


Game Consoles and Gaming Hardware

This category includes questions and answers regarding game consoles and gaming hardware such as comparisons of game consoles, pricing of game consoles, and compatibility.

500 Questions

Where is Black hole 3 in Megaman Starforce 3?

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Asked by Wiki User

Black Hole 3 does not exist in Megaman Starforce 3. In the game, there are only Black Hole 1 and Black Hole 2 which can be accessed through the BrotherBand feature by linking with another player. These locations offer challenges and rewards for players to enjoy.

Meter is represented by a lowercase what?

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Asked by Wiki User

When measuring distance, meters are represented by a lowercase m.

Are there atoms in a house?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, atoms are present in all materials that make up a house, including wood, metal, plastic, and glass. Atoms are the building blocks of matter and are essential for creating the structure and properties of everything around us, including houses.

What is A thick solid substance?

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Asked by Wiki User

A thick, solid substance is a material that has a high viscosity and does not flow easily. It typically has a dense and compact structure, making it difficult to deform or change shape readily. Examples include honey, molasses, and clay.

Can you catch gabite in platinum?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can catch Gabite in Pokemon Platinum. It can be found in Wayward Cave, which is located underneath Cycling Road. Gabite is a Ground/Dragon type Pokemon that evolves from Gible and eventually into Garchomp.

Why is antraitica the best place to find meteorites?

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Asked by Wiki User

Antarctica is a good place to find meteorites because the dark meteorites stand out against the white snow and ice, making them easier to spot. The slow movement of the ice sheets also helps to concentrate meteorites in certain areas, increasing the likelihood of finding them. Additionally, the cold and dry conditions in Antarctica help preserve meteorites, making them more pristine for scientific study.

Where do you find the mesa fossil in spectrobes 1?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find the Mesa Fossil in Spectrobes 1 by excavating the fossil rocks in the desert area of the planet Daichi. Explore the desert thoroughly and use the Sonar search function to help locate and excavate the Mesa Fossil.

How many floors does oddity cave have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oddity Cave has 12 floors. Each floor has a variety of different Pokemon to encounter and catch. Make sure to bring plenty of supplies with you as you explore each level.

How do archaea move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaea can move using flagella, pili, or gliding motility. Flagella are long, whip-like structures that rotate to propel the archaea forward. Pili are shorter hair-like appendages that can help archaea crawl along surfaces. Gliding motility involves smooth movement across surfaces without the use of flagella or pili.

What is ursula major?

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Asked by Wiki User

I believe you meant to ask about Ursa Major, which is a prominent constellation in the northern sky that resembles a bear. It is commonly known as the Big Dipper due to its shape, which is easily recognizable and has been used for navigation throughout history.

What is the settings of The Sea of Monsters?

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"The Sea of Monsters" is set in locations like Half-Blood Hill, Camp Half-Blood, and the mythical Sea of Monsters (also known as the Bermuda Triangle). The story also takes place in modern-day America, intertwining the world of Greek mythology with contemporary settings.

How do you get the Waterspout action in Okami?

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Asked by Wiki User

To obtain the Waterspout action in Okami, you need to first learn the Waterspout brush technique from Dr. Redbeard in Sei'an City. Then, you can use this ability to draw a Waterspout symbol on bodies of water to create a spout that can lift objects or enemies.

What are micro events?

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Micro events are small-scale and localized occurrences that have a limited impact or significance. They can include minor incidents, brief interactions, or small happenings that occur within a specific context or environment. These events are often overlooked or overshadowed by larger, more significant events.

What is an Eskers?

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An esker is a long, winding ridge of sand and gravel deposited by a melting glacier. It is typically formed in tunnels within or beneath the ice and can stretch for many kilometers. Eskers are a common feature in glaciated regions.

Where to get more tools in spectrobes?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find more tools by progressing through the game, completing missions, and exploring different planets. Also, make sure to talk to NPCs and search for hidden areas to uncover new tools. Keep playing and exploring to discover all the tools available in Spectrobes.

