


Scabies is a contagious skin infection caused by a tiny and commonly not directly visible itch mite. Characterized by never-ending itching and skin irritation, the disease can be transmitted mostly by skin-to-skin contact and from objects like mattresses.

500 Questions

How many people in the world died from scabies?

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Scabies itself does not typically cause death. However, complications from severe scabies infestations, such as secondary bacterial infections, can lead to serious health issues or even death in rare cases. It is difficult to determine the exact number of deaths specifically attributed to scabies worldwide.

How to get rid of scabies?

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Asked by Dawn

  1. Permethrin cream. Permethrin is a skin cream with chemicals that kill mites that cause scabies and their eggs. ...

  2. Sulfur cream. Sulfur cream is a scabies treatment that can be applied overnight, rinsed off and then reapplied for five nights in a row. ...

  3. Ivermectin (Stromectol).

What words end with the suffix itch?

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Some words that end with the suffix "itch" include "glitch," "hitch," and "ditch."

In Fahrenheit 451 what does itch and scratch mean?

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"Itch and scratch" in Fahrenheit 451 refers to the superficial pursuit of entertainment and distractions in the society depicted in the novel, where people are constantly seeking immediate gratification through mindless activities to avoid confronting deeper issues or thinking critically. It highlights a culture that prioritizes escapist activities over critical thinking and reflection.

What does it mean If it itches go ahead and scratch it?

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It means that sometimes it's okay to address discomfort or irritation actively. However, it's important to consider the cause of the itching and use appropriate methods to address it, rather than scratching excessively.

Why does your back itch?

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Itching on your back could be due to dry skin, an allergy, insect bites, irritation from clothing, or skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Scratching too much can further irritate the skin, so try moisturizing, using anti-itch creams, or seeing a dermatologist if the itching persists.

Why does your back suddenly itch then go away?

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Sudden itching in the back could be caused by various reasons, such as dry skin, allergic reactions, insect bites, or irritation from clothing or environmental factors. The itching might go away quickly if you scratch the area, but it could also disappear on its own if the underlying cause resolves itself. If itching persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it would be best to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

What can you do for your westie that itches all of the time?

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Westies are susceptible to the same environmental affectors as we are. Therefore, keep in mind that certain weeds in the yard can affect your Westie as well as indoor things like mold and mildew. Do not wash your Westie too often as this can cause skin irritation. In extreme cases of discomfort, consult with your vet immediately. A good vet can prescribe a simple skin cream to help your Westie, or even an oral medication. Your Westie will reward you with years of love and appreciation.

What is a way to stop the itch of mosquito bites?

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Topically applied camomile lotion will soothe the itching and that should stop the main temptation for picking at bites, sores, ulcers and scabs. You can also buy proprietary anti-itching/irritation creams and ointments to do the same job.

Tea tree oil, as an oil or in soap, can fight infection to the same effect, as can witch hazel. Aloe Vera, as a topical gel or in soap, soothes and promotes healing, again helping to stop the need to pick at the source of the irritation.

If all that fails, you can apply something unpleasant to taste around (but not on top of) the wound. English mustard around the point will get on to the fingers and then almost invariably into the mouth - ouch! Aversion therapy.

If you are prone to insect bites, there are studies that suggest it is due to your pheromones - hidden smells your body naturally puts out. These can be short-circuited with various natural essences and oils or with artificial bug-repellent creams and sprays. Citronella, which has a lemony smell, can be bought as an oil and dabbed near to where you are most prone to bites, repelling many insects.

Why do leech bites itch?

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Think about a leach as a mosquito. As you know, both leaches and mosquitoes suck blood but what you probably didn't know was that a mosquito injects a disease into your leg when it bites. Now, usually right when you feel it bite you shoo it away. If you would leave it alone it would then suck out the disease that makes you itch. Leaches are the exact same way however their process is much much, much slower!

Why is your dog always scratching?

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Shih Tzus have extremely sensitive skin. Try soaking your Shih Tzu's feet in epson salt and water. It should relieve the itchy skin. Also, there are certain shampoos that help with sensitive skin.

Why do bug bites itch?

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Because if you are talking about a mosquito when it bites you, it puts its saliva in your blood stream to help the blood to keep flowing while it sucks its "Meal"....The saliva from the mosquito will itch where it bit for a while until the bite is healed.

Concerning other bugs, the infection from the bite will itch until properly treated and also it will itch during the process of healing.

I hope this helped! :)

Are scabies mites visible to the naked eye?

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Asked by Tailgunner50

Yes and no, the female mites may be visible as tiny white dots. The male body lice however are about half the size, and cannot be seen.

What can you do for your cat itching?

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Salmon oil and Evening Primrose oil are two oils that a cat can benefit greatly from. You can also add a weekly treat of oily fish such as sardines or mackerel (best in spring water), or even scraps of plain fatty meat (such as skin from a chicken) either raw or cooked, depending on what your cat prefers.

