


Alternative Treatments for Conditions or Diseases

Alternative treatment is a healing practice other than traditional medicine including homeopathy, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Unani medicine, naturopathy, yoga, massage and reiki.

500 Questions

What food can you enjoy when you have arthritis?

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Aside from gouty arthritis where it is important to avoid foods that are high in purines resulting in the production of uric acid, there is not scientific evidence that arthritis patients need to avoid any type of foods.

What type of arthritis is most common in the elderly?

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Osteoarthritis, which is a non inflammatory form of arthritis and is often associated with the effects of wear and tear on the joints.

What kind of doctor treats osteoarthritis?

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A rheumatologist is type of doctor that specializes in joint disease. They would know the most about osteoarthritis. However, as this condition is very common, primary care physicians would be able to treat it as well (internal medicine/family medicine).

Is sunflower a herb?

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The suffix -ivore means eater. While herbi- means herbs or plants. -Omni means all. A herbivore eats only plants and an omnivore eats anything. Humans are omnivores since we can and do eating anything. Plants like sunflowers don't eat anything. They make their own food using sunlight.
You really should learn the meaning of words like these since you come across them over and over again. They actually tell you what they mean.

How do you get rid of worms without seeing a doctor?

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How you get rid of worms depends greatly upon what kind of worms you think you or your pet may have.

Pinworms are found only in humans and account for the largest percentage of intestinal worm infections in the U.S. Getting rid of pinworm isn't easy, but it can be done. To get rid of pinworms, you should wash your hands regularly to avoid ingesting pinworm eggs. If pinworm infection is detected by your doctor, or noticed in the stool, you should seek an over-the-counter treatment like Reese's Pinworm Medicine or get a prescription from your doctor for Vermox, the most common prescription given for pinworm infections.

What stores sell prolotex socks?

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Prolotex Far Infrared Socks are not available in Stores. You can order on Prolotex (dot) com

Apple cider not vinegar health benefits?

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== == I am a very big advocate of apple cider vinegar! There is so much out there about the uses of organic apple cider vinegar, and with me being a person who is green friendly I use as many products as I can to promote healthy living. Also it helps to flush toxins and makes your skin beautiful by removing the dark circles from under the eyes. Just be careful not to take it straight from the bottle! Dilute it or else it could burn your stomach like taco bell at three am can. They make tablets that you can take but some people find them difficult to swallow. ACV can be found in tablet form in the vitamin section of most pharmacies or health food shops, and some department stores (possibly Wal*Mart, Costco, etc). In researching for a kidney stone treatment, I found that Calcium Oxalate crystals (one form of kidney stone) caused by unhealthy diet change: too much fluoride (brushing teeth with tooth paste every hour or so after each snak), too many peanuts, and too much chocolate--could be dissolved naturally by a number of treatment methods including ACV, lemon juice & olive oil, banaba leaf extract, eating pickles, alfalfa with lime juice, and more. CT scans showed a 2 cm stone in each kidney. Gas in gastrointestinal tract put pressure all through the abdomen that caused kidney tissues to be compressed against both stones causing huge pain / damage. Hospital doctors gave two prescriptions--one for pain, and another for widening the urinary flow pathway. Pharmacist said they would fill my prescriptions right away, but instead took about 45 minutes chatting with one particular "potential customer," all the while kidney stone pain returned with a vengeance. Pharmacist did not know of anything to take for kidney stones, but had heard that some people tried some risky substances and got no better. Both the hospital doctors and the pharmacist recommended just drinking a lot of water, and letting the stones painfully pass out during urination. After getting on the internet, the answers came quickly--first a whole bunch of web sites trying to sell a book about the topic, then later a web blog site where people pooled their experiences with treatments... Using a lot of lemon juice, olive oil, ACV tablets, eating pickles, and a day or so later, voila, no stones at all, no pain, and only minute chunk of one of the stones passed through the bladder into a fine meshed strainer given by the doctor at the hospital. The strainer was supposed to filter out the stone material, and this could then be analyzed by a lab to determine the exact cause of the stones. However, recent unhealthy diet change indicated that it was the cause--no need to get an analysis done. While some people like an alkali diet, this resulted with poor amounts of stomach acid (stomach upset due to gas), and not digesting food properly, and also forming kidney stones. This illustrates the need to strike a proper balance in diet with the kinds of food / drink that are needed. I am taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar everyday in the morning in liquid form. This liquid has been professed to increase metabolism, decrease water retention, suppress the appetite, lower blood pressure and control cholesterol levels. There have been several studies done regarding weight loss and they all seem to agree that apple cider vinegar is an effective aid for weight loss. It is quite rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes. I just read that taking it in liquid form may damage tooth enamel so I will probably purchase some pills for the future. I figure I need all the help I can get, so as long as it is OK with my doctor I may as well utilize it.

