


Computer Terminology

Questions and answers about different terms related to computers, as well as computer language that is popularly used today.

500 Questions

What is the importance of Microsoft Windows?

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Asked by Wiki User

The importance of Microsoft Windows lies in its versatility and user-friendly interface, making it the most widely used operating system in the world. It provides users with a wide range of features and tools for personal and business use. Additionally, Windows allows for seamless integration with other Microsoft products and services, such as Office and OneDrive, enhancing productivity and collaboration. With the growing trend of online shopping, the availability of affordable and easy-to-use upgrade keys for Microsoft products, like those offered by Softwarekey4u. com, makes it even more convenient for individuals and businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest software and features.

Geographic information system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Use computer programs to lay a series of maps one on top of another.

What All of the following techniques are used in a social engineering attack except?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social engineering techniques include phishing, pretexting, baiting, and tailgating. These techniques are used to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions they normally wouldn't. "Denial of Service" attacks, however, do not involve deception or manipulation of individuals but rather target network resources to disrupt services or applications.

What is the most common vehicle for social engineering attacks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Email is the most common vehicle for social engineering attacks, specifically phishing emails. Attackers send fraudulent emails that appear to be from a trustworthy source, enticing recipients to click on malicious links or provide sensitive information. It is essential for individuals to be cautious and verify the legitimacy of emails before taking any action.

Examples of social engineering?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social engineering examples include phishing attacks, where individuals trick users into revealing sensitive information by posing as a trusted entity; pretexting, where attackers manipulate victims into divulging information by creating a false scenario; and tailgating, where unauthorized individuals gain physical access to secure locations by following an authorized person.

What is Instructive Language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Instructive language is language that is used to give instructions or guidance on how to do something. It is clear, direct, and often focuses on providing step-by-step directions to help someone complete a task or action. Examples include recipes, manuals, and tutorials.

What are the levels of memory?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three main levels of memory are sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Sensory memory holds sensory information for a very brief period, short-term memory stores information for a short time without rehearsal, and long-term memory has a more permanent storage capacity for information.

What is skew in hypermesh?

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Asked by Wiki User

In HyperMesh, skew is a measure of the quality of the elements. It calculates the deviation of the shape of an element from an ideal shape (usually a square or a cube). Lower skew values indicate better element quality, while higher skew values indicate distorted elements that may negatively impact analysis results. It is important to address and minimize skew to ensure accurate and reliable simulation results.

How do you acsess your spam folder?

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Asked by Wiki User

The spam folder on MSN UK is the junk folder. Junk folders are the spam folder in many email programs.

What is database and database system?

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Asked by IndrajeetAshank

A database is essentially an organized collection of data, typically stored electronically on a computer system. Imagine a giant filing cabinet with information neatly sorted and filed away. That's kind of what a database is like, but way more efficient and powerful.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:

Organized Collection: Data isn't just dumped in a pile. It's structured in a specific way, often using tables with rows and columns, to make it easy to find and use the information you need.

Electronic Storage: Most databases are digital these days, allowing for much faster access and manipulation of data compared to physical filing systems.

Now, to manage this data effectively, you need a database management system (DBMS). Think of it as the filing cabinet manager. A DBMS is a software application that lets you:

Interact with the Database: You can create databases, add, update, and delete data, and most importantly, retrieve information you need.

Manage Data Structure: The DBMS defines how data is organized and ensures it stays consistent and usable.

Control Access: The DBMS controls who can access the data and what they can do with it, keeping things secure.

Some common examples of DBMS software include MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle Database.

So, the database and DBMS work together to form a database system. The database stores the information, and the DBMS provides the tools to manage and access it effectively. This allows businesses and organizations to keep track of large amounts of data efficiently, from customer information to product inventory.

When did cnc start?

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Asked by Wiki User

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) technology was developed in the late 1940s and became more widely used in the 1970s as computers and software became more advanced. It has since revolutionized the manufacturing industry by automating and controlling machining tools with precision.

Which term describes the smallest meaningful language unit?

