



Telecommunications refer to the transmission of information over distances for the purpose of communication. In the modern age of electronics and electricity, telecommunication includes the use of electrical devices, radio and microwave communications, fiber optics, orbiting satellites and the Internet.

500 Questions

Names of consumer cooperatives in Nigeria with addresses?

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1.Dunlop Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society.

Dunlop Nigeria Plc, Oba Akran avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria


Describe the telecommunications applications that can support electronic commerce and electronic business?

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Telecommunications applications like video conferencing, VoIP, and messaging services support electronic commerce and electronic business by enabling real-time communication between buyers and sellers, facilitating customer service interactions, and improving collaboration among business partners. These applications help streamline transactions, enhance customer experience, and increase efficiency in conducting online business.

What is mRNA base sequence for ATT?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mRNA base sequence for ATT is UAA. In mRNA, adenine (A) pairs with uracil (U) and thymine (T) is replaced by uracil (U).

How did the telephone get its name?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "telephone" comes from two Greek words, "tele" meaning distant and "phone" meaning sound or voice. When combined, it refers to a device that transmits sound over a distance, which is the basic function of a telephone.

Why does telecommunication network get disrupted in event of a major natural disaster?

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Asked by Wiki User

Major natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods can disrupt telecommunication networks by damaging infrastructure such as cell towers, cables, and equipment. Power outages, physical damage, and the loss of communication nodes can all contribute to the disruption of services. Additionally, increased network congestion due to high call volumes and emergency communications can further impair the functioning of the network.

How is DNA similar to Morse code?

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Asked by Wiki User

DNA is similar to Morse code in that both are systems of communication using a sequence of symbols to convey information. In DNA, the sequence of nucleotides (A, C, T, G) contains genetic instructions for building proteins. In Morse code, the sequence of dots and dashes represents letters of the alphabet or numbers.

How effective is the Morse code?

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Asked by Wiki User

Morse code is considered highly effective due to its simplicity and reliability. It can be transmitted over long distances using minimal power, making it useful in various situations like emergency communication. Its standardized structure also allows for efficient encoding and decoding of messages.

When did the telephone get popular?

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Asked by Wiki User

The telephone began to gain popularity in the late 19th century, with significant growth occurring in the early 20th century as more people had access to telecommunication services. By the mid-20th century, the telephone had become a household staple in many countries.

Why is there a need for an AD converter in fiber optics communication?

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An analog-to-digital (AD) converter is needed in fiber optics communication to convert analog signals into digital format for processing and transmission. In digital fiber optic systems, signals are encoded as digital data bits for better noise immunity, signal integrity, and compatibility with digital processing equipment. The AD converter captures the analog signal and converts it into binary data that can be easily transmitted and interpreted in the digital domain.

How has the technology behind fiber optics advanced since it's introduction to the telecommunications industry?

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Asked by Wiki User

The technology behind fiber optics has advanced significantly since its introduction to the telecommunications industry. These advancements include smaller and more powerful transmitters and receivers, improved signal processing techniques, increased data transmission speeds, and the development of new types of optical fibers with enhanced performance characteristics. Additionally, innovations such as wavelength division multiplexing and coherent detection have further improved the capacity and efficiency of fiber optic communication systems.

How did the telephone help the society?

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Before telephones, people either had to talk in person or write in order to contact other people. If you wanted a message to get to someone quickly , say to call the doctor, someone would have to go to the doctor's house or office to tell him he was needed.

In order to keep up socially, newspapers contained most personal news.

People called on each other more frequently .

In the cities, people would take strolls around the neighborhood in the evening or sit out on their porches and talk with passers-by. Mail was delivered twice a day and for 10 cents the post office would make a special delivery.

Why are archaeologists important in today's society?

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Archaeologists play a crucial role in preserving and interpreting our past, helping us understand where we come from and how human societies have evolved over time. They also contribute to protecting and conserving historical sites, artifacts, and cultural heritage for future generations to learn from and appreciate. Additionally, their research enhances our knowledge of diverse cultures and civilizations, fostering a deeper appreciation for our shared human history.

Advantages of optical fiber communication system compared to conventional communication system?

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Optical fiber communication systems offer higher data transmission speeds, lower attenuation, greater bandwidth capacity, and are more immune to electromagnetic interference compared to conventional communication systems using copper cables. Additionally, they are lighter, more durable, and have lower signal loss over long distances, making them ideal for long-haul communication applications.

What is Relationship between electrical and optical bandwidth for an optical fiber communication?

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Asked by Rashmichauhan

The electrical bandwidth refers to the frequency range that the electronic components in the communication system can handle, while optical bandwidth refers to the frequency range that the optical fiber can transmit. The relationship between the two bandwidths is important in ensuring that the data transmission is efficient and reliable. Matching the electrical and optical bandwidths helps to avoid signal degradation and distortion in the communication system.

What are the objectives of telecommunication companies?

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The objectives of telecommunication companies typically include providing reliable and efficient communication services to customers, expanding their network coverage and capacity, investing in technology innovation, improving customer satisfaction, and achieving profitability and growth in the market.

Did studying msc electronic media 5 years in valuable?

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Studying for an MSc in electronic media for 5 years can provide valuable knowledge and skills in the field. It allows for a deeper understanding of electronic media technologies, industry trends, and research methods. Additionally, having an advanced degree can enhance career opportunities and open doors to higher-level positions in the industry.

Who gives information to a reporter or editor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sources provide information to reporters or editors. These sources can be individuals, organizations, or documents that have relevant and newsworthy information. It is important for reporters and editors to verify the credibility of their sources and the accuracy of the information provided.

Is virgin media using nagravision 3?

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Yes, Virgin Media uses the Nagra 3 encryption system to protect its cable television services. This system is designed to prevent unauthorized access to their channels and content by encrypting the signal.

What was the very first form of media?

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The first form of media is believed to be oral storytelling, dating back to ancient civilizations. This involved passing down stories, traditions, and knowledge through word of mouth from one generation to the next.

How do you write a functional description?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a functional description, outline the purpose of the system, its key features, and how it will meet user requirements. Provide clear and specific details on functionality, interfaces, data, and user interactions. Use diagrams or flowcharts to visually represent the system's processes and relationships. Be concise, precise, and use plain language for easy understanding.

Did Arnie Spanier get fired or quit from Sporting News Radio?

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Arnie Spanier was fired from Sporting News Radio in 2006.

The media include forms of communication that?

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The media include forms of communication that reach a wide audience, such as television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet. These platforms are used to disseminate information, news, entertainment, and advertising to the public.

What were the headlines in the 1930?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some headlines from the 1930s included the Wall Street Crash in 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression, the rise of dictators like Hitler and Mussolini, the New Deal programs in the United States, the Hindenburg airship disaster, and events leading up to World War II.

Whose trial established freedom of the press?

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The trial of John Peter Zenger in 1735 in colonial America helped establish the principle of freedom of the press. Zenger, a newspaper publisher, was accused of libel by the colonial governor, but the jury acquitted him, setting a precedent for protecting the rights of journalists to criticize government officials.