


Nintendo Wii

The Wii is the latest game console released by Nintendo in 2006. This system has been very successful due to its use of an innovative wireless motion sensitive controller.

500 Questions

How many games released each year?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number of games released each year can vary widely, but on average, there are thousands of games released annually across different platforms such as consoles, PC, and mobile devices. The gaming industry is constantly growing, and with the rise of indie developers and online distribution platforms, the number of game releases continues to increase each year.

How do you do a survey for Abel in my sims agent?

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Asked by Wiki User

To conduct a survey on Abel in My Sims Agents, you can approach him and select the option to ask him questions or gather information. Once in conversation with Abel, choose the survey option to ask him a series of questions or collect data for your investigation. Completing the survey will provide you with valuable information for your case in the game.

Who is lefty in the song lefty and poncho?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the song "Pancho and Lefty" by Townes Van Zandt, Lefty is a character who is a friend of Pancho, and the song tells the story of their lives. Lefty is known for smuggling drugs with Pancho, but eventually betrays Pancho to the authorities, leading to Pancho's death.

Why do sd cards corrupt?

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Asked by Wiki User

SD cards can corrupt due to various reasons such as improper ejection from a device, physical damage, file system errors, power failure during read/write operations, or using the card beyond its maximum read/write cycles. Additionally, using the SD card on multiple devices without safely ejecting it can also lead to corruption.

What is the role of the magisterium?

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Asked by Wiki User

The magisterium, in the Catholic Church, is the teaching authority entrusted to the Pope and bishops to interpret and preserve the deposit of faith. Its role is to authoritatively teach and safeguard the doctrines and teachings of the Church, ensuring their integrity and consistency with sacred tradition and scripture.

When you have to hide from the golden monkey in the wii game'the golden compass' where's the second hiding place?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the Wii game "The Golden Compass," the second hiding place from the golden monkey is inside the storage room on the ship. When navigating through the ship level, look for the storage room to find the second hiding place from the golden monkey.

How do you defeat queen vala in the golden compass?

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Asked by Wiki User

To defeat Queen Vala in the Golden Compass video game, you have to use the Alethiometer to reveal her weaknesses and then exploit them. You can also try using various abilities and strategies to damage her health and ultimately defeat her. It may take some trial and error to figure out the best approach.

Where can I find a Golden Compass walkthrough for Wii?

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Asked by Wiki User

On youtube probably

Go to a website called not and type the name of the game in the search bar. After finding the listing of the game on the right console and clicking on it, scroll all the way to the bottom. it has multiple links to walkthroughs.

How do you draw a sword?

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Asked by Wiki User

To draw a sword, grip the hilt firmly with one hand while placing the other hand on the blade near the guard. Slowly and smoothly pull the sword out of its scabbard, keeping it in control and ready for use. Make sure to practice proper technique and safety precautions when handling a sword.

What is The Golden COmpass About?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Golden Compass" is a fantasy novel by Philip Pullman that follows the adventures of a young girl named Lyra Belacqua as she tries to save her friend and uncover dark secrets in a parallel universe. The story involves magical creatures, complex characters, and a journey that explores themes of power, free will, and the nature of the soul.

How would you define a standard cost?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

A standard cost is a predetermined cost that a company expects to incur in producing a unit of product or providing a service. It is used as a benchmark for evaluating actual costs and performance. The standard cost is based on factors such as historical data, industry benchmarks, and management estimates.

What are not among Bella's injuries after she end's up in the hospital from James attack?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bella's injuries post-James attack include a broken leg, various cuts and bruises, and head trauma leading to a skull fracture. She does not sustain any fatal injuries or severe enough damage to her spinal cord or major internal organs.

How do you open the doors to the library in Lego Batman Wii game?

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Asked by Wiki User

Umm, I beat the game, but a long time ago, so if I'm wrong sorry. But I'm pretty sure that to open the doors you need to have gotten all the minikits complete then the doors in the library will open.

How do you get cell phone pictures from your cell phone to the Wii photo channel?

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Asked by Wiki User

I believe you can put the photos on a SD card then put that on the Wii. I also believe you can plug in your phone via usb to lightning/usb c.

Can you be shadow the werehog in sonic unleashed?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, but in the future, when the game is hacked, people may make modifications where you can play as Shadow.

Can you play roblox on the Nintendo DSi?

