

Cardio Exercise

Questions in this category focus on fitness regimes and tips to help your heart and vascular system.

500 Questions

Who developed the RPE scale?

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Psychologist Gunnar Borg.

Basic forms of tai-chi?

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Asked by Wiki User

Almost all Tai Chi practiced nowadays is either the Yang or Wu style (although a few practice the Chen or Hao).

Tai Chi styles are generally done in two ways- long forms and the short forms. Long forms yield more benefits for the student, but require a longer amount of time to be set aside for them and have a much higher degree of difficulty to learn. While some quality is definitely sacrificed, short forms yield a large degree of benefits and are much easier and simpler to learn.

Of all the Tai Chi short forms, the most basic and well known is the Yang 24 move short form. This article does a fairly good job detailing the subject:

If you want to have access to the best resource on the subject and the different forms of Tai Chi, their difficulty, who teaches them and what they can accomplish I would recommend getting the book Tai Chi Health for Life.

Also, if you want to get technical, the basic components of Tai Chi exist within Qigong, and the best form that exists within Qigong (which while simple contains most of the attributes and benefits one would get from practicing Tai Chi) is known as Cloud Hands. It's actually simple enough to be detailed within an instructional booklet (as opposed to a 5000 page tome for a Tai Chi form), with the book on it being called "Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body."

My own opinion is that the best way to learn Tai Chi is to first extensively master the energy components within the form from a simpler qigong form before beginning the Tai Chi one. If you're open to that, The Energy Gates method is the classic one that's been taught for the past few thousand years in China!

How many kilojoules should a teenager eat a day?

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Asked by Wiki User

Calorie needs are often higher during the teenage years than any other time of life. During this period of rapid growth and development, boys require an average of 2,800 calories a day, while girls require an average of 2,200 calories a day. Below is a detailed list of calorie needs for teens by age, sex and activity level.

How can long term effects of exercise improve sporting performance?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you are older if you pushed yourself too hard you will probably have a problem e.g back problems , or atheritis .

What are the 3 major phases of Aerobics and its definition?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three stages are: Glycolysis, Kreb's cycle and Electron Transport

Will i lose weight working out and eating 1 meal a day?

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Asked by Wiki User

i would not recommend it but yes you can. However just remember that when you do start to eat regular meals everyday again you will gain your weight a lot faster and more then what you lost also.!!!!

Are cardiovascular endurance and cardio respiratory endurance the same thing?

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Asked by LivvieAutomn

Cardio-respiratory endurance is the ability of the body to support the dynamic exercises which we do with large groups of muscles in the body during a period of time at different levels of intensity. Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measure of how well your body is able to transport oxygen to your muscles during prolonged exercise.

What causes the heart to beat faster?

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Asked by Wiki User

because you run it increases the blood preasure therefore it causes the heart to beat faster

How many times a week should you exercise?

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It all depends on your goals and where you are at phsically.

If you are wanting to lose weight, the more the better. Exercise isn't based so much on "times a day" but more so the duration of your workout.

If you want to lose weight, i'd say AT LEAST an hour of cardio/aerobic activity. If you want to maintain your weight or gain muscle, you might want to set up a weight training schedule with a trainer or there are many good training regimens in HealthRX or Oxygen Magazine.

It all depends on what you're going for, how you feel about yourself, and how motivated you are. Exercise is good! all in moderation and with proper Rest time, you can achieve your goals :)

What are the acute and chronic effects of exercise on respiratory tidal volume?

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Asked by Dudders1972

The evolution of an e=pie of the volume of Pie

Is the spinning bike good for cardio?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends for what reasons you are exercising. Spinning bikes are very high energy, but burn more muscle than fat. Mountain biking can be a longer and more strenuous task, but the weight burned is fat while building muscle. If you are looking to loose fat than spinning is not a better form of exercise than mountain biking.

What foods are the best sources of protein?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best source is probably spinach, which has 13 grams of protein in a 100-calorie serving. Firm tofu is a runner up, with 11.7 grams.

