



Physical pain is a part of life. We all experience it, whether a scrape on the knee or a broken bone, receptors in our bodies sent pain signals all the way from our extremities to our brains. Here you might ask and answer questions about unexplained pain, what it could mean, and what to do about it.

500 Questions

How do you stop feeling physical pain?

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To stop feeling physical pain, you can try techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or distraction. Over-the-counter pain medications or applying ice or heat to the affected area may also help alleviate pain. Seek medical advice if the pain persists or worsens.

What are the three key issues facing older people?

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Three key issues facing older people include social isolation, financial insecurity, and age-related health problems. Social isolation can lead to loneliness and depression, while financial insecurity may be caused by lack of retirement savings or rising healthcare costs. Age-related health problems can impact quality of life and independence as individuals age.

Why is it important for ligaments to be stretchy?

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Ligaments need to be somewhat stretchy to allow for normal joint movement and flexibility. Being stretchy helps prevent injury by absorbing and distributing forces during physical activities. However, if ligaments are too stretchy, it can lead to joint instability and an increased risk of injury.

Knee ligaments tare I have right knee ligaments that give pain. I am 68 years old had a major heart operation. Could you guide me place so that I do not get this pain often. This comes daily.?

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You should seek guidance from a healthcare professional to properly assess and treat your knee pain. Physical therapy exercises and strengthening of the surrounding muscles may help alleviate your symptoms. Avoid high-impact activities and consider using assistive devices like braces or knee sleeves for support.

What causes pain in the sternum?

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Pain in the sternum can be caused by conditions such as costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum), muscle strain, trauma, or conditions affecting the heart or lungs like angina or pleurisy. It's important to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What can cause pain under your left side chest stomach pain and vomiting?

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Pain under the left side of the chest, stomach pain, and vomiting can be caused by various conditions such as gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, or even heart-related issues like a heart attack. It is important to seek medical attention to determine the specific cause and receive appropriate treatment.

What could cause pain in my left hand in the last 3 fingers first numbness then pain at night?

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This pattern of numbness followed by pain in the last 3 fingers of the left hand, particularly at night, could be indicative of carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition occurs when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed, leading to tingling, numbness, or pain in the fingers. It's advisable to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

Can you be in pain while growing taller?

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Yes, it is possible for some people to experience growing pains. Growing pains typically occur during periods of rapid growth, such as during puberty when individuals may experience discomfort or pain in their limbs. This is a normal part of the growth process and is usually temporary. If the pain is severe or persistent, it's recommended to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

What could be the cause of pain on the front of your shoulder and travel down bicep?

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Pain in the front of the shoulder that travels down the bicep could be caused by issues such as rotator cuff injury, biceps tendonitis, or impingement syndrome. It is recommended to see a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

What sort of pain does dynia refer to?

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"Dynia" generally refers to a condition characterized by abdominal pain, specifically in the upper part of the abdomen near the stomach. This discomfort can vary in intensity and may be caused by a variety of factors, including indigestion, gastritis, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What is 50 mcg's?

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50 mcg stands for 50 micrograms. It is a unit of measurement used to express the amount of a substance, such as medication or nutrients, in very small quantities.

What is bm 3 day?

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BM 3 Day is a popular weight loss program that focuses on nutrition, exercise, and mindset to help individuals lose weight and improve their overall health within a 3-day period. The program typically includes meal plans, workout routines, and strategies for staying motivated and disciplined.

What is it called when there is a sharp knife like stabbing pain shooting strait up that can drop one to their knees in one's uterus while on ones period?

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This type of sharp, stabbing pain that shoots up through the uterus during menstruation is typically referred to as "dysmenorrhea," which is another term for painful periods. This type of pain is common and can sometimes be caused by the contraction of the uterus as it sheds its lining during menstruation. If the pain is severe and significantly impacts daily life, it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and possible treatment options.

What causes Knee pain with no swelling?

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Knee pain without swelling can be caused by various factors such as overuse, muscle imbalances, ligament or tendon injuries, arthritis, or patellofemoral pain syndrome. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Is Primary koch infection contagious?

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A primary Koch infection, which refers to the initial infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is not typically contagious unless it progresses to active tuberculosis. Active tuberculosis is contagious and can be spread through the air by coughing or sneezing.

What is Primary Koch's Infection?

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Primary Koch's infection, also known as primary tuberculosis, refers to the initial infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis that occurs in a previously unexposed individual. It typically affects the lungs but can also involve other organs. Symptoms may include fever, cough, weight loss, and fatigue.

Is joint pain good after working out?

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No. Joint pain is not good. Muscle pain can simply be a sign that the workout is pushing you, but joint pain should be investigated.

How do you get rid of gas pain?

