


Research Papers

Includes questions related to the research, preparation and composition of formal written reports based on well researched findings and presented ideas.

500 Questions

Can you set up a research chemical distributor in Canada selling legal research chemicals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can set up a research chemical distributor in Canada selling legal research chemicals. You will need to ensure that you comply with all relevant regulations and secure any necessary licenses or permits. It's important to conduct thorough research on the specific rules and restrictions that govern the sale of research chemicals in Canada before proceeding.

What is c catchy title for the science project about insects?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Bugs Bonanza: Exploring the Intriguing World of Insects"

The first full scale oceanographic research expedition was conducted by?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first full-scale oceanographic research expedition was conducted by the Royal Society of London in 1872 aboard the HMS Challenger. This expedition marked the beginning of modern oceanography and laid the foundation for future research in marine sciences.

Define research proposal?

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Asked by Wiki User

A research proposal is a detailed plan that outlines the objectives, methodology, scope, and timeline of a research project. It provides a blueprint for the study and helps to convince others of the value and feasibility of the research.

Why is peer review important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peer review is important because it helps ensure the quality and credibility of research by having experts in the field evaluate and provide feedback on the work. This process helps identify errors, improve clarity, and ensure that research meets the standards of the scientific community before being published. It also helps to prevent the dissemination of flawed or unreliable information.

What are attributes of a good hypothesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good hypothesis is specific, testable, and falsifiable, meaning it can be proven true or false through observation or experimentation. It should also be based on existing knowledge or evidence, and provide a clear direction for further investigation. Additionally, a good hypothesis should be logical and relevant to the research question being addressed.

Facts about the Incas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Inca Empire was a powerful pre-Columbian civilization in South America that existed from the 15th to 16th centuries. They were known for their advanced agricultural techniques, such as terrace farming, and their extensive road network. The Inca capital was located in Cusco, in present-day Peru. They also built impressive structures like Machu Picchu.

What are the methods of preparing syrup?

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Asked by Wiki User

The common methods for preparing syrup include the hot method, where sugar is dissolved in boiling water, and the cold method, where sugar is dissolved in cold water and left to infuse. Flavorings like herbs or spices can be added during the cooking process to infuse the syrup with additional flavors. Storage in airtight containers in the refrigerator can help prolong the shelf life of syrup.

What issues were important in 1984 election?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 1984 election was dominated by issues such as the economy, national defense, and foreign policy. President Reagan's record on economic recovery and his strong stance against communism were key points of debate. The Democratic nominee, Walter Mondale, focused on social welfare programs and criticized Reagan's economic policies.

What is the definition of experimental research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Experimental research is a method of scientific investigation that involves manipulating variables to study cause-and-effect relationships. It typically involves establishing control over variables, random assignment of participants, and the use of an experimental design to test hypotheses. The goal is to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable while minimizing the influence of extraneous factors.

What are facts about combustion?

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Asked by Wiki User

Combustion is a chemical reaction that releases heat and light. It requires three things to occur: fuel, oxygen, and heat. Combustion is used in various applications, such as in engines to power vehicles and in heating systems to provide warmth.

What some characteristics of Kenya's Government?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kenya has a unitary presidential republic system with a multi-party political scene. The President is both the head of state and government, holding executive power. The country has a bicameral Parliament consisting of the National Assembly and the Senate.

Different parts of gumamela?

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Asked by Wiki User

The gumamela plant, also known as Hibiscus, consists of several parts: the flower (which can range in color from red to pink to yellow), the leaves (which are deep green and glossy), the stem (which is sturdy and can grow quite tall), and the roots (which help anchor the plant in the soil and absorb nutrients). Each part plays a role in the overall health and beauty of the plant.

Guidelines case study?

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Asked by Wiki User

When conducting a case study, it's important to clearly state the objective, gather relevant data, analyze the data using appropriate methods, and draw conclusions based on the findings. Make sure to maintain objectivity, provide a detailed description of the case, and consider alternative explanations for the results. Finally, present the case study in a clear and organized manner, highlighting key points and insights.

