


Business Writing

Includes questions related to the research, preparation and writing of written business documents.

500 Questions

Name five parts of a business letter?

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You first put your own name and address in the top right hand corner (if you are not using letterhead or pre-printed stationery), then leave a space blank and put the date:


All business letters follow the same format:



name & title of addressee

company or organization name

address of company or organization

city, state zip

Dear addressee,

First paragraph: State why you are writing. That is all, one or two sentences will do.

Second paragraph: State your supporting information for the above. Keep it to the point. If you have more than two or three pieces of information, use bullets. You can occasionally use two paragraphs here if you have a more lengthy explanation. This is all you need for the body of the letter.

Third paragraph: Tell the addressee how you want them to respond or what you want to do. It's call the "call to action" sentence and one clear sentence will do. For next (and) last sentence, give your contact information; your phone number, e-mail address, or mailing address, whichever is appropriate. This contact information should be the last line of your letter so that it will be easy for the addressee to see.

Close with "Thank you" or "Sincerely",

Print or type your name and sign above it.

Sample letter for team leader position?

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A sample letter for a team leader position should highlight your leadership sills. If you do not have any formal team leader experience, leadership in civic organizations can be used instead.

Most paragraphs should start with a sentence that states the paragraph main idea?

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Yes in a paragraph you have one main topic and have at least 3 supporting/relating statements to that topic Yes in a paragraph you have one main topic and have at least 3 supporting/relating statements to that topic

Give candid description of yourself as a person discussing your greatest assets and liabilities?

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On the whole I am a charming person, but I am not as successful as I should have been by this stage of my life. That is because while I am on the one hand intelligent, well-informed, and a good editor, on the other hand I am socially dysfunctional and have been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome.

Can you give a sample of application letter for a production worker position?

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Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, 09067827472

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

How do you write an expression of interest for employment in a specific position in private?

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An EOI is a covering letter introducing yourself, saying why you would like to do the job. No specific format is required. The selection panel will not be expecting anything too long, it is just literally expressing interest in the job and is more personal than a Resume.

The letter should provide only a few highlights from your resume that are specifically suited to the position. The resume should be attached and it's not necessary to repeat much from it. The purpose of the letter of interest is to give the employer a reason to contact you for an appointment for an interview. At the interview you can expand on your training and experience and how it suits the position.

It is also a good idea to research the position on offer, particularly for Government positions, and read any relevant policies and guidelines. A candidate who can write or speak knowledgeably about the company or organization will have an advantage over those who have not done their homework.

Can you give me a sample of an application letter for a maritime position?

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Your advertisement about your need of a Graduate Marine Transportation in the bulletin today issued on February 19, 2013 caught my attention. I find it increasingly necessary and convenient for me to officially apply to you for the post of Crewmember/Safety Officer/Steward, and any other position relevant to my qualifications as specified below.

I am a seafarer by profession and Filipino by nationality. I graduated from the University of Southern Philippine College. I hold four various international seafaring-related Certificates which seafarers are compulsorily required to submit before they are employed. I have the reputation of being a workaholic.

I would be please to discuss about my qualification in details during the interview. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Thank you for considering my application.

How do you respond to an employment inquiry letter?

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Many times employers will send employment inquiry letters to an applicant's former or current employers. If you are a business owner, manager, or supervisor and receive such a letter, you can provide as much or as little information as you wish, usually depending upon your organization's policy. Some companies will only verify information, but will not offer any new information about employees.

Difference between formal letter and formal report?

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A formal business letter is a communication regarding a matter of business to or from a business, public or private organization, or a private person (persons).

A formal business report is a document of organized information prepared for people within a business, organization, or agency, or to the public.

What are the Parts of technical report?

