



Questions about the belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour.

500 Questions

Christian holy cities?

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One of the holiest of cities for Christians is the city of Jerusalem. Bethlehem is another holy city for Christians.

Who said that the king is a Shadow of the GOD on Earth?

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Asked by Nigu89

This phrase is often attributed to Niccolò Machiavelli, a Renaissance diplomat and political theorist known for his work "The Prince." The quote highlights the idea that the king's authority is derived from a higher power, reflecting divine right theory.

Did Jesus Know What Snow Was Was he ever in a region where snow percipitated commonly while in the proper season?

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It is unlikely that Jesus would have encountered snow regularly, as he lived in a region that typically has a warm climate. However, it is possible that he may have been aware of what snow was through stories or experiences with travelers from colder regions.

What are examples of syncretism in christianity?

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Some examples of syncretism in Christianity include incorporating pagan festivals and symbols into Christian holidays (such as Christmas and Easter), blending indigenous spiritual practices with Christian rituals in some cultures, and combining elements of different Christian denominations into new forms of worship.

What is the largest apostolic church in the world?

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The largest apostolic church in the world is the Catholic Church, led by the Pope in Rome. It has over a billion members worldwide and is considered the largest Christian denomination.

What is the biggest church in America?

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The biggest church in America is Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. It has a seating capacity of over 16,000 and is led by senior pastor Joel Osteen.

The Christian message was simple and direct?

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Yes, the Christian message centers around love, faith, and salvation through Jesus Christ. It emphasizes forgiveness, compassion, and the teachings found in the Bible as a guide for living a holy life.

What is ultimately the original source of all energy here on Earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

== == There is a choice of two answers, and which one depends on whether you believe the universe was either created by a 'Big Bang' via Evolution, or by God via Special Creation. (1) Traditional Science says it was the 'Big Bang', defined scientifically as : All the energy that ever was or ever existed or ever will exist all in one place at the same exact micro-micro-second of time. Every atom of every cell of every living thing everywhere in the universe all in one spot.
(A non-scientific definition of the Big Bang is "in the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded".)
(2) Traditional Christianity says it was all originally created by the God of the Bible:-
Gen 1:1 " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
(Note that this same creator in Genesis is also Jesus Christ [actually the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ] ie Jesus is God:-)
Col 1:16-17 KJV "For by him [Jesus Christ] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: [v. 17] And he [Jesus Christ] is before all things, and by him all things consist [or, "are held together" WEB Bible]. One of the reasons some may not accept the traditional science explanation is because it is seen as a violation of two basic laws of science, the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. These are defined in the Penguin 'Dictionary of Science' Reference Book as:- The First Law of Thermodynamics (sometimes called the Law of The Conservation of Energy) says that matter can be neither created nor destroyed.The Second Law of Thermodynamics (sometimes called the Law of Entropy) says that heat cannot be transferred from a colder to a hotter body. Or, since the 'entropy' of a system is a measure of its disorder, stated in terms of 'entropy' it is that the entropy, or disorder, of a closed system increases with time. (Note: This increasing entropy can be increasingly seen in the environment and weather of today).
From this, it can be seen that there are two clear choices, both of which are incompatible with each other. Since the adherents of either view hold that they alone are completely right and the others are utterly wrong, consequently some authorities avoid the issue by teaching that the ultimate source of all energy here on earth is the Sun, and then leave it up to the individual to decide where the Sun itself came from.

Is the story of jesus real?

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The story of Jesus is based on religious texts and beliefs, so the level of its historicity is a matter of faith and interpretation. There is historical evidence of a figure named Jesus who lived in the region at that time, but details of his life as depicted in religious texts are not universally accepted as historical fact by scholars.

How is Holy Water made?

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Holy Water is typically made by a priest who blesses water during a religious ceremony. The priest may invoke prayers or perform rituals to sanctify the water and imbue it with spiritual significance. The blessed water is then commonly used in religious rites, blessings, and sacraments within the Christian faith.

