


Political Theory

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500 Questions

Example of promoting democracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Promoting democracy can involve engaging citizens through education, encouraging participation in elections and political processes, supporting freedom of speech and independent media, and ensuring transparency and accountability in government operations. International cooperation and initiatives to strengthen democratic institutions and practices can also help promote democracy globally.

How did Confucius think society should be organized?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think Only by being a just ruler would the ruler enjoy the Mandate of Heaven and continue to have the right to rule.

What was the first direct democracy in the colonies?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first direct democracy in the colonies was established in the New England town of Plymouth in 1620. The Mayflower Compact created a civil body politic governed by the consent of the majority, pioneering the concept of self-government in the American colonies.

Is democracy better than military rule?

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Asked by Wiki User

True democracy is better than other systems, as it gives people real control over their lives. But establishing true democracy will mean getting rid of the undemocratic, oppressive and exploitative system of capitalism.

How did Andrew jacksonian democracy give more governmental power to the common people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jacksonian democracy expanded suffrage to more white males by eliminating property ownership requirements, giving them a larger voice in the government. Jackson also introduced the spoils system, appointing loyal supporters to government positions, and weakened the power of the wealthy elite by advocating for greater economic opportunities for common people.

What is a major obstacle in building stable democracies?

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Asked by Wiki User

A major obstacle in building stable democracies is lack of trust in political institutions, which can result in low voter turnout, political apathy, and a loss of confidence in the government's ability to address citizens' needs. Additionally, corruption, political polarization, and weak institutional frameworks can also hinder the establishment of stable democracies.

What are four pillars of democracy of India?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four pillars of democracy in India are the legislature, the executive, the judiciary, and the press. These pillars work together to ensure a system of checks and balances and safeguard the democratic principles of justice, equality, and accountability.

What causes political divisions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Political divisions can be caused by differences in beliefs, values, interests, and ideologies among individuals or groups. Factors such as political polarization, economic disparities, social issues, and historical grievances can also contribute to political divisions. In some cases, the manipulation of information, propaganda, and external influences can exacerbate these divisions.

Which theory proposes the idea that the state comes into being when a small group of people takes over a territory and requires others to obey its rules?

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Asked by Wiki User

The conquest theory of the state proposes that a small group of people establishes control over a territory and imposes its rules on others, forming a state. This theory suggests that states originate through force and domination rather than voluntary cooperation.

What is tutelary democracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tutelary democracy refers to a form of democracy where an external entity, often a military or governing elite, intervenes in the political process to ensure stability or safeguard specific interests. It can involve limiting participation and decision-making power of the citizenry, leading to a more restricted form of democracy.

How is representative democracy used in the US government?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the US, representative democracy is used in the form of a bicameral legislature (House of Representatives and Senate) where elected officials represent the interests of their constituents. Citizens vote for representatives who then make laws and policies on their behalf. This system allows for a balance between direct input from the people and the practical need for efficient decision-making.

What are some of the features of aristocracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Aristocracy is a form of government where power is held by a small, privileged ruling class typically based on hereditary status. Some features include social stratification, exclusive access to political power and resources, and a system that often reinforces wealth and influence within a select group of individuals.

What are four pillars of Indian democracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Sovereignty: The Indian Constitution vests ultimate power in its citizens through the principle of popular sovereignty.
  2. Rule of law: All individuals, including government officials, are subject to the law and no one is above it.
  3. Fundamental rights: Indian citizens are entitled to certain basic rights and freedoms that are protected by the Constitution.
  4. Separation of powers: The Indian government is structured to have distinct branches - executive, legislative, and judicial - to ensure a system of checks and balances.

Which of the following is the appropriate order of policy responses?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Prevention
  2. Protection
  3. Mitigation
  4. Preparedness

Is democracy necessary for development in a nation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Democracy can facilitate development by ensuring good governance, protecting human rights, and promoting economic stability. However, there are instances where countries have developed under non-democratic systems. Ultimately, the relationship between democracy and development is complex, and each country's circumstances play a significant role.

What role do norms ideas and identities play in international relations?

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Asked by Wiki User

Norms, ideas, and identities influence international relations by shaping states' behavior, interactions, and decision-making processes. They serve as guiding principles that help states navigate complex issues, build relationships, and establish expectations for behavior among states. Additionally, they can impact how states perceive their national interests and interact with other actors in the international system.

Is disagreement protected in democracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, disagreement is protected in democracy as it is essential for the exchange of ideas and the functioning of a healthy society. Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental rights in democratic societies, allowing individuals to voice their opinions, challenge the status quo, and participate in public discourse without fear of retribution.

How does American democracy balance the power of majority rule?

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Asked by Wiki User

American democracy balances the power of majority rule through various mechanisms such as the separation of powers among branches of government, a system of checks and balances, protection of individual rights through the Bill of Rights, and the use of bicameral legislature to ensure multiple perspectives are considered in decision-making. These systems help prevent the tyranny of the majority and promote a more inclusive and fair decision-making process in the government.

Who holds power in an oligarchy government?

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Why is it not possible for people to rule directly but through elected representatives?

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Asked by Wiki User

Representative democracy allows for more efficient decision-making by delegating authority to elected officials who can focus on policy issues full-time. It also ensures that decisions are made by individuals elected by the majority, providing a broader representation of voices and interests in the governance process. Additionally, representative democracy helps protect against the dangers of mob rule or the tyranny of the majority.

What is the meaning of populous democracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Populous democracy is a form of democracy where decisions are made directly by the population rather than through representatives. It emphasizes the active participation of citizens in decision-making processes and governance.

Explain two ways inefficiencies associated with majority voting may get resolved?

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Asked by Sarahwarriner

One way to resolve inefficiencies with majority voting is to use alternative voting systems, such as ranked-choice voting or proportional representation, which can better reflect the preferences of all voters. Another way is to implement reforms like redistricting and campaign finance regulations to reduce the influence of special interests and promote more representative decision-making in the voting process.

What is true of tolitarian governments?

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Asked by 112266992wyf

Totalitarian governments have complete control over every aspect of people's lives, using censorship, propaganda, and suppression of opposition to maintain power. Individual freedoms and rights are severely restricted or eliminated in favor of centralized authority and state control. These governments often rely on fear and intimidation to keep the population in line, with little to no room for dissent.

Who are the main leaders for the struggle for democracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

There have been many leaders throughout history who have fought for democracy in various countries, including figures like Nelson Mandela in South Africa, Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar, Martin Luther King Jr. in the United States, and Mahatma Gandhi in India. These leaders have played crucial roles in advocating for democratic values and driving social and political change.

In a democarcy how were unpopular leaders dealt with in Ancient Athens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unpopular leaders in Ancient Athens could be dealt with through a process called ostracism. Citizens would vote to exile a prominent individual for ten years if they were seen as a threat to the democracy or if they had gained too much power. This allowed the Athenian citizens to hold their leaders accountable and prevent tyrannical rule.