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NCR3 Automotive Parts Cleaning Project: Technical Report

Implementation of washwater filtration system at D&W Diesel*

Old Process

Parts were cleaned in a high-pressure aqueous cabinet washer. Immediately after the cabinet

washer was charged with fresh cleaning solution, cleaning cycle times were approximately ten

minutes. After one week, cleaning cycle times were increased to fifteen minutes to obtain the

same degree of cleanliness. A cleaning bath lasted four weeks before it had to be disposed of.

New Process

Washwater is filtered and cleaned in a washwater filtration system once a week. This ensures

that the high-pressure aqueous cabinet washer operates with continuously clean solution and that

the cleaning cycle remains ten minutes long throughout the year. The cleaning bath lasts

three months at current production levels before it must be disposed of.


- Longer bath lives save on soap costs, water costs, and waste disposal fees

- Shorter cycle times lead to decreased labor costs

- Shorter cycle times also result in reduced natural gas consumption (79,000 cubic feet per -

year) and reduced electrical consumption (12,600 KWH/year), as cleaning equipment cycle

times are reduced by 5 minutes

- Additional expenses of operating the washwater filtration system (power, coagulant, filter

paper, testing) are more than offset by the savings obtained in waste disposal costs, shorter

cycle times, soap and water usage, and labor.

The Bottom Line

The installed cost of the equipment is $7,200. Annual savings in labor, chemicals, waste

disposal, water, and energy total $5,300. Therefore, the system will pay for itself in about

sixteen months.

How to make a narrative report?

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Asked by Wiki User

The way to make a good documentary report is to be concise and accurate. A documentary is factual. Write an outline laying out the facts of the documentary. Communicate these facts concisely in the report.

How do you make an inside address for a business letter?

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Asked by Wiki User

The inside address in a business letter is the name and address of the person to whom the letter is written. Example:

Name (if applicable)

Title (if applicable)

Name of Company or Organization

Street Address or P.O. Box

City, State (Country, if applicable) zip code (or equivalent)

Example of Double letter sounds?

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# ai - sail, tail, train # ar - car, carpet, card, shark # ay - tray, # ch - chicken, cockroach, church # ea - seal, meal, # ee - sheep, tree, bee # ir - girl, bird, shirt # oa - boat, cockroach, goat, coat # oo - foot, book # oo - spoon, igloo # or - fork, horse # ou - house, mouse # ow - window, bowl # ow - cow, crown, owl # oy - boy, toy # sh - sheep, ship, fish, shark, shirt, shop

How do you write a promotion letter?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a promotion letter, use the standard business format. Address the letter to the person being promoted and include the reasons for the promotion, the new title, and details regarding benefits and pay. Close the letter with a thank you for the hard work that the employee has accomplished to earn the promotion.

How do you write letter of intent for business partnership?

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Asked by Wiki User

A letter of intent is a document that precedes a written contract or agreement. Letters of intent are not required before the delineation of a business deal, but sometimes they can be helpful in setting down the terms a business deal with encompass.

A letter of intent is typically written when two parties are considering doing business together. Sometimes one party writes the letter of intent, while sometimes both parties write their own. It is a way for potential business partners to become accustomed to how they might potentially work together, and to ascertain the desires of both parties.

Generally a letter of intent should include the following:

Letter of Intent Component #1: Binding

The letter of intent should state whether or not it is binding; meaning: do both parties agree to be held accountable for the contents of the letter of intent? If so, then the letter of intent becomes the precursor to the actual agreement, and nothing in the contract can contradict the language in the letter of intent.

Letter of Intent Component #2: Basic Scope of Business Partnership

The first paragraph of a letter of intent should describe the basic scope of the partnership: type of business, length of contract, basic terms, etc. It doesn't need to specifically detail every aspect of the business, but it should give the big picture for the association.

Letter of Intent Component #3: Predetermined Decisions

Next, the letter of intent should state the terms and conditions to which both partners have already agreed. For example, if you know that the profits from the business venture will be split 50-50, that should be included in this section of the letter of intent.

