


Cooking Equipment

The culinary arts require many tools to assist in the preparation of delectable food products. Whether your question is about equipment, appliances, or utensils, this is the place to ask it.

500 Questions

How did the blender change society?

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Blenders have changed society by making food preparation more efficient and convenient. They have revolutionized the way we prepare various meals and beverages, promoting healthier eating habits and helping people save time in the kitchen. Additionally, blenders have inspired creativity in cooking and led to the popularization of smoothies and other blended drinks.

How old is the fork?

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The fork dates back to ancient civilizations, with the first known use in ancient Egypt around 4th century BC. It became more common in Europe in the Middle Ages. Today, forks are a widely used utensil in many cultures around the world.

Does microwaves corrupt food cells?

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Microwaves can heat food by causing water molecules to vibrate, but they do not corrupt food cells. Cooking food using a microwave is generally safe and can help preserve nutrients due to shorter cooking times and lower heat exposure. It's important to follow proper cooking guidelines and use microwave-safe containers to avoid any potential issues.

Can I have shy-dragers syndrome and pots at the same time or are they the same thing with different names?

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Shy-Drager syndrome, also known as Multiple System Atrophy, and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) are different conditions with distinct symptoms and underlying mechanisms. While some symptoms may overlap, they are not the same disorder. It is possible for someone to have both conditions simultaneously, but a proper medical evaluation is necessary for accurate diagnosis and management.

What does 120 volt one phase mean?

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120 volt one phase means that the electrical system operates at a voltage of 120 volts and is supplied by a single phase of alternating current. This type of power supply is commonly used in residential settings and for smaller electrical devices.

How did the neanderthals lived?

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Neanderthals were early human ancestors who lived in Europe and parts of Asia from about 400,000 to 40,000 years ago. They lived in small groups, hunted animals for food, made tools from stone and bone, and lived in simple shelters. They had social structures and cared for their sick and elderly.

Are ceramic knives as good as German steel knives?

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Ceramic knives and German steel knives each have their own strengths and weaknesses, and which one is "better" depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here's a comparison of ceramic knives and German steel knives:

Ceramic Knives:

Sharpness: Ceramic knives are known for their exceptional sharpness and edge retention. They can maintain a sharp edge for a long time without the need for frequent sharpening, making them ideal for tasks that require precise and clean cuts.

Lightweight: Ceramic knives are typically lighter in weight compared to steel knives, which can make them easier to handle and maneuver, particularly for extended periods of use.

Non-reactive: Ceramic knives are non-reactive, meaning they won't transfer any metallic taste or odor to food. This makes them suitable for cutting fruits, vegetables, and other acidic foods without affecting their flavor.

Brittleness: Ceramic knives are more brittle than steel knives and can chip or break if subjected to excessive force, such as chopping hard foods or hitting bone. Care must be taken to avoid dropping or twisting ceramic knives to prevent damage.

Limited Versatility: Ceramic knives are best suited for slicing and cutting fruits, vegetables, and boneless meats. They are not recommended for tasks that require heavy-duty cutting or chopping, as they may chip or break under pressure.

German Steel Knives:

Durability: German steel knives are known for their durability and robustness. They can withstand heavy-duty use and are less prone to chipping or breaking compared to ceramic knives.

Versatility: German steel knives are versatile tools that can be used for a wide range of cutting tasks, including slicing, chopping, dicing, and mincing. They are suitable for cutting both soft and hard foods, as well as bone-in meats.

Ease of Maintenance: German steel knives are relatively easy to sharpen and maintain compared to ceramic knives. They can be sharpened using a traditional sharpening stone, honing rod, or electric sharpener.

Weight: German steel knives tend to be heavier than ceramic knives, which can provide better stability and control when cutting dense or tough foods.

Cost: German steel knives are generally more affordable than ceramic knives, making them a popular choice for home cooks and professional chefs alike.