How can we extract essential oils from aniseed carum cardamom by soxhlet method?

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Using the soxhlet method, you can extract essential oils from hard materials. This method uses a superheated steam distillation process to get all of the oils out of anise and cardamom plants, among others.

What does garlic look like?

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A head of garlic is the whole bulb, covered in the papery layers of skin, containing maybe 12 cloves of garlic, which are the individual 'segments' of garlic, with pinkish, waxier skin.

Each clove is about a centimeter long and is shaped like a 'fat' segment of an orange.

What is a substitute for desiccated coconut?

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Dried coconut meat that has been shredded or flaked. Some varieties of dessicated coconut are sweetened, and some are not, so be sure to check to see what your recipe calls for.

How do you fix a mixture of whiskey honey and lemon juice for colds?

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Whiskey Lemon and Honey is old fashion, warmed and drank before bed . It will

it will knock a cold out of you

Is mayonnaise bad for gout?

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Mayonnaise is basically made from eggs, dairy foods and vinegar. These are not high in purines which can be the cause of excessive uric acid in the blood.

Does apple cider vinegar work?

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Apple cider vinegar improves digestion especially in metabolizing proteins. It enhances the action of hydrochloric acid (HCL - which deminishes with age) and digestive enzymes. Digestion begins in the mouth where the apple cider vinegar stimulates the acid receptors on the tongue to produce saliva that begins the breakdown of carbohydrates. Taking apple cider vinegar and water before each meal can help improve the digestive process.

What herbs are good for you?

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It varies with what you use the herbs for. A plants or herb's make-up is of chemicals, compounds, and complexes that in some cases help with not only physical but mental needs along with many other uses. You must use caution and very good common since before using any plants to fill a need.

Common since and caution tells us not to take a medication before knowing how to use it, facts, warnings, and how it will help; that applies to herbs as well. Once you figure out the problem (examples: unbalance of diet, digestive problems, skin irritations, on) then you can find out what treatments are good for you as a whole.

Many people have allergies and every body is different and reacts different to many things (shoot, I have a friend allergic to grass). That is why speaking to your doctor about possible allergies to any potential herbs that you are planing on using is wise.

How do I deal with an allergic reaction to drinking water?

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Dehydration allergy link

Hydration is key to allergy relief

Following is a discussion on the dehydration allergy link, allergy prevention & allergy relief, naturally, with water.

Dr. Batmanghelidj is especially forceful when it comes to asserting the link between dehydration & allergy.

The reasoning, backed up by research, is quite convincing.

Dehydration, even mild, activates histamine production, which is strongly implicated in allergy.

Histamine is a vital substance because it helps conserve & distribute water on a priority basis. Where it is most immediately needed, histamine tries to assure it gets there.

Healthy, adequate hydration decreases the need & production of histamine.

In dehydrated individuals, the overproduction of histamine suppresses the immune system, especially at it's core, the bone marrow. The compromised immune system is less able to deal with foreign invaders such as pollen - a major culprit in allergy.

As these invaders attack the eyes during pollen season, the eyes have only one way to get rid of them: to wash them away with tears. That is why allergy produces the characteristic tearing.

Since the only way to deal with these invaders is via tearing, the defense may even over-respond to make sure that the invaders are washed away.