What is the length of the day on each of the planets of the Solar System?

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Using Earth hours and days as measurements for the 8 main planets:

Jupiter: 9 hrs 50mins

Saturn: 10hrs. 14mins

Neptune: 16hrs. 6mins

Uranus: 17hrs. 54mins

Earth: 23hrs. 56mins

Mars: 24hrs. 37mins

Mercury: 1408 hours (58 Earth days and 16 hours)

Venus: 5832 hours (243 Earth days)

Where can you find a map of the spread of Christianity by 500AD?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find maps of the spread of Christianity by 500 AD in history books, scholarly articles on the topic, or online resources such as academic websites or educational platforms that focus on religious history. Wikimedia Commons may also have relevant maps available for viewing or download.

Christian brothers cfc what does the cfc stand for?

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CFC stands for "Congregatio Fratrum Christianorum," which is Latin for "Congregation of Christian Brothers."

What happens if heaven doesn't exist?

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If heaven doesn't exist, then its concept as an afterlife destination for believers in certain religions would not be real. People's beliefs about the existence of a higher power and an afterlife would likely be reevaluated or shift based on individual beliefs and philosophies. Perhaps greater emphasis would be placed on living a fulfilling life in the present.

What if you die and you discover that God doesn't exist?

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If you die and discover that God doesn't exist, there would likely be a sense of finality and acceptance that life is a product of natural processes and consciousness ceases to exist after death. People's beliefs and faith are deeply personal, so the impact of such a realization would vary from individual to individual.

When you go wassailing what are you doing?

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Wassailing is a traditional English custom of visiting houses while singing carols and offering good wishes for the season. It is also associated with toasting trees with cider to promote a good apple harvest. Overall, wassailing is a festive and communal activity rooted in spreading cheer and celebrating abundance.

Who said The Lord works in mysterious ways?

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This saying is a common phrase used to express the belief that divine actions may not always be easily understood or interpreted by human beings. It does not have a specific origin or a single author.

What is the name of the angel of death?

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The angel of death is known as Azrael in Islamic and Jewish traditions. In Christianity, the concept of the angel of death is not as prominent, but the role is sometimes associated with the archangel Michael.

When light come into a room can darkness ever overcome the light?

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No, darkness cannot overcome light. Light always overcomes darkness because light is the presence of photons and darkness is the absence of photons. Once light is present, darkness disappears.

Number of Christians in the US?

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As of 2021, there are approximately 230 million Christians in the United States, making Christianity the largest religion in the country.

What three groups make up the communion of Saints?

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The three groups that make up the communion of Saints are the Church Triumphant (saints in heaven), the Church Militant (believers on earth), and the Church Suffering (souls in purgatory). Together, they form the one mystical body of Christ.

What is Galilean heresy?

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Galilean heresy was a term used in the early Christian church to describe beliefs that contradicted orthodox Christian teachings, particularly those that emphasized the physical world over the spiritual realm. This term was often used to refer to teachings attributed to Galileo Galilei that challenged the geocentric view of the universe held by the church at that time.

How can God be in many places at one time?

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Many religious traditions teach that God is omnipresent, meaning that God is present everywhere at all times. This concept is often seen as a way to explain God's infinite nature and ability to transcend physical limitations. Different interpretations and beliefs exist about how God can be present in multiple places simultaneously.

What was Zephaniah's occupation before becoming a prophet?

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There is no specific information on Zephaniah's occupation before he became a prophet. He is mainly known for being a prophet who delivered messages from God to the people of Judah.

Is dying for your beliefs the ultimate test?

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Dying for one's beliefs can be seen as the ultimate demonstration of commitment and conviction. However, true strength and courage may also be found in standing firm in one's beliefs while alive, and continuing to strive for change and progress. Ultimately, the significance of dying for one's beliefs can vary depending on individual perspectives and contexts.