

Decade - 2000s

This category has questions involving events, social trends, political beliefs, major discoveries, or general information related to the 2000s.

676 Questions

Where does guy bluford live?

As of my last update, Guion "Guy" Bluford Jr. lives in Ohio, United States. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Where does Guion bluford live?

Guion Bluford lives in the United States. However, specific details about his exact place of residence are not typically publicly disclosed for privacy and security reasons.

Did people know why volcanoes erupted a long time ago?

In the past, people had various cultural or religious beliefs about why volcanoes erupted, often attributing them to the actions of gods or mythical creatures. However, the scientific understanding of the internal processes that lead to volcanic eruptions developed more recently through the study of geology and volcanic activity.

What was the purpose of slavery during civil war?

The purpose of slavery during the Civil War was to provide cheap labor for plantations in the Southern states, primarily for the production of cash crops like cotton and tobacco. The institution of slavery also played a significant role in the Southern economy and social structure.

What was the climate of Han Dynasty?

The climate of the Han Dynasty in China was predominantly warm and temperate, characterized by distinct seasonal changes. The region experienced hot summers and cold winters, with varying levels of precipitation depending on the specific location within the vast empire. Overall, the climate was conducive to agriculture, which was a crucial economic activity during this period.

How would you describe where you live physically?

I live in a suburban neighborhood with tree-lined streets and well-maintained homes. The area is peaceful and family-friendly, with parks and shops nearby. The climate is moderate with four distinct seasons.

Where do the majority of people in Canada live?

The majority of people in Canada live in urban areas, particularly in cities like Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Calgary. These urban centers offer job opportunities, cultural attractions, and a diverse range of services that attract residents from across the country.

What is the largest population in Metro Manila?

Among the cities in Metro Manila that comprise the National Capital Region, Quezon City has the largest population. It has 2,679,450 people, based on the results of the census of population conducted last August 2007.

How many people are against racism?

It is difficult to provide an exact number, but many individuals, organizations, and communities worldwide are actively working against racism. This includes people from various backgrounds, races, and beliefs who are committed to promoting equality, diversity, and social justice.

How many people where in the army of Greeks?

The size of the Greek army during ancient times varied depending on the specific conflict. In major battles like the Battle of Thermopylae or the Battle of Marathon, the Greek army could number in the tens of thousands. However, in smaller skirmishes or regional conflicts, the army could be much smaller.

How many households are in the California?

About 12mm households. I used a census report which indicated the percentage of unmarried households and the number, and then derived the total. also, if there are a bit over 100mm households in the US and a population of 350mm, then you can assume CA is about the same and use 1/3rd the population as a rough estimate of households in any geography that's big enough to mirror the total US. since the population of CA is about 36mm, 12mm works.

At the end of the 20th century approximately how many humans lived on earth?

At the end of the 20th century, approximately 6 billion humans lived on Earth. This milestone was reached in the late 1990s, marking a significant increase in global population compared to earlier centuries.

How are slaves treated now?

Slavery is illegal worldwide, and it is universally condemned as a violation of human rights. However, human trafficking and forced labor still exist in various forms, and efforts are being made globally to combat these practices through legislation, enforcement, and support for victims.

When did slavery end in Australia?

Slavery was abolished in Australia in 1901 with the enactment of the Pacific Island Labourers Act, which brought an end to the practice of "blackbirding" or forced indentured labor.

Why was god taken out of the classroom?

God was removed from public school classrooms in the United States to ensure the separation of church and state as mandated by the First Amendment of the Constitution. This separation is intended to protect religious freedom and prevent the government from endorsing any specific religion.

Who is Professor Mandelhoff?

i think he is a man who did/does underwater research. On youtube if you look up "real mermaids found by professor mandelhoff" A video will show up explaining more about him and his project. I dont know about some people but i honestly dont believe that his project is real considering that it is said to be filmed on "Mako Island" which is a fictional island from the popular tv show H20.

Are there pyramids in Argentina?

Yes, there are a few pyramids in Argentina, such as the Huinca Pyramid in Buenos Aires Province and the pyramid-shaped Mayan Mill in Misiones Province. These structures were built by indigenous peoples for religious or ceremonial purposes.

What is the current time period called?

Future generations will have a clearer answer (The mountain, to the climber, is clearer from the plain. Rubbayat of Omar Khayyam). The word 'modern' is beginning to have a quaint, almost antique sound. We have entered the 'atomic' age, an age that we have not yet successfully negotiated, but I think the prize will go to 'information age' when all the dust settles.... assuming we haven't gone up in atomic mayhem. Or you may prefer the more prosaic '21st Century'.

Geologically speaking, we are in the Quaternary Period.

Is it harder to grow up in the 21st century than it was when your parents or grandparents were your age?

Growing up in the 21st century presents unique challenges such as increased exposure to technology and social media, creating pressure to constantly compare oneself to others. On the other hand, advancements in technology and access to information can provide opportunities and resources that previous generations did not have. Ultimately, the difficulty of growing up depends on individual circumstances and perspectives.

What is the lide expectancy in the 2000s?

In the 2000s, life expectancy varied depending on the country and region. Globally, life expectancy increased due to advancements in healthcare, nutrition, and technology. On average, it was around 67.2 years in 2000 and increased to about 72 years by the end of the decade.

How were people with developmental disabilities treated during the 1930s in America?

During the 1930s in America, people with developmental disabilities were often institutionalized in large overcrowded asylums. They were often subjected to neglect, abuse, and inhumane living conditions. There was little understanding or support for their individual needs and rights at that time.