Overall, both ceramic knives and German steel knives have their own advantages and disadvantages. Ceramic knives excel in sharpness and edge retention but are more prone to chipping or breaking. German steel knives offer durability, versatility, and ease of maintenance but may require more frequent sharpening. The choice between ceramic and steel knives ultimately depends on your personal preferences, cooking style, and intended use.

If one is superstitious over which shoulder should one throw salt?

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Traditionally, if one is superstitious and spills salt, they should throw a pinch of salt over their left shoulder to ward off bad luck or evil spirits. This superstition comes from the belief that the devil tends to linger over one's left shoulder.

Remove newspaper ink from a cast iron tub?

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To remove newspaper ink from a cast iron tub, you can try using a mixture of baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the ink stains, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub with a soft sponge. You can also try using rubbing alcohol or white vinegar on a cloth to gently wipe away the ink stains.

What is stinger heats water and how do you make one?

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A stinger is a small device that can heat water for various purposes, such as making hot beverages or heating small amounts of water for cleaning. It typically consists of a heating element attached to a cord that can be immersed in water. To make one, you would need a heating element, a power source, and a waterproof casing to protect the wiring when submerged in water. It is important to ensure safety measures and use caution when building and using a homemade stinger.

What is standing time?

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Standing time refers to the amount of time that food should be left to rest or cool before being consumed or processed further. Standing time allows for temperature equalization and helps ensure that food is safe to eat.

What is a group of cutlery called besides a set?

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It may be called a service as we call a set of china a "service for 12" or the like. Some boxes of cutlery are marked "40 piece service for 8" for example. You would expect that box to contain 8 salad forks, 8 dinner forks, 8 knives, 8 soup spoons and 8 teaspoons.

How do you use a Oven?

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Hi there to use a oven you have to familiarise your self with it and how it works if it is a gas then you would turn a nob then press a sprker to ignite a fire up the oven , after you turn the nob to the temperature you want it to be at . With electric ovens eg fan you do the same but you dont need to spark an ignitor

What is tha temperature of deep freezer?

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The temperature of a deep freezer typically ranges from around -20°C to -30°C (-4°F to -22°F). This ultra-low temperature range is ideal for long-term storage of perishable items, such as meat, fish, and other frozen goods, as it helps to prevent freezer burn and maintain the quality of the stored items for extended periods. However, the exact temperature may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer of the deep freezer.

What is the length of a fork in centimeters?

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Asked by Wewoolum

To measure the length of a fork you would use inches or millimeters.

How often should a knife be sharpened?

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The frequency with which you should sharpen a knife depends on various factors, including how often you use the knife, the type of knife, the cutting tasks involved, and your own preferences. Here are some general guidelines:

Usage Frequency:

High-frequency usage, such as daily cooking or professional kitchen work, may require more frequent sharpening. If you use your knife less frequently, it might not need sharpening as often.

Type of Knife:

Different knives serve different purposes, and their sharpening needs can vary. For example, a chef's knife used for chopping and slicing might need more frequent sharpening than a utility knife or a specialized knife.

Cutting Tasks:

Cutting tasks also influence how often a knife should be sharpened. If you frequently cut through dense or tough materials, the knife may require more regular sharpening.

Cutting Surface:

The surface on which you cut plays a role. Softer cutting surfaces, like wood or plastic cutting boards, are less abrasive to the knife edge than harder surfaces like glass or granite. Using softer cutting surfaces can help maintain the edge for a longer time.

Knife Maintenance:

Regular maintenance, such as honing with a honing rod or steel, can help extend the time between actual sharpening sessions. Honing doesn't remove metal but straightens the edge and can be done more frequently.

Personal Preference:

Some individuals prefer their knives to be extremely sharp and may sharpen them more frequently, while others are comfortable with a less acute edge. Personal preference plays a role in determining the sharpening frequency.

As a general guideline, a kitchen knife that is used regularly for typical kitchen tasks might benefit from sharpening every 2-3 months. However, it's crucial to pay attention to the knife's performance and sharpen it when needed. Signs that a knife requires sharpening include:

Decreased Cutting Performance: If the knife doesn't cut as smoothly as before, it may need sharpening.

