


Hobbies & Collectibles

Hobbies and Collectibles has to do with things people do because they enjoy doing them; and includes such activities as collecting art, camping and hiking, crafting with wood or other materials, and collecting everything from coins to comic books and dolls to stamps. Whether you have a postcard that you want to know the value of or want to know where you can purchase a highly-prized collectible, how to plant a garden or something about your favorite craft, you can ask your question here.

500 Questions

How can you decorate your assignment?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can decorate your assignment by using headings, bullet points, numbering, bold or italic text, colored text, relevant images or charts, and a consistent font style to make it visually appealing and easy to read. Be sure to follow any guidelines provided by your instructor.

What is meant by critical pedagogy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Critical pedagogy is an educational approach that emphasizes questioning established power structures and promoting social justice through education. It involves engaging students in critical thinking, analysis of societal issues, and developing a sense of agency to create positive change in the world.

Life in 1908?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 1908, life was quite different compared to today. People relied more on manual labor for tasks, there was limited technology, transportation was mainly by horse and carriage, and communication was primarily done through letters or face-to-face. Society had different norms and values, and industrialization was transforming the way people worked and lived.

How child acquire his first language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Children acquire their first language through exposure to language input from their caretakers and their environment. They start by listening to speech around them, mimicking sounds and eventually forming words and sentences. This process is natural and typically occurs during the critical period in early childhood.

Could you Explain the four step method for business problem solving for information system related problems?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure! The four-step method for business problem solving in information systems involves first defining the problem, analyzing the problem by gathering relevant data, developing potential solutions, and finally selecting the best solution and implementing it. This systematic approach helps businesses effectively address and resolve information system related problems.

Where say hello by the tongue?

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Asked by Wiki User

In most cultures, people say hello out loud, using their vocal cords and tongue to form the sounds. The tongue plays a role in shaping the letters and sounds that make up the word "hello."

What does staples mean by the phrase public space in what way is he capable of altering it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Staples refers to public space as an environment where he, as a black man, is often viewed with fear and suspicion. He is capable of altering this space by deliberately changing his behavior, such as whistling or speaking softly, to appear less threatening and make others around him feel more at ease. Staples uses this strategy to navigate public spaces without causing undue alarm or drawing negative attention.

Which of the following describes a major similarity between the Marshall Plan and Radio Free Europe?

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Asked by Wiki User

Answer this question…Both were intended to help the United States win popular support in Europe.

What is a Greek prefix meaning earthquake?

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Asked by Wiki User

seismo-, seism-, -seism, -seisms, -seisma, -seismically, -seismical, -seismal, & -seismic

Can an auctioneer legally take a bribe from anyone like a potential buyer?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is illegal for an auctioneer to accept bribes from potential buyers. Doing so would violate laws and regulations that are in place to ensure fair and transparent auction processes. Accepting bribes could result in legal consequences for the auctioneer.

Is it a good thing to get angry if not why?

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Asked by Wiki User

Feeling anger is a normal human emotion, but it is important to manage it appropriately. Continuously feeling anger or lashing out in anger can be harmful to oneself and others. It is beneficial to find healthy ways to express and cope with anger, such as through communication, relaxation techniques, or seeking support.

Where are the old age homes in guntur?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some popular old age homes in Guntur include Anand Ashram Foundation for Old Age Home and Sri Sadhu Seva Ashram. It's recommended to research and visit each facility to determine which best suits your needs or the needs of your loved ones.

What is successful aging?

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Asked by Wiki User

Successful aging refers to aging in a way that includes overall well-being, physical health, mental acuity, and social engagement. It involves maintaining a high quality of life and functional ability as one grows older, adapting to changes effectively, and remaining active and connected to one's community. Successful aging is a personalized journey that can be influenced by various factors such as lifestyle choices, genetics, and access to healthcare.

What is tibicos mashroom?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tibicos mushrooms are actually not mushrooms but rather a type of yeast and bacteria culture used to ferment sugary liquids, such as water with sugar and dried fruit. They are also known as water kefir grains and are used in the production of a fermented beverage called water kefir, which is slightly effervescent and tangy in taste.

State any additional information and skills you feel may be helpful to us in considering your application?

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Asked by Wiki User

In addition to my relevant experience in the field and academic qualifications, I have strong communication skills, a proactive attitude, and the ability to work well in a team. I am also proficient in various software programs and have a keen eye for detail, which I believe would be assets to the role.

Why do people use sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

People use sign language as a means of communication when they are deaf or hard of hearing. It allows them to express themselves and communicate with others through hand gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Additionally, sign language is also used by people who are non-verbal or have other communication challenges.

What does spoke like an orator mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Speaking like an orator means delivering a speech with great eloquence, persuasive language, and captivating delivery. It implies that the speaker is skilled in public speaking and is able to command the attention of the audience through their words.

Did cro-magnons draw?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Cro-Magnons, an early modern human population, created cave art, sculptures, and other forms of artistic expression. The caves at Lascaux in France, Altamira in Spain, and Chauvet in France contain notable examples of Cro-Magnon art dating back to about 40,000 years ago.

When did applique begin?

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Asked by Wiki User

Appliqué is a decorative technique that has been around for centuries. Its exact origins are unclear, but it has been utilized in various cultures worldwide for adornment on fabric, garments, and other items. Its history can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China, and India.

What does circulated condition mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Circulated condition refers to banknotes or coins that have been used in everyday transactions and have visible signs of wear and tear. These items may have creases, folds, discoloration, or other marks that are a result of being in circulation. They are typically valued lower than uncirculated items.

How many different types of Indian tribes are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are about 574 federally recognized Indian tribes in the United States, each with unique cultures, languages, and traditions. These tribes are organized into different groups based on their geographic location, historical background, and language family.

How many people go to jail in a year in Canada?

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Asked by Wiki User

Around 230,000 people are admitted to Canadian correctional services (detentions, jails, and prisons) each year.

When was this manufactured Marlin 336 SC serial J48947?

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Asked by Wiki User

e following table can be used to date the year of manufacture of a Marlin 336. It is also valid for determining most other Marlin firearm build dates from 1946 to the present. Marlin year of manufacture maybe determined from the following table of letter/numeral prefixs to the serial number: Date Prefix(s) 1946 C 1947 D 1948 E 1949 F 1950 G 1951 H 1952 J 1953 K 1954 L 1955 M Date Prefix(s) 1956 N 1957 P 1958 R 1959 S 1960 T 1961 U 1962 V 1963 W 1964 Y, Z 1965 AA Date Prefix(s) 1966 AB 1967 AC 1968 AD, 68 1969 69 1970 70 1971 71 1972 72 Starting in 1973, the year of manufacture can be determined by subtracting the first two digits of the serial number from 100: Example:

Did neanderthals invent pottery?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Neanderthals did not invent pottery. The creation of pottery is attributed to modern humans, who began crafting ceramic vessels around 20,000 years ago. Neanderthals, a different human species that coexisted with modern humans, did not engage in pottery-making.

What was the government like in the Paleolithic age?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the Paleolithic age, there was no formal government as we understand it today. Instead, social organization was likely based on kinship groups or bands, with leadership roles possibly determined by age, experience, or hunting prowess. Decision-making was likely based on consensus within the group.