

Prehistoric Animals

Prehistoric animals represent the vast majority of extinct animals. Through exploration, scientists are piecing together from the first sea dwelling organisms to modern day species. Types of questions covered are about animals who existed before recorded history and the ever popular debate as to what caused the dinosaur extinction.

500 Questions

Do pigeons mate for life?

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No, pigeons do not mate for life. They usually form monogamous pairs that can last for a breeding season, but they may choose new mates in future seasons.

How long has the coelacanth been around for?

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The coelacanth has been around for over 400 million years, making it a living fossil. It was once thought to be extinct until a living specimen was discovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa.

What are some prehistoric creatures that lived in Alaska?

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Some prehistoric creatures that lived in Alaska include woolly mammoths, mastodons, sabertooth cats, short-faced bears, and giant ground sloths. These creatures roamed the region during the Pleistocene epoch around 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago.

What is the most successful during the Mesizoic era?

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Dinosaurs were the most successful group of animals during the Mesozoic era, dominating terrestrial ecosystems for millions of years. They evolved into a diverse range of shapes and sizes and were the top predators in many environments. The Mesozoic era also saw the rise of flowering plants and the expansion of marine reptiles.

Mandarin of membran is chimestry formula?

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In Mandarin, "membrane" is 薄膜 (bó mò). Chemistry formula is 化学式 (huà xué shì).

What hunted the mammoths?

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Mammoths were hunted by early humans for their meat, hides, and bones. They were also targeted by predators such as saber-toothed cats and dire wolves. Additionally, changes in climate and habitat loss may have contributed to the decline of the mammoth population.

What is the study of DNA called?

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The study of DNA is called genetics. Genetics is the branch of biology that focuses on the inheritance, variation, and expression of genes in organisms.

Why must scientists be careful with the evidence they find?

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Scientists must be careful with the evidence they find to ensure its accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of their research and drawing valid conclusions. Careful handling of evidence also helps prevent biases, errors, or misinterpretations that could impact the credibility of scientific results.

Who discovered fossils of ice age animals?

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Various scientists have discovered fossils of ice age animals, including paleontologists like Georges Cuvier, Charles Lyell, and Mary Leakey. These fossils have enabled us to learn more about the animals that lived during the ice age and how they adapted to their environment.

The first dinosaur foot and the fossil found on Vega Island in 2009 were representative of what geologic time period?

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The first dinosaur footprints were found in the Late Triassic Period, around 231 million years ago. The fossil discovered on Vega Island in 2009 likely belonged to a Late Cretaceous dinosaur, dating back to around 66 million years ago.

What are the five largest mass extinction events in the history of life on Earth?

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The five largest mass extinction events in Earth's history are the Ordovician-Silurian extinction, Devonian extinction, Permian-Triassic extinction, Triassic-Jurassic extinction, and the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction. These events resulted in the loss of a significant portion of Earth's biodiversity at the time.

How do you preserve ancient tools and bones?

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Ancient tools and bones can be preserved by storing them in controlled environments with stable temperature, humidity, and lighting. It is important to avoid exposure to moisture, sunlight, and fluctuations in temperature. Additionally, using proper storage materials such as acid-free paper, archival boxes, and protective coverings can help prevent deterioration. Regular monitoring and maintenance are also essential to ensure the long-term preservation of these artifacts.

What appeared near the beginning of the Cretaceous period?

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During the beginning of the Cretaceous period, flowering plants (angiosperms) started to diversify and became more prominent. This period also saw the rise of new groups of dinosaurs, such as the ceratopsians and ankylosaurs, and the continuation of the dominance of groups like theropod dinosaurs.

What period was after the cretaceous?

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The period after the Cretaceous is the Paleogene period, which is part of the Cenozoic era. It includes the Paleocene, Eocene, and Oligocene epochs.

How long ago did basilasauras live?

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Basilosaurus lived during the Eocene epoch, approximately 40-34 million years ago.

Do you capitalize megalodon?

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Yes, "Megalodon" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific species of prehistoric shark.

What are woolly mammoths predators?

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Woolly mammoths had a few natural predators, including early humans and some large carnivores like saber-toothed cats, cave lions, and perhaps even wolves. However, due to their large size and social behavior, adult woolly mammoths were likely less vulnerable to predation, with calves being the more common targets for predators.

What is the scientific name for the mythical animal the dragon?

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Asked by Gracie1717

The scientific name for the mythical animal known as the dragon is "Draco" or "Draco volans" which is a genus of gliding lizards found in Southeast Asia.

What is the scientific name for ammonites?

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Ammonites are members of the subclass Ammonoidea. They get their name from Pliny the Elder, a Roman historian, who called the ammonis cornua (meaning "horns of Ammon," referring to the Egyptian god who was often depicted wearing ram's horns).

What is the scientific name for the map turtle?

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The scientific name for the map turtle is Graptemys spp.

Which animals are extincted?

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Some examples of extinct animals include the dodo, thylacine (Tasmanian tiger), and passenger pigeon. These species have disappeared entirely from the Earth due to factors such as habitat destruction, overhunting, and climate change.

What is the scientific name for tarpon?

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The scientific name for tarpon is Megalops atlanticus.

Did hominoids come from anthropoids?

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Yes, hominoids and anthropoids are both groups of primates that belong to the same superfamily, Hominoidea. Hominoids include apes and humans, while anthropoids include apes, monkeys, and humans. Therefore, hominoids did not come from anthropoids; rather, they share a common ancestor within the primate evolutionary tree.

The vertebrate jaw first appeared in?

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The vertebrate jaw first appeared in early jawless fishes, such as the now-extinct Placodermi, around 450 million years ago during the Ordovician period. This evolutionary development allowed for more efficient feeding and contributed to the success of jawed vertebrates.