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Okay, I've had lots of trouble with gas before. Dont take gas pain reliever, it never works. What you do is get on your hands and knees, then proceed by lowering your head to the ground and rest your cheek against the floor. Then stick your butt high in the air. Relax a little bit and wait a couple minutes, then start to push. It might take alittle patience depending on the gas amount in there, for example the more there is the faster it will take to start coming out. This will work every time, because gas rises upward, and it will come out in large amounts. This has saved me from lots of suffering. So dont let that pesky gas make you miserable. You'll surely feel better with my method, so go ahead and give it a try :)

Do animals feel pain?

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Animals typically have a central nervous system, much like humans.

The pain that they experience is unique to each animal, however some animals can feel pain in a way that is more extreme than the human experience, and others might experience the same amount of trauma in a different, more subtle way.

-If an elephant is hit on it's rear with a human hand, it will feel pain in a lesser way as compared to if a child is hit on it's rear, or a kitten is hit on it's rear.

However, some animals lack a central nervous system, such as oysters and sponges. If there is no central nervous system, there is most likely no capacity for pain. Animals with no nervous system whatsoever can't even feel anything.
It depends on what you mean by the term "hurt".

Yes, animals have emotions and can get hurt physically and emotionally.

For example, if you hit an animal, like a dog or cat with an object they react to the action cause it may hurt of does hurt. in addition the animal you are hitting may become angry or may fear you (which shows a sign of emotion).

Will baby aspirin hurt your cat?

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Never, ever, EVER give 'human' medicine to animals without consulting a qualified vet ! You have no way of determining what is a 'safe' dose or whether the animal in question would suffer any side effects.

What causes a high metabolism?

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It's not healthy to alter your natural body function but there are ways I know of just from being a health freak and weight trainer.

I know that if you don't eat a lot of meals per day your body naturally slows it's metabolism down by needing to retain it's scarce amount of energy you're giving it. It takes a while though. also, refrain from atheltic activities. i have no idea why you want to do that, if its because you cant gain weight easily then don't because i have a high metabolism and im on a bulking phase, I increase my daily caloric, protein and carbohydrate intake and cut my fat intake. along with weight training, and i manage to gain weight, at night i drink a protein shake with 300 carbs, 57 grams of protein and 1000 calories to help

Can you trim a rooster's spurs without causing him pain?

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Trimming a Rooster's Spurs
  • Yes you most certainly can! Be sure not to cut them too short and cause bleeding. If you aren't sure, a vet should be able to show you how to do it. Before you start, it is very important to make sure you are holding him tightly enough so that he won't move when you're cutting it. I find that using dog toenail clippers works well. Just cut it short enough that he can walk and so that it isn't growing into his leg.

Another view

When they are young, use a soldering iron to cauterize the new spur growth.

Another view:

  • If they start to bleed, you can put some flour in it, but some believe this is not a good method to use.

Another view

  • Instead of cutting them, which is dangerous, you can take a pair of pliers, place them at the base of the spur near the leg, and twist until they come off. It removes the outer sheath of the spur leaving a much smaller spur underneath. I do this to my show roosters as it makes them look more "classy" to the judges' eye.

Another view

  • The plier method will make them bleed, but I have never had one scream in pain yet and I've done thousands of roosters like this. Just put some water on the spur and dab some fresh household WHITE SUGAR on it. This will keep the spur clean while helping to clot the blood. The spur shell makes for unique jewelry/pendants too.


The safest way to trim the spur is to use a Dremel tool with a cut off blade attached. As the cut off blade grinds through the spur, it cauterizes the blood vessel which prevents bleeding. The problem with clotting solutions is the rooster can cause the wound to open by picking or even straining to crow, the wound then causes "bleed out" to occur which means, the rooster would bleed to death. Grinding the spur off with the dremel would not only be the safest, it is also the quickest and least painful.

Is mango bad for uric acid?

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When Uric Acid turns out not to be the problem then it could be blamed on Oxalic Acid. and care must be taken with eating some vegetables,such as spinach for instance, and fruit such as Raspberies, Strawberries, Gooseberries, Rhubarb, Apricots, Persimmons and Peaches. Mango has no Oxalate but in susceptible and particular people will cause Gout.

What is lumbar scoliosis?

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Lumbar scoliosis is a side-to-side curvature within the lower seven vertebrate.

Can lifting heavy objects cause liver injury?

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Weightlifting, like many sports played at a high level, causes specific adaptation of the body and this adaptation enables the athlete's performance to improve. If you undertake endurance training on a regular basis, your endurance improves. If you undertake training in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting, your power, strength and athleticism improves. In any sport training, the organs of the body respond to training and improve their functioning. There is no evidence that the liver in Weightlifters is caused damage as a result of proper training. However, there could be damage to the liver if an athlete takes performance enhancing drugs. This is not permitted in sport but unfortunately people do. All drugs taken in excess can damage the liver including paracetemol which millions of people take everyday.