Soybeans have 9.6 grams of protein per 100 calories; lentils, 7.8 grams; romaine lettuce, 7.2 grams; broccoli and kale, 6.8 grams; black beans 6.7 grams; kidney beans and peas, 6.4 grams; black-eyed peas, 6.2 grams.

Cottage cheese has 11.3 grams of protein per 100 calories, but it also has 4.4 grams of fat, 17 mg of cholesterol, and 371 mg of sodium. Eggs have 8.8 grams of protein in along with 6.7 grams of fat and 260 mg of cholesterol. Cheddar cheese has 6.2 grams of protein, with 8.2 grams of fat and 26 mg of cholesterol.

Pinto beans and lima beans have 5.7 grams of protein per 100 calories, and peanut butter has 4.3 grams.

A 100-calorie serving of regular ground beef has 4.3 grams of protein, more than 9 grams of fat, and 24 milligrams of cholesterol.

All of the plant sources of protein have zero cholesterol and most are very low in fat.

Does walking on the treadmill help to flatten your stomach?

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Asked by Izzie520

Not really, walking just slowly burns calories and turns fat to muscle (if you walk too much). Walking doesn't have a specific target to get fat off. It does it evenly. If you want to flatten your stomach, I recommend doing plank (like the push-up position, but your elbows stay still on the floor, and your body has to be parallel and you have to stay in that position until you feel tired.

Does the cardio twister work?

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Asked by Wiki User

I've been using it for the last 3 weeks and have seen results. My legs, waist and arms are heaps more toned, it is working for me.

Just have to make sure you do it everyday =]

Its a product worth trying. 92% happy with the cardio twister

There are many, though, who aren't really happy with this product. It breaks easily and the routines recommended don't really lead to weight loss.

Why does your pulse rate increase with exercise?

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Asked by Wiki User

Becouse during the execise, the muscles need energy for doing their job. This energy is obtained by carbohydrate or fat burning, and for this reaction oxygen is needed. The more intensive the execise is, more quantity of oxygen it needs. For carrying more oxygen to the muscle, the heart needs to increase the number of beats per minit. This way more blood (carrying oxygen and carbohydrates) can be transported to the muscle.

Is karate a cardio workout or strength training?

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Karate gives your body hard and regular exercise. It trains you mentally and physically. The regular training helps to tone your body and increases your strength. All this teaches you self-defense.

Endurance can be increased by doing what?

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Asked by Wiki User

By doing cardio activities and lifting weights.

Is zumba better than P90X?

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Asked by Wiki User

P90x is way better in my opinion. You workout ten times more an get a better results or do u wanna dance around taking longer to burn on off that weight? With p90x you not only lose weight but u gain muscle and a nice body in a faster amount of time!

What sports are cardio?

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racketball is good as it is anaerobic also jogging helps

Do you burn the same amount of calories running as you do walking the same distance?

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Asked by Wiki User

You burn more calories per minute of exercise running than walking. However, if you run a set distance the workout is done a lot faster than if you walked the same distance. It's usually pretty much a draw between a short and high burn or a longer lower burn.

It would make more sense to ask if you would burn more calories by running or walking for a half an hour. You would clearly burn more calories by running for a half an hour than by walking for a half an hour. But walking would be much gentler on your joints, while running might be better cardiovascularly.

How do you turn a slightly pot belly six pack into a flat ripped as pack?

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Asked by Wiki User

-Cardio lots of cardio to remove that layer of fat
-Diet, you know what is healthy and what isn't
-Ab exercises but don't focus on these the focus must be on losing fat... even with big abdominal muscles you still cant see them if there is a layer of fat covering your abs.

Will walking everyday make your legs larger?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you mean muscle.. it depends how far you walk i guess. You should get a fitter heart and reduce the amount of fat on your legs by walking but unless you're clocking up serious miles you shouldn't build extraordinarily large leg muscles.

Like the above. Walking will help create lean legs. Strengh training with weights will cause muscle to grow and become larger.