Letter of Intent Component #4: Desired Terms

The party writing the letter should then describe the ideal partnership agreement from his or her perspective. This is not something to which you have already agreed, but something that will undergo negotiation later. Feel free to be as selfish as you want during this section because you most likely will not get everything that you want.

Letter of Intent Component #5: Disagreements

If you and your prospective business partner have already disagreed over a potential issue, state it here. Explain that you have not agreed upon the exact terms of this issue, but that it is currently on the table.

Letter of Intent Component #6: Method of Resolution

How will you and your business partner(s) reach resolution on the issue that have not yet been decided? Detail a date and time for resolution, and explain what will happen if resolution cannot be reached.

Letter of Intent Component #7: Statement of Intent

The final section of your letter of intent should give your statement of intent. Reiterate your desire for a business relationship, and explain what needs to be done in order to solidify the agreement.

What does auto-signature button mean in an email?

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In an e-mail, an auto-signature is text that is added to the bottom of each e-mail that you send. Depending on your e-mail provider, the auto-signature button will probably open up a window in which you can write the text that you want for your auto signature. Many people include their business phone number in their signature.

When writing a letter on a computer what type of software would you use?

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Asked by Wiki User

The software for writing letters is called a word processing program.

The most commonly used word processing programs are:

  • Microsoft Word
  • WordPerfect
  • TextMaker
  • Google Docs

Is ladies and gentlemen a good salutation for an e mail?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The aforementioned salutation is very appropriate, and with respect to the previous, answers not "Cheesy" at all for a letter. While I realize we live in a very egalitarian and republican society that should not serve as an excuse for not treating other with respect. Similar to saying Ma'am or Sir, the use of Ladies and Gentlemen, mere shows the writer has mastery of the English language and is willing to give other the respect most feel they deserve. If some one is offended by the use of this salutation, my response would be, "it is what my grandmother would expect," and leave it at that. Words have meaning and the best way to start off a letter or conversation, it to use words that show both respect and courtesy.

Your humble servant,

A Southern Gentleman

What does a slash mean before a name signature in emails?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is intended to suggest a signature as opposed to just the typed name. I suspect this practice derives from similar signifiers used in typewritten copies of legal documents. It also seems likely that it is related to the practice of using slashes to represent /italics/. The parallel with closing HTML tags () may also have helped to cement this practice as it is used at the end of an email. This seems like a more tenuous connection but it does account for the loss of the slash after the name. Another explanation for that could be that the email style is a blend of two common typewritten styles (see below). Email version: /John Doe Typewriter versions: s/John Doe /John Doe/

Can you give me a sample of authorization letter who someone to pick up my admission letter?

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...>this one is from


January 15, 2009

Registrar Office

Registrar of The Davao Medical School Foundation Inc.

Medical School Drive, Bajada, Davao City

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am authorizing Miss Emerald Campos to apply for and pick my Official Transcript of Records from the Davao Medical School Foundation Inc. Davao City

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Gian Isaac Tan

How do you write an invitation letter for a basketball tournament?

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The letter written to a friend describing her sports day that was held at the school can explain the events that were held. It can tell of her accomplishments throughout the day. It can also tell things that were considered favorite parts of the day.

How do you write a letter of intent to rent a stall?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first paragraph of any business letter states the purpose of the business letter, for example:

"I'm writing to request a stall rental. The stall should be adequate for... (state the use of the stall)."

The second paragraph should give the specifics of your needs, for example:

"I will need to rent this space for a period of... (state time period beginning and ending). Please provide me with a rate schedule for a stall of the appropriate size and... (include what amenities and/or associated facilities are needed)."

The third paragraph of any business letter is known as 'the call to action paragraph', in other word, tell the recipient what you expect them to do in response to your letter, for example:

"Please send this information to me at the address above (and/or give email address) at your earliest convenience as I will need the stall by (date needed). If you have any questions or require further information you can contact me at (give phone number and/or email address). Thank you for your prompt attention to my request."
