin Striker Plus series, Lowrance Elite Ti2 series, and Humminbird HELIX series. The best option depends on your budget, specific needs, and preferences in features such as screen size, resolution, and mapping capabilities. It's recommended to do research, read reviews, and even try out demo units if possible before making a decision.

What is the largest species of fish?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are over 30, 000 species. About two thirds of which live in the ocean.
There are about 28,000 species of fish swimming around. That's a lot. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on fish so you can check the data and learn more.
Nobody knows for sure, but some scientists have said there may be 28,000 different kinds
so far over 24,500 species.
Too many to count, and there are still some yet to be discovered. so far over 24,500 species

What type of fish is melva?

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Actinopterígios (peces con aletas radiadas)





Talla máxima:

50 cms

Medio Ambiente:

Pelagico; oceanodromo; salobre; marino ; rango de profundidad - 10 m


Tropical; 27.9°c; 45°n - 47°s

Importancia Comercial:

Pesquerías: muy comercial; pesca deportiva: si

Are there fish in the dead sea?

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yes. it is only called the dead se because the waters are so calm. this is caused because of the extreme amount of salt in its waters. bacteria and different types of plankton makeup the majority of life in the dead sea though.

What do pink salmon eat?

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Pink salmon primarily feed on small crustaceans, zooplankton, and small fish. They are opportunistic feeders and their diet can vary depending on availability and habitat.

What ability do fish have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fish have the ability to breathe underwater using their gills to extract oxygen from the water. They also have excellent senses, including vision, smell, and lateral line systems to detect movement and vibrations in the water. Fish are able to swim using their fins and tails and have adapted to various aquatic environments.

What are the structural difference in a bony fish and a frog?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bony fish have scales, fins, and gills for respiration, while frogs have smooth skin, limbs for locomotion, and lungs for breathing. Bony fish also have a swim bladder to control buoyancy, whereas frogs do not have this adaptation.

What are the growth parameters of fish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fish growth is influenced by factors like water temperature, food availability, genetics, and water quality. Optimal growth parameters vary among fish species, but generally, warmer water temperatures and abundant food lead to faster growth. Water quality parameters such as oxygen levels and pH also play a role in fish growth and health.