And so, what we see as normal steps in allergy response is really a complex response to mild dehydration. It works but at great cost. Allergy preventionPrevention of allergy, always wiser than allergy relief, may be as simple as assuring healthy hydration.

Does that mean that drinking more water will prevent or treat allergy. Dr. Batmanghelidj unequivocally answers "yes" but I believe that the real key is that the body be adequately hydrated.

It is not always certain that simply drinking more water will immediately lead to healthy hydration for all persons.

For some, it may take more time. For others, it may be difficult to fully hydrate the cells because of other underlying problems.

The situation may be more complicated than simply drinking more water.

What is ginger used for?

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Ginger helps with nausea caused by motion sickness and also with morning sickness. Additionally, not only does it act as a natural antihistamine and a mild decongestant, but it is also great for a sore throat. The herb promotes the release of bile from the gallbladder for people suffering from gallstones. Ginger may also decrease joint pain from arthritis and has blood-thinning and cholesterol-lowering properties that may make it useful for treating heart disease.

Answer: Ginger has along history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain. It is excellentfor reducing inflammtion. Ginger is high in gingerol, a substance with powerful anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties thst can also help with arthritis.. Caution is needed taking ginger if you sre pregnant or will be going under anesthesia.

Buy fresh gingeroot at the market, wash , do not peel, and slice into small slices or chunks. Put into a pot of water an inch or two above the ginger, boil for 15-20 min. Ginger is very spicy and hot if fresh so dilute with water and sip as you would any good cup of any tea. Enjoy!!!

What are the advantages of meditation?

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Quiets your mind. Instead of identifying yourself through thoughts, it teaches you to look beyond them and you start living through a deeper place-it also teaches patience with yourself. It's harder then it sounds! Especially if you've got a chatty-kathy mind like I do! lol

How do you meditate?

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When the great primeval power, refered to as Kundalini, has been risen up to at least the throat chakra or psychic centre, in her entirety then Meditation is reached. But not before this!!!

When 'she' is risen to the Christ or Brahma chakra then the yogi is in the deepest state of meditation possible on this Earth.

How is this to be achieved?

Practice the teachings of the Great Masters.

Study - discriminate - and then practice!

There are numerous exercises designed to enhance our inner potential from Mantra, Prayer, Contemplative exercises, pranayama to spiritual healing and Yoga.

Only through practice can we hope to achieve results.

As a good starting point I would advice studying Yoga and giving service to others as a means to attaining the much sought after state of Meditation.

In time and when the student is ready the teacher appears!!!

What is Japanese acupuncture?

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Japanese acupuncture uses thinner, smaller needles, and focuses on the meridians rather than on specific points along their course.

What is the Vatican's position on acupuncture?

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Acupuncture is a medical and not a religious practice, I can"t see what you would find morally objectionable or singularily sinful in it. on the other hand Yoga has religious origins in Hindusism and there are different schools- Hatha Yoga and Kriya Yoga which might be too spiritually-slanted for comfort. pm tje opther hand acupuncture is a medical and not a religious line. My Mother is a nurse, an RC and while she did not herself have acupuncture done, she did recommend it to patients where she worked and there was no ecclesiastical angle at all.

What percent of Africans have a disease?

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approximately 80% that 80% of africans are hiv positive may not be true. there are other diseases that make people to test positive, if your statistics is anything to go by then it also includes false positive claims.

Is it possible to have gout after a total knee replacement?

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Yes, although it is rare there are about 6 reported case studies in the English literature in peer reviewed journals. Google "total knee and gout".

What are the health benefits of facial acupuncture?

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Facial acupuncture is seen as a non invasive regenerative measure to takes years off your skin without the need to injecting harmful chemicals into it. This is achieved through improved muscle tone and reduced inflammation.

What can you drink for upset stomach when you have chirrosis of the liver?

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What is causing the upset stomach. If you are nauseas, cola or coke is good. So is ginger tea.

Ginger ale is good for soothing an upset stomach