Salmon oil contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. It is the omega 3 fatty acids that are so valuable in salmon oil. Salmon oil helps improve coat and skin quality and lubricate joints, which an elderly cat may benefit greatly from. It is advisable to use this instead of Cod Liver oil, as this contains a high level of Vitamin A which a cat can overdose on if fed too much.

Evening Primrose oil also contains vitamins and fatty acids that promote healthy supple skin and soft, glossy fur much like Salmon oil.

Both these oils can be found in most health shops and can be added to the cat's meal a couple of times a week. Only a few drops are needed each time.

Y do bee sting itch?

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Because of the venom that has been injected in your skin.

How do you make dogs stop itching?

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We had a dog that had that problem. Her skin was dry the vet said, and so he recommended some medicine that helped. Plus we also added extra oil into her diet such as vegetable oil on her food and extra fat. Vitamin E oik in very good for that poblem Just put some on the food or give them a vitamin e everyday. Dogs love vitamin E. =Answer= Please don't start treating your dog on your own until you take the dog to a vet. The dog may have fleas or what they call "hot spots" (the dog feels hot in one area and very itchy." The other poster is correct in saying that there are medications for that. I am dealing with my own part Bichon Frise x Terrier and have had her to the vet for medications and she's doing fine.

Why do Musquito bites itch?

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When the mosquito drinks blood, she injects an anticoagulant to keep the blood from clotting. The anticoagulant, like all foreign proteins, activates the immune system. This causes a local allergic reaction around the bite.

Only female mosquitoes drink the blood of humans and other animals to develop her eggs properly before they are laid. Male mosquitoes feed on fruits and plant juices.

The answer is, since these bites can bring malaria and other diseases, we have evolved to react to the bite by itching.
It has something to do with the Enzymes in the Mosquito's salivary glands which are secreted from the Proboscis ( What punctures the skin) of the Mosquito which is deposited under the skin after they puncture it, this then causes an irritation which results in the itching sensation.

How do you stop mosquito bites from itching?

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Asked by Wiki User

Use Calomine lotion (i'm not sure that's how you spell it) also if you rub it instead of itching it you won't damage it as much so it will heal faster

Also Try Hand Sanitizer... But don't put it on if has broken the skin or bleeding... It can really sting you can even put windex but not if its broken skin or bleeding -With your fingernail mark an X over it.

Apply nail polish to the bite and leave until the itch fades, it is believed this method works by keeping air from the bite.

Can you give your dog chlorpheniramine maleate for itching?

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Cats have very sensitive systems and should not be given any medications intended for people or even dogs without veterinary approval.

Cats synthesize their own Vitamin C from glucose in their small intestine. Their immune systems are also not as dependent on it as a humans. Cats actually depend more on Vitamin A for immune system reasons. High doses of Vitamin C in a cats system can actually cause kidney problems and stones in the urinary tract.

Red and Itching bumps on dog on legs and stomach?

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This could be any number of things, from simple obesity to intestinal worms to liver failure to gastric bloat. However, it will take a veterinarian performing an examination to determine what the actual cause is.

If your dog's belly has suddenly become swollen, you need to head to the veterinarian immediately - I would suspect gastric bloat or intestinal obstruction, both of which are surgical emergencies that can be fatal within 24 hours.

How do you stop the itch in a bee sting?

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To help me stop the itching i apply toothpaste to the area which it itches and i leave it on for a couple of hours. I spread it lightly around the bite. Once it reaches the morning and the bite is gone i usually take it off.

You can also relieve itchy mosquito bites by rubbing it with a piece of citrus fruit, an onion, soap, tiger balm, salt or even soap.

What can be the cause of a dog that gets sores and itches?

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If your dog has not been in an accident that would cause it to be sore all over its body, arthritis is a likely culprit. If your dog is not of an age to have arthritis, consult with your veterinarian for other possible causes.

If your hamster is itching and biting herself as she got mites?

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Asked by Princess8900

Take it to the vet or or give it constant baths and find a flee collar for it in the pet store. Or you can try setting up a container with chinchilla dust in it in case they feel like taking a 'bath' in it. If that doesn't do anything, then take it to an exotic vet. It could have some kind of bug infestation or other disease.

Can cornstarch make you itch?

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Asked by Wiki User

get some beer and mix it with corn starch. then apply to the itching spot.

Hope this helps. :)

Can Apple Cider vinegar help itching or hives?

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I've been told that I'm allergic to vinegar. Any thing I eat that contains vinegar (including ketchup and mustard) cause my face and head to sweat for several minutes after I've finished eating. If i use a vinaigrette dressings on a salad I'm dripping sweat from my earloabs and down the back of my neck. No one I've spoken to has ever heard of this.