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Asked by Wiki User

You are asking about a "morpheme." This term comes from the field of linguistics: a morpheme performs many important functions that are necessary in order to create meaning. A morpheme can take many forms: for example, it can be a prefix, a suffix, or a one-syllable word.

What are the technical specifications of computer graphics?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The technical specifications of computer graphics include the resolution (number of pixels), refresh rate (number of frames per second), color depth (number of colors), graphics memory (VRAM), and graphic processing unit (GPU) performance. These specifications determine the quality and performance of visual output on a display.

What are the combinations for 1234567890?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are over 3.6 billion possible combinations for a 10-digit number like 1234567890. This number can be rearranged in various ways, but each combination would still consist of the same set of digits (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0).

Why would you use a hard drive in computer graphics?

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Asked by Wiki User

A hard drive is used in computer graphics to store large files such as high-resolution images, videos, and animation sequences that are used to create visual content. The fast read/write speeds of a hard drive help in accessing and saving these files quickly, allowing for smoother rendering and processing of graphics.

What is space division multiplexing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Space division multiplexing is a technique where data signals are transmitted simultaneously through different physical pathways, such as separate channels, fibers, or antennas. This allows for increased data transmission capacity by dividing the available space into multiple paths for data transmission.

What is best among computer science and information technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best option between computer science and information technology depends on your career goals. Computer science focuses more on the theoretical aspects of computing, algorithms, and software development, while information technology is more practical and focuses on computer systems, networks, and applications. If you are interested in coding, software development, and problem-solving, computer science may be a better choice. If you are interested in working with computer systems, networks, and IT infrastructure, information technology may be more suitable.

What is present value analysis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Present value analysis is a financial technique used to evaluate the value of future cash flows by discounting them back to their current value. It takes into account the time value of money, allowing for better decision-making by comparing the present value of costs and benefits. The goal is to determine whether an investment or project is worth pursuing based on its potential return.

Who uses semaphore?

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Asked by Wiki User

Semaphores are used in computer science for process synchronization. They help control access to shared resources to prevent conflicts between processes running concurrently. Operating systems and programming languages utilize semaphores to manage critical sections of code and coordinate communication between multiple processes or threads.

Why are semaphores used?

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Asked by Wiki User

Semaphores are used in concurrent programming to control access to shared resources between multiple threads or processes. They ensure that only one thread can access a resource at a time, preventing race conditions and ensuring data consistency. Semaphores are a synchronization mechanism to coordinate the execution of concurrent tasks.

Uses of information communication technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information communication technology (ICT) is used in various sectors such as education for e-learning platforms, healthcare for telemedicine services, business for efficient communication and resource management, and government for e-governance initiatives like online services and digital communication with constituents. Additionally, ICT also plays a crucial role in improving connectivity, data processing, automation, and innovation across different industries.

Discuss some advantages and limitations of system analysis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of system analysis include improved efficiency, enhanced communication between stakeholders, and identification of potential risks. Limitations can include high upfront costs, resistance to change from stakeholders, and difficulty in accurately predicting all future requirements.

What are the advantages of metadata?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metadata provides valuable information about data, such as its source, format, and quality, making it easier to understand and manage. It improves data organization, searchability, and retrieval, leading to increased efficiency in data processing and analysis. Additionally, metadata helps ensure data integrity, consistency, and compliance with regulations.

What is the difference between Information Science and Communication Science?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information Science focuses on the collection, organization, and retrieval of information, while Communication Science focuses on the study of human communication processes, including verbal and nonverbal communication. Information Science deals more with data management and technology, whereas Communication Science covers a broader range of topics related to communication theory and practice.

Explain about alu with block diagram?

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Asked by Wiki User

An ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations on binary numbers. Its block diagram consists of input registers, a control unit, arithmetic logic circuits, and output registers. Input operands are fetched from the registers, processed by the ALU based on the control signals, and the result is stored back in the output registers. It is a critical component of a CPU responsible for executing arithmetic calculations and logical operations.