Blade Feels Dull or Tugs: A dull blade tends to tug or drag on food rather than effortlessly slicing through it.

Visible Nicks or Damage: If the blade has visible nicks, chips, or damage, it's time for more than just honing, and sharpening is necessary.

Adjust the sharpening frequency based on your specific needs, habits, and the condition of your knives. Using proper cutting techniques and storing knives appropriately can also contribute to maintaining their sharpness for longer periods.

Development of food service from early days to present?

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  1. From communal meals in ancient civilizations to the present-day diversity of fast-food chains, casual dining, and online food delivery, the evolution of food service mirrors societal changes and technological advancements. Traditional family cooking has transformed into a dynamic industry catering to diverse tastes, convenience, and modern lifestyles.`

What knife do you use to cut ham?

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When cutting ham, it's common to use a slicing knife, which is a type of knife designed for precisely slicing through large cuts of meat, such as roasts, ham, or turkey. A slicing knife typically has a long, narrow blade with a pointed tip. The length of the blade allows for long, smooth strokes, resulting in thin and even slices.

Key features of a slicing knife for cutting ham include:

Blade Length: Slicing knives usually have a longer blade, typically around 9 to 12 inches, to facilitate smooth, even slicing in a single motion.

Thin and Sharp Blade: The blade of a slicing knife is thin and sharp, allowing it to glide through meat with minimal resistance and creating clean slices.

Pointed Tip: The pointed tip helps with precision when starting the cut, and it can also be used to navigate around bones if necessary.

Granton Edge (Optional): Some slicing knives have a Granton edge, which refers to shallow divots or hollowed-out sections on the blade. This design helps reduce friction and prevents slices from sticking to the blade, making for smoother cutting.

When using a slicing knife to cut ham, it's important to secure the ham in place to ensure stability during the slicing process. Additionally, a carving fork can be helpful to hold the ham in place while you make the slices.

Ultimately, the goal is to achieve thin, uniform slices for serving. If you don't have a slicing knife, a sharp chef's knife can also be used, but a dedicated slicing knife is often preferred for this specific task.

What is the classification of electric knife?

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Electric knives fall into the category of powered or motorized knives. These knives use electricity to create rapid back-and-forth motion in the blades, making them a convenient tool for slicing and carving various foods. Electric knives are typically classified based on their primary functions and intended uses:

General Electric Knife:

These electric knives are versatile and suitable for a variety of cutting tasks. They often come with interchangeable blades for slicing bread, meat, and other foods. General electric knives are commonly used in kitchens for everyday food preparation.

Carving Electric Knife:

Designed specifically for carving cooked meats, such as roasts or poultry. Carving knives typically have longer blades that allow for smoother slicing and carving of larger pieces of meat.

Bread Electric Knife:

Specialized for slicing bread and other baked goods. The serrated blades on bread electric knives make it easy to achieve clean and even slices without crushing the bread.

Fillet Electric Knife:

Tailored for filleting fish. Fillet electric knives often have a more flexible blade that can contour to the shape of the fish, making it easier to remove bones and skin.

The classification is based on the specific tasks each type of electric knife is designed to perform. Keep in mind that there may be variations in features and blade designs among different electric knife models, but these general categories capture the primary functions of electric knives in the kitchen.

What mixer does lorraine pascale use on baking made easy?

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Check out this channel it has a lot of videos of cooking and drink courses ,wine tasting and more

What is the function of a slotted spoon in cooking?

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A slotted or perforated spoon, is designed to lift out a solid from as liquid and allow the liquid to drain away.

How does an induction cooker work?

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It only works on iron or stainless steel dishes. It will not cook onto the surface of the stove. Nothing but the pans will cook. Magnets make the heat. They are wonderful for candy making and cooking in general. With the touch of a button, you can go from simmer to boil.

What are some kitchen appliances and their uses?

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There are so many types of kitchen appliances! There are furniture/appliance stores that specialize in discount kitchen appliances and new kitchen appliances. There are also thousands of specialized appliances for commercial kitchens. The list is much too long to include here.