Are metals always solid?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not at all. At room temperature ( around 22 degress C or 70 degrees F) most metals a solid however, some are liquid. The most common is Mercury, used in thermometers, which is a shiny silver liquid at room temperature. Another one is gallium, a rare metal that wil melt into a liquid in a warm room - or if you hold a piece in your hand. Francium is another metal with a very low melting point which can be a liquid in a warm room. However, francium is radioactive and exists only in very small quantities. All metals, however, can melt to form liquids if heated to a high enough temperature. Common ones that melt at relatively low temperatures are lead and tin. 'Wood's metal' - a mixture of metals such as lead, tin, antimony and bismuth, melts in hot water. In the practical joke UK TV programme 'Candid Camera' back in the 1960s, teaspoons in a cafe were made with Wood's metal. When customers stirred their coffee or tea, their spoons melted much to their disbelief and the audience's delight. Some metals have extremely high melting points. The 'king' is tungsten, which has a melting point well over 3000 degrees C - over half as hot as the surface of the sun, so liquid tungsten is a rarity. metals can also be gases. Mercury vapour is used in fluorescent lights. Mercury vapour is colourless and has no smell - but is extremely poisonous. Another answer No. All metals are liquid if you get them hot enough. Mercury is liquid at room temperature, but solidifies if you get it cold enough.

Where is the next galaxy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The nearest large Galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy or M31 (also Great Andromeda Nebula in old texts)

It is a spiral galaxy, located about 2.5 million years from us.

Unlike most galaxies, the Andromeda Galaxy is getting nearer to us and will eventually in a few billion years time "merge" with the Milky Way.

See related link for more information

How do you catch azelf uxie mespirit?

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Asked by Wiki User

To catch Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit in the Pokémon games, you must first encounter them in specific locations. These Legendary Pokémon are known to roam around different parts of the map, so you'll need to track them down first. Once you find them, make sure you have a strong team of Pokémon ready to battle and weaken them before attempting to catch them using Ultra Balls or other high-level Poké Balls. Good luck!

What is full form of rdx bomb?

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Asked by Wiki User

The full form of RDX is Research Department Explosive. RDX is a powerful high explosive often used in military applications such as bombs and missiles.

Engine BHP is measured in PS what is PS?

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Asked by Wiki User

PS stands for Pferdestärke, which is a unit of measurement for power in the metric system. It is commonly used in Europe to represent the power output of engines, with 1 PS being roughly equivalent to 0.986 horsepower.

What are the spirit guardian questions in Baten Kaitos?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Baten Kaitos, the Spirit Guardian questions are asked to determine if a player's deck is in harmony with the elements of the spirit they are challenging. These questions test the player's knowledge of the elements and their understanding of the card game mechanics within the game. Answering these questions correctly can lead to rewards or penalties in battles.

How do you speed up pcsx2?

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Asked by Wiki User

To speed up PCSX2, you can try the following:

  1. Use the latest version of PCSX2 as newer versions often have performance improvements.
  2. Adjust the emulation settings based on your PC specs to find the best balance between speed and graphics quality.
  3. Ensure that your PC meets the minimum system requirements for running PCSX2 efficiently.

What does 1 red light on the xbox 360 mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

No you are in luck if its 1 light all you have to do is clean out the dust from the xbox then unplug all you have connected to the xbox, then take out harddrive and put everything back together 80% Of the time it fixes it if not you can then turn to support at you dont have to send it to them its just mother board is acting up and you need to discharge it by unplugging everything and taking out harddrive.

Where can you get a Wii during the holiday season?

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Asked by Eviltechie

You can try looking for a Wii at major retailers like Walmart, Best Buy, or GameStop. You can also check online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon for both new and used options. Remember to compare prices and availability before making a purchase.

How to fix a P0141 Heater Circuit Sensor 2 on a 1996 Oldsmobile?

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Asked by Wiki User

To fix a P0141 error code related to the oxygen sensor heater circuit on a 1996 Oldsmobile, you can first check the wiring and connections related to the sensor. If those are fine, then the oxygen sensor itself might need to be replaced. It's important to use a quality replacement sensor compatible with your vehicle to ensure proper function.