


Human Behavior

The study of human behavior which is affected by genetics, perceived behaviorial controls, attitude, and societal norms

500 Questions

What living things do people eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Animals: beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and fish.

  2. Plants: fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts.

  3. Insects: crickets, grasshoppers, and mealworms.

  4. Seafood: shrimp, crabs, and clams.

  5. Dairy: milk, cheese, and yogurt.

  6. Fungi: mushrooms.

  7. Birds: duck and turkey.

  8. Reptiles: snakes and alligators

  9. Rats and squirrels

  10. Exotic Animals: Kangaroos and Ostriches

Why you fantasize of being a cuckold?

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Asked by Wiki User

أنا أعتقد أنه بعد مرور عشرين سنة من الزواج تكون القدرة الجنسيه للزوج قد ضعفت وبالتالي لا يستطيع تلبية إشباع رغبات زوجته بحيث تصل إلى الرضاء التام خاصةً عندما يكون عمر الزوج في الستينات والزوجة في عمر الاربعينات وفي هذه المرحلة من العمر إذا كان الزوج يحب زوجته عليه أن يشجعها بان تكون مثيرة ويكون منفتح ولا يمنع زوجته من التعرف على رجال أخرين ويشجعها على ذالك بحسب

رغبتها وذالك لن يواءثر على حبهم لبعض ويكون ذالك بالإتفاق على علم مسبق بين الزوجين بحيث يكونون منفتحون على الاخرين جنسيا بفوائد أو بدون فوائد وفي هذه الحالة يجب على الزوج أن يفي بالاتفاق ويحترم زوجته ويصل معها إلى إعادة ضبط العلاقة

Why does everyone hate raiden?

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Asked by ShavenHaven

Opinions on Raiden can vary among fans. Some may dislike him due to his portrayal in certain games where he takes over as the main character, shifting focus away from series protagonist Solid Snake. Others may find his character development to be lacking compared to other characters in the series.

Are there things people don't want you to know?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, there are things that people may not want you to know for various reasons. It could be to protect themselves, their privacy, or to maintain a certain image or advantage. It's important to respect people's boundaries and privacy, while also being cautious of potential dishonesty or hidden agendas.

What is Tybalt's dominant humor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tybalt's dominant humor is choleric. He is known for his quick temper, aggression, and desire for revenge.

Is flattery good or bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Flattery can be both good and bad. While it can be a way to make someone feel good about themselves and improve their self-esteem, it can also be used manipulatively to gain something from someone. It's important to be sincere in giving compliments and not use flattery for selfish reasons.

Why do you still tell other people myths and legends?

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Asked by EvaGrosevagp2971

Myths and legends can provide insight into the beliefs, values, and cultural heritage of different societies. By sharing these stories, we can learn from the wisdom and experiences of our ancestors, and they continue to shape our understanding of the world around us.

Why are boys so confusing and hard to read?

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Asked by Wiki User

Boys, like anyone else, can vary in their communication styles and emotional expression. It's important to remember that individuals are unique and may not always communicate or express themselves in the same way. Clear and open communication can help reduce confusion and improve understanding in any relationship.

What is the best example of behavior expected of a Petrarchan lover?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Petrarchan lover is expected to express their emotions through refined language, cultivate a sense of longing and unrequited love, and idealize the object of their affection. They often engage in self-reflection and introspection, embodying a mix of adoration and torment in their pursuit of the beloved.

What are ten ways conics relate to everyday life?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Satellite dishes and radio telescopes use parabolic reflectors, a type of conic section, to collect and focus signals.
  2. The lenses in cameras and the shape of headlights in cars may be based on conic sections such as ellipses or hyperbolas for optimal focusing.
  3. Roller coasters and water slides often incorporate parabolic shapes in their designs to create thrilling and smooth rides.
  4. Many bridges and arches are designed using parabolic shapes to distribute weight efficiently and provide stability.
  5. Solar panels are often mounted on parabolic troughs to focus sunlight and generate energy.
  6. The shape of a basketball's arc when shot is a parabolic curve.
  7. The design of many famous architecture and art pieces, such as the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, is based on conic sections.
  8. Landscapers may use hyperbolic shapes in the design of paths or tree lines in gardens.
  9. Astronomy uses conic sections to model the orbits of celestial bodies.
  10. The shape of the curve for a water fountain is often based on a parabolic function to create an aesthetically pleasing display.

Importance of individual contribution to the organization?

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Asked by Wiki User

Individual contributions are essential as they bring diverse skills, perspectives, and ideas to the organization. Each person's unique abilities help drive innovation, problem-solving, and overall success. Recognizing and valuing individual contributions can boost morale, motivation, and productivity within the team.

How do you form your own clique?

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Asked by Wiki User

To form your own clique, start by identifying like-minded individuals who share similar interests, values, and goals. Engage in activities together, communicate openly, and foster a sense of belonging within the group. Be inclusive, respectful, and supportive of each member to strengthen the bonds within your clique.

How does the audience get to know Eugene's thoughts Find a few examples of where you get to hear his thoughts and describe these moments and how they function in the play Brighton beach memoirs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Audiences get to know Eugene's thoughts through his monologues where he directly speaks to the audience, providing insight into his inner world. Eugene's asides, where he breaks the fourth wall, also reveal his candid thoughts on the other characters and his personal reflections. These moments serve to give the audience a deeper understanding of Eugene's perspective and emotions, creating a more intimate connection between the character and the viewers in "Brighton Beach Memoirs."