What is meaning of background mutation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Background mutations refer to genetic alterations that occur naturally at a low frequency in a population, independent of the experimental conditions or treatment being tested. These mutations can potentially confound experimental results, particularly in genetic studies that rely on comparing differences between populations. Background mutations are important to consider and control for in experimental design and analysis.

How do you do note cards?

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Asked by Wiki User

To create note cards, write key points or information on small cards. Use one card per main idea or detail. Organize the cards in a way that helps you easily study the material, such as by topic or chronological order. You can then review the cards to help memorize the information.

Value of p3 zoom reflex bolex with case?

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Asked by Wiki User

The value of a P3 Zoom Reflex Bolex with its case can vary depending on factors such as its condition, age, and any additional accessories included. In general, a well-maintained P3 Zoom Reflex Bolex with its case can fetch anywhere from $200 to $500 in the vintage market. It's recommended to check recent sales of similar items to get a more accurate valuation.

Bibliography of the study?

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Asked by Wiki User

For a bibliography, include the author's name, title of the study, publication date, journal or source where it was published, volume number, and page numbers. Additionally, consider including the digital object identifier (DOI) if applicable.

What are the attributes of good research guide for PhD?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good research guide for a PhD should provide clear objectives and research questions, offer a comprehensive literature review, include a detailed methodology section, and present accurate data analysis and interpretation. Additionally, it should have a logical structure, be well-organized, and offer practical guidance on navigating the research process efficiently.

How do you make a review of related literature in the study of making salt water battery?

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Asked by Wiki User

To create a review of related literature for a study on making a saltwater battery, you can start by gathering research on the history and development of saltwater batteries, existing methodologies for creating saltwater batteries, and recent advancements in the field. Summarize key findings, methodologies, and results from relevant studies to provide context and establish a solid foundation for your own research on saltwater batteries. Make sure to critically analyze and compare different approaches to identify gaps in the existing literature that your study can address.

What is a phenoxy radical in chemistry?

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Asked by Wiki User

A phenoxy radical is a type of reactive intermediate in organic chemistry that contains a phenyl ring (benzene ring) with an oxygen atom attached to it. Phenoxy radicals are commonly involved in radical reactions and can be stabilized by resonance delocalization of the unpaired electron around the phenyl ring.

When is it ok to remove dead bloom stalks from hosta plants?

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Asked by Beminah

It is ok to remove dead bloom stalks from hosta plants once they have finished flowering and have turned brown. This helps tidy up the plant and promotes new growth. Be sure to cut the stalk at its base to avoid damaging the plant.

Was the research done in the 'Inconvenient Truth' qualitative?

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Asked by Wiki User

Al Gore is not a climate scientist although, as a concerned citizen, he has attempted to take on board the concerns of the overwhelming majority of climate scientists. The film, An Inconvenient Truth, contains fact and exaggeration, so it can not be considered qualitative in the usual sense of the word.

British High Court judge, Justice Burton, said the film contains nine statements not supported by mainstream scientific consensus, although he had no complaint about Gore's central thesis that climate change was happening and was being driven by emissions from humans.

We can follow Justice Burton in accepting that climate change is happening and is being driven by emissions from humans, while regarding the film as intended for public entertainment and education, rather than academic rigour.

What is a certified reference material?

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Asked by Wiki User

A certified reference material is a material with known properties, used to validate the accuracy of analytical measurements and calibrate instruments. It serves as a standard for comparison to ensure the reliability and quality of testing and measurement results. These materials are typically produced by recognized organizations and come with a certificate detailing their properties.

What are facts about about glycerin?

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Asked by Wiki User

Glycerin is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is sweet-tasting. It is commonly used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food products as a humectant and moisturizer. Glycerin is derived from animal fats or vegetable oils through a process called hydrolysis.