


Home & Garden

Home is not only a dwelling with walls and a roof, but home is where the heart is. Our homes and our gardens that we grow and cultivate reflect who we are. In the Home and Garden category, you can ask questions about homeowners' rights and responsibilities, the best plants for your garden, how to do home repairs, and much more.

500 Questions

Are you able to eat fushcias?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, fuchsias are not edible plants. Eating fuchsias can lead to digestive issues and potential toxicity due to chemicals present in the plant. It is best to avoid consuming fuchsias and stick to plants that are known to be safe for consumption.

Where is Selenite formed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Selenite is typically formed in evaporative environments, such as deserts where water evaporates quickly, leaving behind deposits of gypsum. It can also form in caves through the slow evaporation of groundwater carrying dissolved minerals.

HOW TO STOP erosion?

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Asked by Wiki User

To stop erosion, you can plant vegetation along slopes to stabilize soil, create barriers such as retaining walls or riprap, and properly manage water flow to prevent runoff. Additionally, reducing activities that disturb the land, such as overgrazing or deforestation, can help prevent erosion.

What is the list of 10 Muslim scientist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some notable Muslim scientists throughout history include Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Biruni, Ibn Khaldun, Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber), Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Al-Razi (Rhazes), Ibn Rushd (Averroes), and Ibn al-Nafis. These individuals made significant contributions in various fields such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, chemistry, and philosophy.

Why do people come to live in Worcester?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may choose to live in Worcester due to its central location in Massachusetts, affordable housing options, diverse community, and proximity to various job opportunities in industries such as healthcare, education, and technology. Additionally, Worcester offers access to cultural amenities, recreational activities, and a strong sense of community.

What are the abiotic factors of ponds and lakes?

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Asked by Wiki User

· Abiotic

1. sand

2. rocks

3. sunlight

4. water

5. wind

6. depth of water

7. Temperature

8. pH

9. salinity (dissolved minerals)

10. pollution

11. Clay/mud

Earth rotates on its what?

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Asked by Wiki User

Earth rotates on its axis. This rotation is what causes day and night as different parts of the Earth receive sunlight at different times.

What are the benefits of silty soil?

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Silty soil is well-draining and has good fertility due to its high nutrient content. It retains moisture well and is easy to work with when gardening or farming. It is also good for supporting a variety of plant and crop types.

How do you work out cleaning services per person per square meter?

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Asked by Wiki User

To work out cleaning services per person per square meter, you would first determine the total cleaning cost for the space based on square meters. Then, divide this cost by the number of people to get the cost per person. This calculation helps in evenly distributing the cleaning cost among the individuals utilizing the space based on their impact on cleanliness.

Is pond water a base?

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Pond water is typically neutral or slightly acidic, rather than being a base. The pH of pond water can vary depending on factors such as the presence of algae, decaying organic matter, and other pollutants.

What are the omnivores in a pond?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ducks and raccoons are omnivores that live in and around ponds.

What is the positive inpact humans can have on a pond?

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Humans can positively impact a pond by maintaining water quality through proper waste disposal, controlling invasive species to preserve biodiversity, and creating habitat structures like nesting sites or shelter for aquatic life. Additionally, conserving the surrounding land can help reduce pollution runoff into the pond, ultimately benefiting the entire ecosystem.

How do plants and roots effect weathering?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants and roots play a role in weathering by physically breaking apart rocks as their roots grow and expand, causing root wedging. Additionally, plants secrete acids that can chemically weather rocks and minerals. Overall, the presence of plants and roots can accelerate weathering processes on rocks and contribute to soil formation.

What is stratum below topsoil?

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Below the topsoil is the subsoil layer. This layer typically contains less organic matter and nutrients compared to topsoil. It often consists of weathered rock, clay, and minerals that are broken down from the topsoil layer above.

How might plants help you infer direction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants can help you infer direction by observing their growth patterns. For example, some plants tend to lean towards the direction where they receive more sunlight. You can use this knowledge to determine the south if you are in the northern hemisphere. Additionally, the presence of moss on the north side of trees can indicate the direction of north.

When the earth rotates what is it called?

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Asked by Wiki User

When the Earth rotates on its axis, it is called rotation. This rotation causes day and night as different parts of the Earth receive sunlight at different times.

Is pumice a mineral?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, pumice is a naturally occurring volcanic rock that is formed when frothy lava cools rapidly. It is not considered a mineral because it does not have a crystalline structure like most minerals.

Which ecosystem is known as the land of big games?

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The African savanna ecosystem is often referred to as the "land of big games" due to its abundant wildlife, including large mammals such as elephants, lions, giraffes, and zebras. This ecosystem is known for its open grasslands and scattered trees, providing ideal habitats for these iconic animals.

How many millions years ago was the Cretaceous period?

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The Cretaceous period occurred approximately 145 to 66 million years ago.

Where is the youngest rock in an ocean basin found?

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The youngest rock in an ocean basin is typically found near mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity and then moves away from the ridge as tectonic plates diverge. This newly formed rock is considered the youngest because it has just solidified from magma and is constantly being generated at these spreading centers.

Can a sea snail live in a fish bowl of rooting house plants?

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No, sea snails are marine animals and need a saltwater environment to survive. Placing a sea snail in a fishbowl with house plants in freshwater would not provide the necessary conditions for its well-being. It is important to provide proper habitat and care for sea snails to ensure their health and longevity.

What is the role of enzymes in biotechnology?

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Enzymes play a crucial role in biotechnology by catalyzing specific chemical reactions in a controlled and efficient manner. They are used in various processes such as DNA manipulation, protein production, and bioconversion of raw materials. Enzymes enable biotechnologists to synthesize new compounds, detect genetic mutations, and develop sustainable solutions for industries.

What is temperature range for lower mantle?

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The temperature range for the lower mantle is estimated to be between 1,800°C and 3,700°C (3,272°F and 6,712°F). These high temperatures are due to the combined effects of heat leftover from the Earth's formation, radioactive decay of elements, and the slow cooling of the Earth's interior.

What is the scientific name of camantigue?

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The scientific name of camantigue is Lagerstroemia speciosa.

How do you separate pebbles from mud?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way to separate pebbles from mud is to pour the mixture through a sieve. The mud will pass through the holes in the sieve, while the pebbles will remain on top. Another method is to let the mixture settle in water, as pebbles will sink to the bottom while mud will float or be suspended in the water.