


The Republic of Sudan is a northeastern African country with a total area of 967,500 sq mi, making it the biggest country on the continent and the 10th biggest in the world.

500 Questions

Does the Equator pass through Sudan or through Somalia?

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Sudan and Ethiopia are north of the equator, but Somalia extends south, just barely to the equator, which passes through Uganda, Kenya, and Lake Victoria in eastern Africa.

Please look at a map of Africa and see where those places are.

What substance is stained by Sudan dye?

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Sudan dye stains lipids or fats. It is commonly used in laboratory settings to help visualize and detect the presence of lipids in cells or tissues.

What was noteworthy about Asteroid strikes in Sudan in 2008?

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The asteroid that struck Sudan in 2008 is significant because it was the first time an asteroid was detected and tracked before impact. It exploded above the Nubian desert and created thousands of meteorites, with the fragments providing valuable scientific information about the composition of such objects.

What chemical property allows lipids and Sudan IV dye to mix?

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Both lipids and Sudan IV dye are nonpolar molecules, which allows them to mix together. Nonpolar substances are attracted to each other due to their similar molecular structures, making it easier for them to form a mixture.

What is the land like in the Sudan?

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The landscape in Sudan varies, with desert in the north and savannah in the south. The country also has the Nile River running through it, providing fertile land for agriculture along its banks. Sudan's terrain includes mountains, plains, and plateaus.

What Chemical name which you can use to clean black dollar?

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There is no specific chemical that can clean black dollar bills. This is a common scam known as "black money scam" where fraudsters claim they can clean black-coated money into usable currency. It's important to be cautious of such claims as they are typically fraudulent.

Why use Sudan 3 to test for fats?

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Sudan 3 is used to test for fats because it can stain fats a red color, making it easier to visualize and detect under a microscope or colorimetrically. It is a simple and quick method for qualitative analysis of fats in food or biological samples.

How Sudan IV test change its color?

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The Sudan IV test changes color when it is added to a sample containing lipids. If lipids are present, the Sudan IV dye will dissolve in the lipids and the solution will turn red. This occurs due to the affinity between the Sudan IV dye and the lipid molecules.

Why was access to education in Kenya and Sudan restricted?

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Access to education in Kenya and Sudan has been restricted due to various factors such as poverty, lack of infrastructure, cultural beliefs, conflict, and political instability. These challenges have contributed to limited resources for schools, inadequate educational facilities, and barriers in terms of gender inequality or discrimination.

What is Sudan test?

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It appears that "Sudan test" refers to a chemical test used to detect the presence of certain types of fats and oils in substances. It involves adding a Sudan dye to the sample, which will bind to the fats and oil components, causing a color change that can be visually observed. This test is commonly used in the food industry to check for adulteration or contamination.

How do you make Sudan 111 stain powder into a liquid?

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To make Sudan 111 stain powder into a liquid, you can dissolve the powder in a suitable solvent such as xylene or ethanol. Add the stain powder gradually to the solvent while stirring continuously until fully dissolved. The ratio of stain powder to solvent may vary depending on the specific staining procedure you are conducting.

Sudan III is used to detect the presence of what macromolecules?

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Sudan III is used to detect the presence of lipids (specifically triglycerides) in various samples, such as food, blood, and forensic samples. It is commonly used in experiments to visually identify the presence of fats and oils due to its ability to stain lipid-rich substances.

What is the difference between Sudan Honduras Angola and Kenya?

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Asked by Mustangbeauty

Sudan is in Africa and is the largest country in the region. Honduras is in Central America and known for its beautiful beaches. Angola is also in Africa and has a diverse culture with Portuguese influences. Kenya is in East Africa and famous for its wildlife and safaris in national parks like Maasai Mara.

What country has largest land area Sudan Nigeria or Iceland?

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Nigeria has the largest land area among Sudan, Nigeria, and Iceland.

What is the region that straddles parts of Niger Chad and Sudan?

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The region that straddles parts of Niger, Chad, and Sudan is the Sahara Desert. This vast desert covers around 3.6 million square miles across North Africa, including parts of these three countries. The Sahara is known for its extreme arid conditions and unique landscapes.

What is Sudan's climate?

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Sudan has a hot desert climate, with high temperatures throughout the year. The country experiences very little rainfall, primarily during the summer months between June and September. Sandstorms and dust storms are common in the desert regions of Sudan.

What is French Sudan today?

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French Sudan is now known as Mali. It gained independence from France in 1960 and has since become a sovereign nation in West Africa. Mali is known for its rich cultural history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant music and arts scene.

How had drought affected the food production in Sudan?

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Drought in Sudan has had a significant impact on food production by reducing crop yields and livestock productivity. This has led to food insecurity, malnutrition, and increased reliance on food aid. The lack of water also hinders agricultural activities, further exacerbating the food shortage in the region.

Which country is warmer year round Sudan or Switzerland?

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Sudan is warmer year-round compared to Switzerland. Sudan experiences high temperatures throughout the year due to its location in the tropical region, while Switzerland has a more temperate climate with cold winters and warm summers.

What are some stereotypes on Sudan?

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Some stereotypes about Sudan include that it is a war-torn country, that its people are impoverished and uneducated, and that it is a land of desert and famine. It is important to note that stereotypes do not accurately represent the diversity and complexity of Sudanese society.

How many Sudanese refugees are there in Australia?

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As of 2021, there are approximately 10,000 Sudanese refugees living in Australia. This number may fluctuate due to changes in refugee intake and resettlement programs.

What number is Sudan for the biggest country in world?

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Sudan is 15th in the world with 1,886,068 square kilometres. South Sudan is 44th in the world with 619,745 square kilometres. Sudan was the largest country in Africa until it split on July 9, 2011.

What is the main religion in Sudan?

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The main religion in Sudan is Islam, with the majority of the population being Sunni Muslims. Islam plays a significant role in the country's culture, customs, and daily life.

Where does the sun rise first in Sudan or Morocco?

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The sun rises first in Sudan because it is further east in the Greenwich Mean Time zone than Morocco. Sudan is geographically positioned to experience sunrise before Morocco due to its more easterly location.

What is Sudan black b stain is use for in bone marrrow?

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Sudan black B stain

This stain distinguishes between acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cells stain positive) and acute myeloblastic leukemia (cells stain negative).