What human trait is the Hare displaying when he says 'I have never yet been beaten when I put forth my full speed'?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Hare is displaying confidence in his own abilities and past successes.

How does media influence violence and aggressive attitudes in young people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Media can influence violence and aggressive attitudes in young people through repeated exposure to violent content, desensitization to violent acts, and the normalization of aggressive behavior as a solution to problems. Additionally, media can also shape perceptions of social norms and influence behaviors through observational learning, where young people may imitate aggressive behaviors they see in media.

Why is it that people want to know whether an actor is gay or not?

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Asked by Wiki User

People's curiosity about an actor's sexual orientation may stem from a desire to feel a personal connection with them, or to understand more about their personal life. Some fans may also see knowing an actor's orientation as a way to challenge stereotypes or support LGBTQ+ representation in media.

Is ego good or bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ego can be both good and bad. It's healthy to have a balanced ego, which provides us with self-confidence and motivation to achieve our goals. However, when ego becomes inflated, it can lead to arrogance, selfishness, and negatively impact our relationships with others.

What is a personality development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Personality development is a phrase that also means personal development. Personal development is a wide subject but in summary it is all types of ways that you improve this can be spirtuality or wealth check out

What are 3 types of motivation?

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Asked by Wiki User

External motivation, Social pressure, and self motivation.

Is it improper for a man to give jewelry as a birthday gift to a married woman?

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Asked by Wiki User

Absolutely improper. Unless that particular married woman was secretly dating the man that wants to give her jewelry. To not decline the gift would be leading the gift-giver to think the married woman is interested in him. If that is the case, then she should go for it, otherwise a firm 'no thank you' is called for. As a married man my wife would be p... I mean she would be mad. Besides if I gave jewelery to another women she woul mean more to me than just a friend. Unless she was family or something like that. I would say in my case that it would be innapropriate.

When a person blames a behavior on bad luck this is example of?

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Asked by Grantgibbs

When a person attributes a behavior to bad luck rather than personal responsibility or other factors, it is an example of external attribution or making an external locus of control attribution. In psychology, attribution refers to the process of explaining the causes of behaviors or events.

In this case, by attributing the behavior to bad luck, the individual is placing the cause of the behavior outside of themselves, suggesting that external factors or circumstances beyond their control (luck) influenced or caused the behavior. This contrasts with internal attribution, where the individual would attribute the behavior to their own characteristics, abilities, or decisions.

What child development theory places emphasis on the importance of discussion and interaction with adults and older children?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theory that places emphasis on the importance of discussion and interaction with adults and older children in child development is known as the sociocultural theory. This theory was developed by Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, in the early 20th century.

According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, cognitive development is strongly influenced by social and cultural factors. He highlighted the role of social interaction, communication, and collaboration in the learning process. The key concepts of this theory include:

  1. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD): Vygotsky introduced the concept of the Zone of Proximal Development, which refers to the gap between what a learner can do independently and what they can achieve with the help of a more knowledgeable person. This knowledgeable person could be an adult, teacher, or a more skilled peer.

  2. Scaffolding: Scaffolding involves providing temporary support to a learner within their ZPD to help them accomplish a task. Adults or more capable peers offer guidance, explanations, and support as the child works on a challenging activity. As the child gains competence, the support is gradually reduced.

  3. Social Interaction and Language: Vygotsky emphasized the significance of social interaction, particularly through language, in the development of cognition. He argued that communication and conversation with others play a crucial role in shaping a child's thinking and problem-solving abilities.

  4. Cultural Tools: Vygotsky proposed that cultural tools, such as language, symbols, and other cognitive artifacts, are integral to cognitive development. These tools are passed down through social interaction and play a vital role in shaping a child's mental processes.

In summary, Vygotsky's sociocultural theory underscores the importance of social interaction, discussion, and collaboration with more knowledgeable individuals as essential factors in a child's cognitive development. This approach contrasts with other theories that focus more on individual exploration and innate processes in child development.

Which was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

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Asked by Alfred46

As a machine learning model created by OpenAI, I don't have personal experiences, emotions, or a life. Therefore, I don't have embarrassing moments or a personal life to share. I'm here to provide information, answer questions, and assist with various queries to the best of my abilities. If there's something specific you'd like assistance with or information on, feel free to ask!

Is there a such thing as being too calm?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's difficult to overcome extra anxiety and panic attacks.

I think a person calms when he or she is feeling alone and their mood is completely off.

What are the the weaknesses of the developmental approach in psychology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many approaches centre on the progression from birth to adulthood in development, but the challenge lies in the fluid and subjective nature of this process, particularly in defining maturity. Biological factors, including physical features like beards and breasts, contribute to varying perceptions of maturity. Genetic makeup can lead to premature hair loss in young individuals, creating discrepancies between appearance and actual maturity. Additionally, intellectual ability (IQ) adds complexity, with instances of high IQ in young children and low IQ in older individuals challenging conventional expectations. Consequently, developmental psychology's focus on constructs like maturity and IQ is debatable and introduces weaknesses to the field. check the channel by Dr T, called Life in its fullness on youtube for more information about this.