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Asked by Wiki User

Can simulate some roblox functions, connect with other players by wave, if you can do this then xi. Thanks, I just had that opinion

In my opinion, it might be possible, but I'm just wondering who will make this roblox emulator, can I and everyone else try it out? please give the answer. I am Vietnamese

  1. =

Whats the most popular wii game?

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Asked by Wiki User

Probably the most popular game for wii would be Super Mario Galaxy.

Can Dragons exist?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are different opinions on the answer to this question. Some people believe they once existed, but most feel they are works of fantasy. Discovery Channel made a documentary style movie called Dragon's World: A Fantasy Made Real. This movie actually caused confusion in some people who thought this was a real documentary presented by Discovery with actual facts. However, this docudrama was made for entertainment purposes only. The scientists were played by actors. It was advertised as an "alternate history".

There has never been a confirmed case of a dragon remains being found. There have been claims, but they have been found as incorrect or fabricated thus far. There are still other ancient reptilian skeletons that have yet to be identified. Many dragon lovers still hold out hopes that these could be them.

Some people feel that the fact that dragons are known in the history of almost every area of the world in much more than a coincidence. There are Asian versions of dragons, which are wise and benevolent creatures. According to some European folklore, dragons were eating maidens and then being slayed by knights in retribution. There were American Indian tribes who had stories of fire breathing reptiles burning fields and flying away with buffalo. Dragons are depicted in ancient art from all over the world. Many of these societies had no contact with each other.

There are some that say there have been many fantastical creatures in this world. Some of these people believe that dragons, unicorns, and other creatures are highly intelligent and sensitive beings who are in hiding from humans and may come back some day. There are others that say there is no definite proof because they do not, and never have, existed.

Dragons have filled stories from the times of King Arthur and Saint George to modern times. They are in popular culture. Some best sellers of our time, Eragon and Harry Potter, are full of dragons.

How do you make a play monkey out of clay?

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Asked by Wiki User

you look at a picture of a monkey and take in great detail, the paw, Then you buy some clay and carefully sculpt the paw to the picture of the money. And.... Voila!, you have your clay monkey paw.

How do you get the first star in Jolly Roger bay in Mario bros 64?

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Asked by Wiki User

First, make sure you have 3 stars. Then, enter the main hall and up the stairs ON THE RIGHT. Then enter the room. You'll see a giant blue painting ahead of you. Jump in. Next, enter the water and swim forward till you see an empty, deep pool. Swim down and you should see a ship. You should also see an eel. Try luring it out of the hole its blocking. When it leaves, swim into the hole WITHOUT TOUCHING THE EEL. When you enter the ship, you'll see chests. Open the chests in this order: Back, left, right, then front. In the chests are air bubbles you can inhale if your power is low. After following the pattern, the ship will drain. When its finished draining, climb the ledges to the top. You'll see a yellow ! box. Open the box to get the star. I hope this helped!

If you are hosting a party for 200 people what do you need for a hosted bar and in what quantities?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 1984 ounces to a half barrel (standard keg) this means 165 twelve ounce glasses if none is spilled or the same as 7 and 1/2 cases. If all you are going to have is beer then I would get two kegs and 5 cases of back up beer. Don't spend a lot on the back up as most people at that point won't care. If you don't drink it then you still have it for latter where as a keg that uses a hand pump will only last for two days.

See if you could possibly rent a C02 system with those kegs of beer and they wont go flat period if there not finished~

Will pork tamales still be good if left out 3 hours?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unless somebody poisoned it while you weren't watching, yes, it's fine.

Do you need wi-fi when you use Pandora?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wifi is required for Pandora Internet Radio.

What are the cheats for Sims 2 Castaway?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would recommend not cheating before the game ends like i did it is much more enjoyable but i do know the cheats

ps there are only cheats for PlayStation 2! );

Do this one first as it activates the cheat gnome (he should look like a pirate :b )R1,L1 down square R2


x,triangle,L2,R1=gives all plans

Square triangle down x left

L1 up R2 left triangle

triangle L1 L1 left triangle

hope this helps and remember to finish the game first

oh and some tips are

to set up the SOS get the transmitter and ariplane radio and connect them and place them on the top of the volcano! :D as easy as that!

How do you get the Tabuu trophies in brawl?

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Asked by Wiki User

That's not possible, go to the great maze and get to tabuu throw a trophy stand at him when he's weak then grab his trophy to get the other tabuu trophy beat boss battle mode with all characters.