


US Senators and Representatives

The United States Senate is the upper house of the bicameral legislature of the United States, and together with the United States House of Representatives constitutes the United States Congress. Ask and answer here about the functions, powers, and public lives of US Senators and Representatives.

500 Questions

Which astronaut became a senator?

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John Glenn.

John Glenn, Jr. circled Earth in 1962 on the Mercury 6 space mission, becoming the first American to make a complete Earth orbit.

He also served as U.S. Senator to Ohio (1975 - 1999)

What are the two closest US state capitals?

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The two closest US state capitals are Hartford, Connecticut and Albany, New York. They are approximately 90 miles apart.

Who sets compensation for senators?

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Compensation for senators is set by Congress through legislation. The Constitution grants Congress the power to determine the salary and benefits for senators. Any changes to compensation for senators would require a new law to be passed by Congress.

Who are the Illinois US Congressmen?

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As of 2021, the US Congressmen representing Illinois are Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth in the Senate, and 18 representatives in the House of Representatives. It's worth noting that representation can change due to elections.

How many women are there in the United States?

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depends on whether you count illegal aliens and tourists, and if they have to be over 18. A good estimate would be 150 million, or about 55% of the population as a whole.

How many women generals are there in the US?

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As of June 23, 2008, there are 57 active-duty woman serving as generals in the armed services, five of whom are lieutenant generals, according to the Pentagon.

On that date, Lt. Gen. Ann Dunwoody was nominated to the rank of general. If approved by the Senate, she will be the first woman in the U.S. military to wear four stars.

How many humans have ever been born and if we assume that no member of the species had ever died would Earth be able to sustain us?

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Estimates suggest that around 108 billion humans have been born throughout history. If no humans had ever died, the Earth would not be able to sustain an infinite population due to limited resources like food, water, and space. Overpopulation would lead to ecological breakdown and resource depletion, making it unsustainable in the long run.

Would it be considered corruption if an incumbent US Congressperson used their personal finances to donate to a political organization?

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Asked by Guye17

It could potentially be considered a conflict of interest or unethical behavior, especially if the donation is used to influence policy decisions that could benefit the congressperson financially. However, whether it constitutes corruption would depend on the specific circumstances and intent behind the donation.

The process of setting up new congressional districts after reapportionment is called?

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redistricting. It involves redrawing boundaries for electoral districts to ensure equal representation based on population changes.

How is the majority party in each house able to influence the committee process?

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The majority party in each house appoints the committee chairs and has a majority of the committee members, giving them control over the committee's agenda, priorities, and decisions. This allows them to influence which bills are considered, how they are debated, and whether they move forward for a full vote by the chamber.

Who represents Alabama in Statuary Hall at the US Congress?

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Alabama is represented in Statuary Hall at the US Congress by Joseph Wheeler and Helen Keller. Each state is allowed to contribute two statues to be displayed in Statuary Hall.

What party is Mel Martinez in?

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Mel Marinez belongs to the Republican party she currently one of the two U.S senators for Florida, the other senator is Bill Nelson who is a Democrat.

Who was the first African American poet?

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The first widely recognized African American poet is considered to be Phillis Wheatley. She was born in Senegal and sold into slavery in America, but her poetry gained significant acclaim during the 18th century for its themes of freedom and human rights.

What is the DOMA act?

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The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was a U.S. federal law signed in 1996 that defined marriage as the union between one man and one woman. It denied federal recognition of same-sex marriages and allowed states to refuse recognition of such marriages performed in other states. In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled a key portion of DOMA to be unconstitutional.

When will Jim Demint and Lindsey Graham term end?

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Graham 2014

DeMint 2016

May it be there LAST term!

Has Tammy Baldwin had any other jobs?

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Tammy Baldwin is a Democratic US Senator from Wisconsin.

Senator Baldwin practiced law from 1989-1992. Before being elected to the US Senate, she held the following political offices:

Dane County Board of Supervisors

Wisconsin's 78th Assembly District

How many state reps are there in the us?

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There are a total of 435 members in the United States House of Representatives. Each state is allocated a certain number of representatives based on its population.

How did Rand Paul become famous?

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Rand Paul became famous through his involvement in politics, particularly as a Republican Senator from Kentucky. He gained attention for his libertarian-leaning views and his support for limited government, fiscal conservatism, and individual liberty. His outspokenness on these issues has garnered him both admirers and critics and has helped establish him as a prominent figure in the Republican Party.

Was Gabrielle Giffords divorced?

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No, Gabrielle Giffords is not divorced. She is married to astronaut Mark Kelly.

Why does Rush call Harry Reid Dingy Harry?

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Rush Limbaugh often referred to Harry Reid as "Dingy Harry" to emphasize his perception that Reid was not intelligent or effective as a politician. It was a derogatory nickname meant to mock Reid and diminish his credibility.

How many republican and democrat voted on gm bailout?

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In December 2008, the General Motors (GM) bailout was voted on by a majority of Democrats and some Republicans. Specifically, 172 Democrats and 32 Republicans voted in favor of the bailout, while 20 Democrats and 150 Republicans voted against it.

How many senators are in the U.S senate?

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There are 100 senators in the U.S. Senate, with each state represented by two senators.

How many state representatives does Oregan have?

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Based on the 2010 Census, there are 5 members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Oregon.

When is congressmen James Sensenbrenner terms in office done?

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As of September 2021, Congressman James Sensenbrenner is not currently serving in the United States Congress. He announced in 2019 that he would not run for re-election in 2020. Therefore, his last term in office ended on January 3, 2021.